Jingli Luo: C.V.
Ph. D. |
McMaster University |
1992 |
B. Eng. |
The University of Science & Technology Beijing |
1982 |
List of publications since 1999
a.Refereed Journal Publications, published or accepted
1 Y.F. Cheng, C. Yang and J.L. Luo, "Determination of the diffusivity
of point defects in passive films on carbon steel", Thin Solid Film
(in press).
2 J.G. Yu, J.L. Luo and P.R. Norton, "Investigation of hydrogen
induced pitting active sites", Electrochimica Acta (in press).
3 J.G. Yu, J.L. Luo and P.R. Norton, 2002, "Investigation of
Hydrogen Promoted Pitting by Electrochemical Noise Method and Scanning Reference
Electrode Technique", Langmuir, 18, pp. 6637-6646.
4 P. He, M. Liu, J.L. Luo, A.R. Sanger and K.T. Chuang, 2002, "Stabilization
of Platinum Anode Catalyst in a H2S-O2 SOFC with an Intermediate TiO2 Layer",
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 149, pp. A808-A814.
5 W.S. Li and J.L. Luo, 2002, "Uniformity of Passive Films formed
on Ferrite and Martensite by different inorganic Inhibitors", Corrosion
Science, 44, pp. 1695-1712.
6 J. G. Yu, J. L. Luo and P.R. Norton, 2002, "Electrochemical
Investigation of the Effects of Hydrogen on the Stability of the Passive
Film on Iron," Electrochimica Acta, 47, pp. 1527-1536.
7 G.S. Weng, J.L. Luo and D.G. Ivey, 2002, "Galvanic Corrosion
Behavior of GaAs in Acid Solutions", Journal of Vacuum Science Technology
A, 20, pp. 1015-1022.
8 N. Cui, J. L. Luo and K.T. Chuang, 2001, "Study of Hydrogen
Diffusion in - and -phase hydrides of Mg2Ni Alloy by Microelectrode Technique,"
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 503, pp. 92-98.
9 J. G. Yu and J. L. Luo and P.R. Norton, 2001, "Effects of
Hydrogen on the Electronic Properties and Stability of the Passive Films
on Iron", Applied Surface Science, 177, pp. 129-138.
10 Q. Yang and J.L. Luo, 2001, "Effects of hydrogen on Disorder
of Passive Films and Pitting Susceptibility of Type 310 Stainless Steel"
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 148, pp. B29-B35.
11 M. Liu, P. He, J.L. Luo, A.R. Sanger and K.T. Chuang, 2001, "Performance
of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Utilizing Hydrogen Sulfide as Fuel", Journal
of Power Sources, 94, pp. 20-25.
12 Y.F.Cheng, M. Wilmott and J.L. Luo, 2001, "Application of
Noise Resistance in Carbon Steel Corrosion", Portugaliae Electrochimica
Acta, 19, pp. 43-55.
13 Q. Yang and J.L. Luo, 2000, "Effects of Hydrogen and Tensile
Stress on the Breakdown of Passive Films on Type 304 Stainless Steel",
Electrochimica Acta, 46, pp. 851-859.
14 Y.F. Cheng and J.L. Luo, 2000, "A Comparison of the Pitting
Susceptibility and Semiconducting Properties of the Passive Films on Carbon
Steel in Chromate and Bicarbonate Solutions," Applied Surface Science,
167, pp. 113-121.
15 Q. Yang and J.L. Luo, 2000, "The Effects of Hydrogen on the
Breakdown of Passive Films Formed on Type 304 Stainless Steel," Thin
Solid Film, 371, pp. 132-139.
16 N. Cui and J. L. Luo, 2000, "An AC Impedance Study of Self-Discharge
Mechanism of Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) Battery Using Mg2Ni-Type Hydrogen
Storage Alloy Anode", Electrochimica Acta, 45, pp. 3973-3981.
17 Q. Yang and J.L. Luo, 2000, "The Hydrogen-Enhanced Effects
of Chloride Ions on the Passivity of Type 304 Stainless Steel", Electrochimica
Acta, 45, pp. 3927-3937.
18 Q. Yang and J.L. Luo, 2000, "Martensite Transformation and
Surface Cracking of Hydrogen Charged and Outgassed Type 304 Stainless Steel",
Materials Science and Engineering A, 288, pp.75-83.
