#lang racket |
; based on SICP section 3.5, but shorter and more consistent names |
; implementation of stream primative operations used to implement all additional |
; stream behaviour as defined in the sbase.rkt . |
; By redefining these you can have different time/space complexity implementation of streams. |
(provide s-cons) |
(provide s-first) |
(provide s-rest) |
(provide s-empty) |
(provide s-null?) |
; Implementation 1: |
; immediate s-first, delayed s-rest, using delay/force |
; streams look like lists (thus the s-first, s-rest operations), |
; but are implemented as dotted pairs, where the first element |
; is the value at the head of the list, and the second is a promise |
; to generate the rest of the list. |
(define-syntax-rule (s-cons a b) (cons a (delay b))) |
(define (s-first s) (car s)) |
; force an evaluate of the next term if you want the rest of the stream. |
(define (s-rest s) (force (cdr s))) |
(define s-empty '()) |
(define s-null? null?) |
#lang racket |
; based on SICP section 3.5, but shorter and more consistent names |
; base implementation of streams, everything we define here is visible |
; to the user of the module, and we also further export the 5 primative |
; operations necessary to streams: s-cons, s-first, s-rest. |
(require "stream-primatives.rkt") |
(provide (all-defined-out)) |
(provide s-cons) |
(provide s-first) |
(provide s-rest) |
(provide s-empty) |
(provide s-null?) |
; index into a stream, 0 origin |
(define (s-ref s n) |
(if (<= n 0) |
(s-first s) |
(s-ref (s-rest s) (- n 1)))) |
; map over 1 stream |
(define (s-map-1 proc s) |
(if (s-null? s) |
s-empty |
(s-cons (proc (s-first s)) |
(s-map-1 proc (s-rest s))))) |
; generalized map over n streams |
(define (s-map proc . argstreams) |
(if (s-null? (first argstreams)) |
s-empty |
(s-cons |
(apply proc (map (lambda (e) (s-first e)) argstreams)) |
(apply s-map |
(cons proc (map (lambda (e) (s-rest e)) argstreams)))))) |
; eval proc for its side-effects on each term of the stream |
(define (s-for-each proc s) |
(if (s-null? s) |
'done |
(begin (proc (s-first s)) |
(s-for-each proc (s-rest s))))) |
; generate the stream of integers: low low+1 ... high |
(define (s-enumerate-interval low high) |
(if (> low high) |
s-empty |
(s-cons |
low |
(s-enumerate-interval (+ low 1) high)))) |
; filter a stream, returning a stream that contains only the elements that |
; satisfy pred |
(define (s-filter pred s) |
(cond ((s-null? s) s-empty) |
((pred (s-first s)) (s-cons (s-first s) (s-filter pred (s-rest s)))) |
(else (s-filter pred (s-rest s))))) |
; normal non-stream function that generates integers: low low+1 ... high |
(define (enumerate-interval low high) |
(if (> low high) |
'() |
(cons low (enumerate-interval (+ low 1) high)))) |
; display the elements of the stream from ... to, |
; the usual 0 origin indexing. |
(define (s-interval-to-list s from to) |
(map (lambda (i) (s-ref s i)) (enumerate-interval from to)) |
) |
#lang racket |
(require "stream-base.rkt") |
; stream examples |
; some operations on streams |
; add two streams together, pairwise |
(define (add-streams s1 s2) |
(s-map + s1 s2)) |
; apply an operation (op v e) to each element e of the stream |
(define (op-on-stream op v s) |
(s-map (lambda (e) (op v e)) s) ) |
; infinite streams |
; a function that recursively generates an stream of integers starting |
; at n |
(define (integers-starting-from n) |
(s-cons n (integers-starting-from (+ n 1)))) |
; the natural numbers |
(define naturals (integers-starting-from 0)) |
; true if a divides b evenly |
(define (divides? a b) (= (remainder b a) 0)) |
; true if x is evenly divisible by y |
(define (divisible? x y) (= (remainder x y) 0)) |
; the stream consisting of any natural number not divisible by 7 |
(define no-sevens |
(s-filter (lambda (x) (not (divisible? x 7))) naturals)) |
; generate the fibonacci stream with initial terms a, b |
; note the recursive generator function |
(define (fibgen a b) (s-cons a (fibgen b (+ a b)))) |
; the usual fibonacci stream |
(define fibs (fibgen 0 1)) |
#lang racket |
(require "stream-base.rkt") |
; stream examples |
; seiving the primes |
; a function that recursively generates an stream of integers starting |
; at n |
(define (integers-starting-from n) |
(s-cons n (integers-starting-from (+ n 1)))) |
; the natural numbers |
(define naturals (integers-starting-from 0)) |
; true if a divides b evenly |
(define (divides? a b) (= (remainder b a) 0)) |
; true if x is evenly divisible by y |
(define (divisible? x y) (= (remainder x y) 0)) |
; sieve of Eratosthenes for generating primes |
