EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

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Assignment: Letter of Introduction

Write a letter that reflects who you are and what you have to offer as a teacher. The letter will later be given to your cooperating teacher and university facilitator. It will also serve as a foundation for a covering letter of a teaching application package. The letter must be clearly written, well organized, proofread and professional in appearance.

Here are some of the questions that can be addressed in the letter:

  • Why are you choosing this profession?

  • What are your perceptions of:

    • Teaching?
    • A teacher's responsibilities?
    • A teacher's workload?

  • Why are you interested in teaching this particular age group?

  • What teaching/leadership experiences do you have? (In particular with this age group.) What did you learn through these activities that will you help and/or your students?

  • What are your strengths? What do you see yourself working on during student teaching?

  • Other ideas?

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