Recent Papers
ORCiD: 0000-0002-3715-1116
- Misiaszek JE, Hackett H, McMahon AJ, Krutz J (2021) Influence of a light touch reference on cutaneous reflexes from the hand during standing. Exp Brain Res DOI: 10.1007/s00221-020-06019-y
- Fenrich KK, Hallworth B, Vavrek R, Raposo P, Misiaszek JE, Bennett DJ, Fouad K, Torres-Espin A (2020) Self-directed rehabilitation training intensity thresholds for efficient recovery of skilled forelimb function in rats with cervical spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol DOI:10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113543
- Misiaszek JE, Chodan SDC, McMahon AJ, Fenrich KK (2020) Influence of pairing startling acoustic stimuli with postural responses induced by light touch displacement. Appl Sci 10:382 DOI: 10.3390/app10010382
- Khan AS, Livingstone DC, Hurd CL, Duchcherer J, Misiaszek JE, Gorassini MA, Manns PJ, Yang JF (2019) Retraining walking over ground in a powered exoskeleton after spinal cord injury: A prospective cohort study to examine functional gains and neuroplasticity. J NeuroEngineering Rehabil 16:145 DOI:10.1186/s12984-019-0585-x
- Bryanton MA, Chodan SDC, Vander Meulen J, Fenrich KK, Misiaszek JE (2019) The effect of light touch on standing sway when the stability of the external touch reference becomes unreliable. Exp Brain Res 237:663-672 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-018-5455-4
- Shiva T, Misiaszek JE (2018) Activation of ankle muscles following rapid displacement of a light touch contact during treadmill walking. Exp Brain Res 236:563-576 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-017-5151-9
- Misiaszek JE, Vander Meulen J (2017) Balance reactions to light touch displacements when standing on foam. Neurosci Letts 639:13-17 DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2016.12.027
- Misiaszek JE, Forero J, Hiob E, Urbanczyk T (2016) Automatic postural responses following rapid displacement of a light touch contact during standing. Neuroscience 316:1-12 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.12.033
- Forero J, Misiaszek JE (2015) The amplitude of interlimb cutaneous reflexes in the leg is influenced by fingertip touch and vision during treadmill locomotion. Exp Brain Res 233:1773-1782
- Forero J, Misiaszek JE (2014) Balance corrective responses to unexpected perturbations at the arms during treadmill walking. J Neurophysiol 112:1790-1800
- Forero J, Misiaszek JE (2014) The effect of light touch on the amplitude of cutaneous reflexes in the arms during treadmill walking. Exp Brain Res 232:2967-2976
- Forero J, Misiaszek JE (2013) The contribution of light touch sensory cues to corrective reactions during treadmill locomotion. Exp Brain Res 226:575-584
- Cleary S, Misiaszek JE, Kalra S, Wheeler S, Johnston W (2013) The effects of lung volume recruitment on coughing and pulmonary function in patients with ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener 14:111-5.
- Bolton DAE, Misiaszek JE (2012) Compensatory balance reactions during forward and backward walking on a treadmill. Gait Posture 35:681-4
- Bolton DAE, Misiaszek JE (2012) Effects of ankle extensor muscle afferent inputs on hip abductor and adductor activity in the decerebrate walking cat. J Neurophysiol 108:3034-42
- Hodgetts S, Magill-Evans J, Misiaszek J (2011) Weighted vests, stereotyped behaviors and arousal in children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord 41:805-14
- Hodgetts S, Magill-Evans J, Misiaszek J (2011) Effects of weighted vests on classroom behavior for children with autism and cognitive impairments. Res Autism Spect Disord 5:495-505
ORCiD: 0000-0002-3715-1116