19 N. Cui, J.L. Luo and K.T. Chuang, 2000, "Nickel-Metal Hydride
(Ni-MH) Battery Using Mg2Ni-type Hydrogen Storage Alloy", Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, 302, pp. 218-226.
20 Y.F. Cheng, J.L. Luo and M. Wilmott, 2000, "Spectral Analysis
of Electrochemical Noise with Different Transient Shapes", Electrochimica
Acta, 45, pp. 1763-1771.
21 N. Cui, P. He and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Magnesium-Based Hydrogen
Storage Materials Modified by Mechanical Alloying", Acta Materialia,
47(14), pp. 3737-3743.
22 M.Z. Yang, J. L. Luo and B.M. Patchett, 1999, "Correlation
of Hydrogen-Facilitated Pitting of AISI 304 Stainless Steel to Semiconductivity
of Passive Films", Thin Solid Film, 354, pp. 142-147.
23 Y.F. Cheng, M. Wilmott and J.L. Luo, 1999, "The Role of Chloride
Ions in Pitting of Carbon Steel Studied by the Statistical Analysis of Electrochemical
Noise", Applied Surface Science, 152, pp. 161-168.
24 Y.F. Cheng and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Passivity and Pitting of
Carbon Steel in Chromate Solutions", Electrochimica Acta, 44,
pp. 4795-4804.
25 M.Z. Yang, J.L. Luo, Q. Yang, L.J. Qiao, Z.Q. Qin and P.R. Norton,
1999, "Effects of Hydrogen on Semiconductivity of Passive Film and
Corrosion Behavior of 310 Stainless Steel", Journal of the Electrochemical
Society, 146 (6), pp. 2107-2112.
26 Q. Yang, L.J. Qiao, S. Chiovelli and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Critical
Hydrogen Charging Conditions for Martensite Transformation in Type 304 Stainless
Steel and Surface Cracking," Scripta Materialia, 40 (11), pp.
27 N. Cui, P. He and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Synthesis and Characterization
of Nanocrystalline Magnesium-Based Hydrogen Storage Alloy Electrode Materials",
Electrochimica Acta, 44, pp. 3549-3558.
28 Y.F. Cheng and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Electronic Structure and
Pitting Susceptibility of Passive Film on Carbon Steel", Electrochimica
Acta, 44, pp. 2947-2957.
29 N. Cui and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Effects of Oxide Additions on
Electrochemical Hydriding and Dehydriding Behavior of Mg2Ni type Hydrogen
Storage Alloy Electrode in 6M KOH Solution", Electrochimica Acta,
44, pp. 711-720.
30 Y.F. Cheng and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Metastable pitting of Carbon
Steel under Potentiostatic Control", Journal of the Electrochemical
Society, 146 (3), pp. 970-976.
31 Y.F. Cheng, M. Wilmott and J.L. Luo, 1999, "Analysis of the
Role of Electrode Capacitance of A516 Carbon Steel on the Initiation of
Pits by Electrochemical Noise Measurements", Corrosion Science,
41(7), pp. 1245-1256.
32 M. Z. Yang, Q. Yang and J. L. Luo, 1999, "Effects of Hydrogen
on Passive Film and Corrosion of AISI 310 Stainless Steel", Corrosion
Science, 41, pp. 741-745.
33 N. Cui and J. L. Luo, 1999, "Electrochemical Study of Hydrogen
Diffusion Behavior in Mg2Ni-Type Hydrogen Storage Alloy Electrodes",
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 24(1), pp. 37-42.
b. Other Refereed Publications
i. Letters
1. N. Cui, H.Y. Ma, J.L. Luo and S. Chiovelli, 2001, "Use
of Scanning Reference Electrode Technique for Characterizing Pitting and
General Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Neutral Media" Electrochemistry
Communications, 3, pp. 716-721.
2. C.A. Steer, G.S. Weng, J.L. Luo and D.G. Ivey, 2000, "Formation
of As2O3 During Anodic Dissolution of GaAs", Electrochemistry
Communications, 2, pp. 754-761.
3. Weishan Li and Jingli Luo, 1999, "Electronic Properties
and Pitting Susceptibility of Passive Films formed on Iron in Chromate
Solution", Electrochemistry Communications, 1, pp. 349-353.
ii. Monographs, books or book chapters
1 M.B. Ives, J.L. Luo and J.R. Rodda Eds., 2001, 8th International
Symposium on Passivity of Metals and Semiconductors, Corrosion Monograph
Series, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., Pennington, NJ, Proceedings
Vol. 99-42.