Popular Science
Signs of Extreme Gravity,
Sharon M. Morsink, November 3, 2000,
Science, Volume 290, 945-946.
Black holes: the inside story,
Serge Droz, Werner Israel and Sharon M. Morsink,
January 1996, Physics World, 34.
Neutron Stars
Multi-epoch Analysis of Pulse Shapes from the Neutron Star SAX J1808.4-3658
Sharon Morsink and Denis Leahy, 2011, ApJ 726, 56
Constraints on the Properties of the Neutron Star XTE J1814-338 from Pulse Shape Models
Denis Leahy, Sharon Morsink, Yi-Ying Chung, Yi Chou,
2009, ApJ 691, 1235-1242
Limits on Mass and Radius for the ms-Period X-ray Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658
Denis Leahy, Sharon Morsink, Coire Cadeau,
2008, ApJ 672, 1119-1126
The Oblate Schwarzschild Approximation for Light Curves of Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars
Sharon Morsink, Denis Leahy, Coire Cadeau, John Braga,
2007, ApJ 663, 1244-1251
Light Curves for Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars
Coire Cadeau, Sharon Morsink, Denis Leahy, Sheldon Campbell,
2007, ApJ 654, 458-469
Rotational Broadening of Atomic Spectral Features from Neutron Stars,
Philip Chang, Sharon Morsink, Lars Bildsten, Ira Wasserman, 2006,
ApJ 636 L117-L120.
Pulse Shapes from Rapidly-Rotating Neutron Stars: Equatorial Photon Orbits,
Coire Cadeau, Denis A. Leahy, and Sharon M. Morsink, 2005,
ApJ 618, 451-462.
The Effect of Neutron Star Gravitational-Binding Energy on
Gravitational-Radiation-Driven Mass-Transfer Binaries,
Evelyne Alecian and Sharon M. Morsink, 2004,
ApJ, 614, 914-921.
Saturation of the R-mode Instability,
Phil Arras, Eanna E. Flanagan, Sharon M. Morsink, A. Katrin Schenk, Saul A. Teukolsky, and Ira Wasserman, 2003,
ApJ 591, 1129-1151.
Nonlinear Couplings between r-Modes of Rotating Neutron Stars,
Sharon M. Morsink, 2002, ApJ 571, 435-446.
Hydrostatic Expansion and Spin Changes During Type I X-Ray Bursts,
Andrew Cumming, Sharon M. Morsink, Lars Bildsten, John L. Friedman, and Daniel
E. Holz,
Astrophysical Journal 564, 343-352.
Normal Modes of Rotating Magnetic Stars,
Sharon M. Morsink and Vahid Rezania, 2002,
ApJ 574, 908-919.
Correlations in the QPO Frequencies of Low Mass X-Ray Binaries and the Relativistic Precession Model,
Luigi Stella, Mario Vietri and Sharon Morsink, 1999,
Astrophysical Journal 524, L63-L66.
precession around rotating neutron stars: Effects due to frame-dragging
and stellar oblateness,
Sharon M. Morsink and Luigi Stella, 1999, APJ
513, 827-844.
Modes of Rotating Relativistic Stars: Neutral Modes for Realistic Equations
of State,
Sharon M. Morsink, Nikolaos Stergioulas and Steve R. Blattnig,
1999, ApJ 510, 854-861.
Radiation Instability in Hot Young Neutron Stars,
Lee Lindblom, Ben
J. Owen and Sharon M. Morsink, 1998, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 4843-4846.
instability of rotating relativistic stars,
John L. Friedman and Sharon M. Morsink, 1998, ApJ 502, 714-720.
Black Holes
late-time singularity inside non-spherical black holes, Patrick R.
Brady, Serge Droz and Sharon M. Morsink, 1998, Phys. Rev. D58, 084034.
dynamics: Covariant (2+2)-splitting of the Einstein equations, P.R.
Brady, S. Droz, W. Israel and S.M. Morsink, 1996, Classical and Quantum
Gravity 13, 2211-2230.
of the Spherical Black Hole Interior, Alfio Bonanno, Serge Droz, Werner
Israel, and Sharon M. Morsink, 1995, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 450, 553-567.
of the inner singularity of a spherical black hole, A. Bonanno, S.
Droz, W. Israel, and S.M. Morsink, 1994, Physical Review D50, 7372-7375.
Effects in Black Hole Interiors, Warren G. Anderson, Patrick R. Brady,
Werner Israel, and Sharon M. Morsink, 1993, Physical Review Letters 70,
Black Hole Radiation
of Dirac Particles in 1+1 Dimensions, Sharon M. Morsink and Robert
B. Mann, 1991, Classical and Quantum Gravity 8, 2257-2268.
Semiclassical Gravity
in 1+1 Dimensions, R.B. Mann, S.M. Morsink, A.E. Sikkema and T.G. Steele,
1991, Physical Review D43, 3948-3957.
Applied Physics
Controlled Magnet
Excitation for Electron Beam Scanning in Industrial Irradiators, B.F.
White, S.T. Craig, V.A. Mason, S.M. Morsink and D.L. Smyth, 1990, in EPAC
90: 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Editors: P. Marin and
P. Mandrillon, Editions Frontieres, 1855-1857.
Sharon Morsink