Journal Publications
Vali, A., Nobes, D.S. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2014) Transport Phenomena with the Liquid Phase of a Laboratory-Scale Circular Methanol Pool Fire, Combustion and Flame, 161:1076-1084
Vali, A., Nobes, D.S. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2013) Effects of Altering the Liquid Phase Boundary Conditions of Methanol Pool Fires, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 44:786-791
Woods, J.A.R., Fleck, B.A. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2006) Effects of Transverse Air Flow on Burning Rates of Rectangular Methanol Pool Fires, Combustion and Flame, 146:379-390
Majeski, A.J., Wilson, D.J and Kostiuk, L.W. (2003) Predicting the Length of Low Momentum Jet Diffusion Flares in Cross Flow, Combustion Science and Technology,176 (12) 2001-2025
Poudenx, P.D., Howll, L., Wilson, D.J., and Kostiuk, L.W. (2003) Downstream Similarity of Thermal Structure in Plumes from Jet Diffusion Flames in a Cross-Flow, Combustion Science and Technology, 176:409-435
Johnson, M.R. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2002) A Parametric Model for the Efficiency of Flares in a Crosswind, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29: 1943-1950
Johnson, M.R. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2002) Visualization of the Fuel Stripping Mechanism for Wake-Stabilized Diffusion Flames in a Crossflow, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Symposium on Turbulent Mixing and Combustion, Kluwer Academic Press, pp.295-304
Johnson, M.R., Spangelo, J.L., and Kostiuk, L.W. (2001) A Characterization of Solution Gas Flaring in Alberta, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 51:1167-1177
Johnson, M.R., Wilson, D.J., and Kostiuk, L.W. (2001) A Fuel Stripping Mechanism for Wake-Stabilized Jet Diffusion Flames in Crossflow, Combustion Science and Technology 169:155-174
Kostiuk, L.W., Majeski, A.J., Poudenx, P., Johnson, M.R., and Wilson, D.J. (2000) Scaling of Wake-Stabilized Jet Diffusion Flames in a Transverse Air Stream, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28:553-559
Johnson, M.R. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2000) Efficiencies of Low Momentum Jet Diffusion Flames in Crosswinds, Combustion and Flame, 123:189-200
Bourguignon, E., Johnson, R.M., and Kostiuk, L.W. (1999) The Use of a Closed Loop Wind Tunnel for Measuring the Combustion Efficiency of Flames in a Cross Flow, Combustion and Flame, 119:319-334
Kostiuk, L.W., Shepherd, I.G. and Bray, K.N.C (1999) Experimental Study of Premixed Turbulent Combustion in Opposed Streams Part III - Spatial Structure of Flames, Combustion and Flame, 118:129-139
Cheng, R.K., Bedat, B. and Kostiuk, L.W. (1999) Effects of Buoyancy on Lean Premixed V-Flames Part I; Laminar and Turbulent Flame Structures, Combustion and Flame, 116:360-375
Johnson, M.R., Kostiuk L.W. and Cheng, R.K. (1998) A Ring Stabilizer for Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames Combustion and Flame, 114:594-596
Bourguignon, E., Kostiuk. L.W., Michou, Y. and Gokalp, I. (1996) Experimentally Measured Burning Rates of Premixed Turbulent Flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 26:447-453
Kostiuk. L.W. and Shepherd, I.G. (1996) Measuring the Burning Rate of Premixed Turbulent Flames in Stagnation Flows, Combustion Science and Technology 112:357- 365
Kostiuk. L.W. and Cheng, R.K. (1995) The Coupling of Conical Wrinkled Flames with Gravity, Combustion and Flame, 103:27-40
Kostiuk, L.W. and Cheng, R.K. (1994) Imaging of Premixed Flames in Microgravity, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 18 pp.59-68
Shepherd, I.G. and Kostiuk. L.W. (1994) The Burning Rate of Premixed Turbulent Flame in Divergent Flows, Combustion and Flame, 96:371-380
Kostiuk. L.W. and Bray, K.N.C. (1994). The Mean effects of Stretch on Premixed Turbulent Flamelets, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 95, pp. 193-212
Cant, R.S., Bray, K.N.C., Kostiuk, L.W. and Rogg, B. (1994) Divergence Effects in Strained Laminar Flamelets for Premixed Turbulent Combustion, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 95, pp.261-276
Kostiuk, L.W, and Libby, P.A. (1993) A Comparison between Experiments and Theory of Turbulence in a Stagnation Flow. Physics of Fluids, A 5 (9), pp.2301-2303
Kostiuk, L.W. Bray, K.N.C. and Cheng, R.K. (1993a) Premixed Turbulent Combustion in Opposed Streams, Part 2: Reacting Flow Field and Extinction, Combustion and Flame, 92: 396-409
Kostiuk, L.W., Bray, K.N.C. and Cheng, R.K. (1993b) Premixed Turbulent Combustion in Opposed Streams, Part 1: Non-Reacting Flow Field, Combustion and Flame, 92: 377-395
Kostiuk. L.W., Bray, K.N.C. and Chew, T.C. (1989a) Premixed Turbulent Combustion in Counterflowing Streams. Combustion Science and Technology, 64: 233-241
Malekpourkoupaei, A., Kostiuk, L.W. and Harrison, D.J. (2013) Fabrication of Binary Opal Lattices in Microfluidic Devices, Chemistry of Materials, 25: 3808-3815