; (seive s) is the first term f of s followed by all the remaining terms |
; that are not divisible by f. Composing f with a seive on the rest |
; then filters out the next prime, and so on. |
; If s does not contain any integers that are divisible by an integer |
; < (s-first s) |
; then the rest of this stream |
; (s-filter (lambda (x) (not (divisible? x (s-first s)))) (s-rest s)) |
; does not contain any integers that are divisible by an integer < it's |
; first element. |
(define (sieve s) |
(s-cons (s-first s) |
; filter out all the multiples of (s-first s) from the rest of the list |
; then feed it into the sieve to get the new stream |
(sieve (s-filter |
(lambda (x) (not (divisible? x (s-first s)))) |
(s-rest s)) |
) |
)) |
(define primes (sieve (integers-starting-from 2))) |
; try |
; (print primes) |
; (s-ref primes 1) |
; (s-ref primes 5) |
; (print primes) |
#lang racket |
(require "stream-base.rkt") |
; square root approximations sequence |
(define (square x) (* x x)) |
(define (average a b) (/ (+ a b) 2)) |
; improve the estimate. a better square root is somewhere between |
; the current estimate, and x / estimate. |
(define (sqrt-improve estimate x) |
(average estimate (/ x estimate))) |
; a stream of increasingly better approximations to square root of x |
(define (sqrt-stream x) |
; a definition local to the sqrt-stream function |
; the approximation stream is initial estimate 1 followed by a |
; stream generated by improving the approximations. The map is |
; generating the next approximation in the sequence by improving |
; the current one, thus always providing another term in the |
; stream if needed. |
(define approximations |
(s-cons 1.0 ; force floating point instead of rational |
(s-map (lambda (estimate) (sqrt-improve estimate x)) approximations))) |
; return the stream of approximations |
approximations) |
; try |
; (define s2 (sqrt-stream 2)) |
; (s-ref s2 5) |
#lang racket |
(require "stream-base.rkt") |
; pi approximations with Euler series acceleration |
; apply an operation (op v e) to each element e of the stream |
(define (op-on-stream op v s) |
(s-map (lambda (e) (op v e)) s) ) |
(define (square x) (* x x)) |
(define (scale-stream stream factor) |
(s-map (lambda (x) (* x factor)) stream)) |
(define (partial-sums s) |
(if (s-null? s) s-empty |
(s-cons (s-first s) |
(op-on-stream + (s-first s) (partial-sums (s-rest s)))) |
) |
) |
(define (pi-summands n) |
(s-cons (/ 1.0 n) |
(s-map - (pi-summands (+ n 2))))) |
(define pi-stream |
(scale-stream (partial-sums (pi-summands 1)) 4)) |
(define (euler-transform s) |
(let ((s0 (s-ref s 0)) ; Sn-1 |
(s1 (s-ref s 1)) ; Sn |
(s2 (s-ref s 2))) ; Sn+1 |
(s-cons (- s2 (/ (square (- s2 s1)) (+ s0 (* -2 s1) s2))) |
(euler-transform (s-rest s))) |
)) |
(define faster-pi-stream (euler-transform pi-stream)) |
(define (make-tableau transform s) |
(s-cons s (make-tableau transform (transform s)))) |
(define (accelerated-sequence transform s) |
(s-map s-first |
(make-tableau transform s))) |
(define fastest-pi-stream (accelerated-sequence euler-transform pi-stream)) |
#lang racket |
; based on SICP section 3.5, but shorter and more consistent names |
; implementation of stream primative operations used to implement all additional |
; stream behaviour as defined in the sbase.rkt . |
; By redefining these you can have different time/space complexity implementation of streams. |
(provide s-cons) |
(provide s-first) |
(provide s-rest) |
(provide s-empty) |
(provide s-null?) |
; Implementation 1: |
; immediate s-first, delayed s-rest, using delay/force |
; streams look like lists (thus the s-first, s-rest operations), |
; but are implemented as dotted pairs, where the first element |
; is the value at the head of the list, and the second is a promise |
; to generate the rest of the list. |
(define-syntax-rule (s-cons a b) (cons a (delay b))) |
(define (s-first s) (car s)) |
; ; force an evaluate of the next term if you want the rest of the stream. |
(define (s-rest s) (force (cdr s))) |
(define s-empty '()) |
(define s-null? null?) |
; Implementation 2: |
; delayed s-first and s-rest, using delay/force |
; (define-syntax-rule (s-cons a b) (cons (delay a) (delay b))) |
; (define (s-first s) (force (car s))) |
; (define (s-rest s) (force (cdr s))) |
; (define s-empty '()) |
; (define s-null? null?) |
; Implementation 3: |
; re-compute every time, no delay/force |
; (define-syntax-rule (s-cons a b) (cons (lambda () a) (lambda () b))) |
; (define (s-first s) ((car s)) ) |
; (define (s-rest s) ((cdr s)) ) |
; (define s-empty '()) |
; (define s-null? null?) |