Prof. Leijun Li's Research Programs
Sponsored Research in Dr. Li's group
includes projects on processing of advanced materials, welding and
joining of alloys and composites, testing of mechanical properties,
characterization of material structures, and modeling of transport
phenomena in materials processing.
Our research have produced numerous papers and reports; more than 9 of them have been selected as the best papers for awards, including 4 times AWS Hobart Award for best pipeline welding papers, and 2 times AWS Savage Award for best welding metallurgy papers.
Current Projects
- IOSI-Imperial Oil and NSERC Alliance - Vibrational stress reduction
for ground-engage tool structures, (PI)
- Alberta Innovates Ecosystem Program - Alberta Advanced Manufacturing
International Hub (AM-IH), (PI and Hub Director)
- NSERC Alliance Missions Grant - Recovery and
Utilization of REE, Ti and Zr Minerals from Alberta Oil Sands Froth
Treatment Tailings, with InnoTech Alberta and CVW CleanTech Inc.,
- Suncor Energy Inc and MITACS Accelerate, Optimizing WPS
of Steam Pipe Welds for Flow-accelerated Corrosion, (PI)
- American Welding Society Graduate Fellowship for Ravi Kopparthi, ERW
Mechanisms, (PI)
- MITACS Accelerate Program - Bradken,
Homogenization and Residual Stresses in Castings of Ground-Engagement
Devices, (PI)
- IOSI-Imperial Oil and NSERC Alliance, Deep
Cryogenic Treatment of Shovel Teeth and Crawler Shoes, (PI)
- NSERC Alliance Grant, (Ti,Nb)(C,N) precipitate characterization:
from hot rolling to girth welding, (co-PI)
NA - Accelerate Program, Physical and Numerical Simulations of
HF-Electric Resistance Welding, (PI)
- NSERC Discovery Grant, and
InnoTech Alberta Grant, Phase Transformations in the Heat-affected Zone
of Microalloyed Steels, (PI)
- Suncor Energy, Inc., Coke Drum
Materials Testing and Repair Welding (PI)
Past Projects
- MITACS Accelerate Program, Sustainable materials and manufacturing for resource sector applications, (co-PI)
- MITACS and Suncor Energy - Accelerate Program, Boat Sample Testing of Coke
Drums, (PI)
- MITACS and InnoTech - Elevate Program, Brazing Metallurgy and
Processes for Attaching Sintered Carbide Tiles, (PI)
- MITACS and Suncor Energy - Accelerate Program, Effect of Hydrostatic Testing Pressure on High-temperature Fatigue Life of Boiler Wall Tubes, (PI)
- MITACS and Trimay - Accelerate Program, Alloy Design of Wear and Corrosion Resistant Overlays, (PI)
- NSERC CRD Grant with Supreme Steel, Development of Stability Design Guidelines for Modern I-Shaped
Welded Steel Girders in Canada, (co-PI)
- MITACS Accelerate Project with Evraz North America, Improving Toughness of Electric
Resistance Weld Bondline of X70 Linepipe (PI)
- NSERC CRD Project with SSAB, Accelerated Development of Wear and
Corrosion Resistant Overlay Electrodes (PI)
- NSERC Engage and CRD Programs with AltaSteel and Moly-Cop Canada,
Impact Toughness of Abrasive Resistant 1% Cr Eutectoid Steel (PI)
- NSERC Discovery Program, Microstructural Development and
Performance of Welds in Energy-Related Alloys (PI)
- NSERC Engage Project with Suncor Energy Inc, Microstructure and
Jagged Crack Formation in Coke Drum Cladding (PI)
- MITACS and Waiward Steel Fabricate Ltd, Mitacs-Accelerate Graduate
Research Internship Program for Chris Di Giovanni (co-PI)
- NSF, MRI - Acquisition of a Field-Emission Scanning
Electron Microscope to Catalyze Campus-Wide Research in Bio/Nano and
Advanced Energy Materials (PI)
- AZZ WRI, Miniature Mechanical Testing of Sensitized Pressure
Vessel Alloys (PI)
- National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) - Program Support:
Near-blackbody, Enclosed Particle Receiver Integrated with