Mansouri, A., Bhattacharjee, S. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2012) High-power Electrokinetic Energy Conversion in a Glass Microchannel Array, Lab on a Chip 20:4033 - 4036
Ali Mansouri, Larry W. Kostiuk and Subir Bhattacharjee, 2008, Streaming Current Measurements in a Glass Microchannel Array, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112 (42), pp 16192-16195
Mansouri, A., Bhattacharjee, S., and Kostiuk, L.W. (2007), Transient Currents, Capacitance and an Electrical Analogy of a Finite Length Microchannel, Accepted for publication, J. of Chemical Physics B, 111 (44) 12834-12843
Mansouri, A.; Scheuerman, C., Bhattacharjee, S., Kwok, D.Y and Kostiuk, L.W. (2005) Transient Streaming Potential in a Finite Length Microchannel, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 292:567-576
Yang, J., Grundke, K., Bellmann, C., Michel, S., Kostiuk, L.W. and Kwok, D.Y. (2004). Oscillating Streaming Potential and Electroosmosis of Multilayer Membranes, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 2103-2110
Yang, J., Lu. F., Kostiuk, L.W. and Kwok, D.Y. (2004) Electrokinetic Power Generation by Means of Streaming Potentials: A Mobile-Ion-Drain Method to Increase the Streaming Potentials, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 5 (4) 648-652
Yang, J., Bellmann, C., Grundke, K., Michel, S, Kostiuk, L.W. and Kwok, D.Y. (2003) Characterization of Porous Membranes by Zeta-Potential Under an AC Electric Field: Analytical Treatment of Time-Dependent Electroosmotic Flow, Journal of Membrane Science, 225:155-164
Yang, J., Lu, F., Kostiuk, L.W. and Kwok, D.Y. (2003) Electrokinetic Microchannel Battery by Means of Electrokinetic and Microfluidic Phenomena, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 13:963-970
Huang, C., Nandakumar, K., Choi, P.Y.K. and Kostiuk, L.W., (2011) A method for creating a non- equilibrium NT(P1-P2) ensemble in molecular dynamics simulations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (46), 20750 - 20759
Huang, C., Chunli, L., Choi, P.Y.K., Nandakumar, K. and Kostiuk, L.W., (2010) Effect of Cutoff Distance Used in Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Fluid Properties, Molecular Simulation, 36 856-864
Huang, C., Choi, P.Y.K., Nandakumar, K. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2009) Study of Solid-Liquid Interaction on Pressure-Driven Liquid Transport through a Nanopore in a Membrane, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9, 793-798
Huang, C., Choi, P.Y.K., Nandakumar, K. and Kostiuk, L. W., (2007) Investigation of entrance and exit effects on liquid transport through a cylindrical nanopore, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10, 186 – 192
Huang, C., Choi, P. Y. K., Nandakumar, K. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2007) Comparative study between continuum and atomistic approaches of liquid flow through a finite length cylindrical nanopore, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 224702-13
Huang, C., Nandakumar, K., Choi, P. and Kostiuk, L.W. (2006) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Pressure-Driven Liquid Transport in a Cylindrical Nanopore Using Two Self-Adjusting Plates, Journal of Chemical Physics 124:234701, 1-8
Nzekwu, E., Louie, M., Scott, D., Lungren, H., Pugh, J.A., Kostiuk, L.W. and Carey, J.P.. (2013) Numerical Model for Intraosseous Infusion of the Human Calvarium for Hydrocephalus Shunting, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, In Press
Shah, S.I.A., Kostiuk, L.W. and Kresta, S.M. (2012) The Effects of Mixing, Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry on Yield for Mixing Sensitive Reactions, Part II: Design Considerations, International Journal of Chemical Engineering Art. No. 654321
Shah, S.I.A., Kostiuk, L.W. and Kresta, S.M. (2012) The Effects of Mixing, Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry on Yield for Mixing Sensitive Reactions, Part I: Model Development, International Journal of Chemical Engineering Art. No. 750162
Kostiuk. L.W. and Dale, J.D. (1987) Energy Characteristics of a Residential Masonry Structure, Trans. ASHRAE~, Vol. 93, Part 1, pp. 482-496
Dale, J.D., Kostiuk, L.W. and Hatzinikolas, M. (1985) Thermal Performance of an Insulated Masonry Structure in a Northern Climate, Proceedings of the Third North American Masonry Conference, Arlington, Texas, June, pp33.1-33.12
Kostiuk, L.W. and Kwok, D.Y., Provisional Patent: Apparatus and Method for Producing Electrical Energy from Fluid Energy, 71 pages
Kostiuk, L.W. and Cheng, R.K., US Patent 5,516,280 Apparatus and Method for Burning Lean Premixed Fuel/Air Mixture with Low NOx Emissions, May 14, 1996
Kostiuk, L.W. and Johnson, M.R., US Patent 5,558,825 Lean Premixed Fuel Burner, December 31, 1996
Kostiuk, L.W. and Johnson, M.R., Canadian Patent 2,12,300 Lean Premixed Fuel Burner, March 1, 1997