c296/UA-library.zipunzip this into
C:/arduino/librariesto add our library to the arduino libraries.
c296/VMWare-player-4.0.1-528992.exeJust double-click to install it, and don't reboot the machine even though it suggest that you do so. A reboot will wipe out the install!
Cmput296_Ubuntu_UofA.vmxand change:
vmci0.present = "TRUE"to
vmci0.present = "FALSE"or else the virtual machine won't run in CSC 1-67. You probably want this on for other operating systems as vmci is the efficient communication interface between the guest and host operating systems.
Cmput296_Ubuntu_UofA_v01.vmwarevm/Cmput296_Ubuntu_UofA.vmx.lckthis saves the students one popup asking if they want to take control of the Virtual machine.
9. Installation Instructions Arduino Intro Labs for Tangible Computing / Version 1.00 2012-09-24 |