Fluidized-bed Heat Exchanger (co-PI)
- USU VPR - RC program: Accelerated Creep Test Method Development
- National Science Foundation Planning grant
- Radioactive
Materials Processing Center - RAMP-C (NSF) (co-PI)
- Aspen Systems Inc. - Testing of High-Temperature Properties of a
Mo-Si-B Alloy
- U.S. Department of Energy (NEUP) - Effect of Post-Weld Heat
Treatment on Creep Rupture Properties of Grade 91 Steel Heavy Section
- Solid-state synthesis of nano-scale hydrogen storage materials by
bulk mechanical alloying (NSF)
- Mechanical properties of gamma-prime strengthened
superalloys, an interpretive review (The Pressure Vessel Research
Council and Welding Research Council)
- Analytical and experimental study of gold-gold cold bonding in
thermal switches for The James Webb Space Telescope (NASA -
- Cause of cracking and rejuvenation of a refinery exchanger (Shell
- Automatic GTA welding of aluminum alloy 7075
- Pulsed-GMA welding of titanium alloys
- Laser repair of titanium alloys for aerospace application (Triton
- Manufacturing and testing of innovative Ti implant
materials/structures using Nd:YAG laser deposition, funded by the
CURI program
- Fatigue properties analysis of welded aluminum casting for
aerospace structures (GSC Foundries, Inc).
- Nanomaterials educational project funded by the NSF
- High-performance gamma-prime strengthened cast nickel-base
superalloys, an interpretive review (The Pressure Vessel Research
Council and Welding Research Council)
- Diffusion bonding of thermal links for aerospace applications
- Mechanical Testing of Joints for Aluminum Frames (YESCO)
- "State Center of Excellence: Thermal Management Technologies"
(The State of Utah)
- "State Center of Excellence: Control of Flow in Manufacturing"
(The State of Utah)
- Gleeble-based testing of mechanical joints for aerospace
structures (SDL-NASA)
- Gleeble-based testing of hot ductility of a Cr-Mo steel (Lloyd's
Register Capstone)
- Design and fabrication of elastic-expandable tubes for oil drills
- Ultrasonic consolidation of metal-matrix composites
- Direction and profile control for thermal sprays (NSF STTR Phase
- Coupled Thermal-Electric-Structural Analysis of Interconnect for
3D ICs, Micron Research
Center at USU
- Research Catalyst - Effect of electrical arcing on reflectometry
of wire network for Structural integrity monitoring (USU VP for
- Pulsed-laser powder deposition of superalloys (AWS Fellowship)
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Nuclear Engineering
Scholarship program at Utah State University (co-PI)
- Laser repair of GTD-111 superalloy (The Welding Research
Sponsors of Our Research
- US Army - Triton Systems Inc.
- NASA - Space Dynamics Lab, USU Research Foundation
- The National Science Foundation - Programs DMR-NUE, DMI, CMS-NER, I/UCRC
- The Welding Research Council (WRC)
- The State of Utah
- Vice President for Research, USU
- Shell Co.
- Dynamic Tubular Systems, Inc. (DTS)
- MedicineLodge Inc.
- GSC Foundries
- ATK Motorcyles
- Young Electric Sign Company (YESCO)
- Micron Technology - Micron Research Center
- American Welding Society (AWS)
- Lloyd's Register Capstone, Inc.
- US Department of Energy - NUEP
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
- Aspen Systems Inc.
- National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
- NSERC - National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- AltaSteel, Inc.
- Moly-COP Canada
- Suncor Energy
- Evraz Americas
- SSAB Americas
- Imperial Oil
- Bradken Inc.
- InnoTech Alberta
copyright (c) 2003 to 2013 Prof. Leijun Li at Utah State University; 2014 to present, Prof. Leijun Li at University of Alberta