Dr. Jeff Boisvert Professor jbb@ualberta.ca

Home Publications Research CCG


Peer Reviewed

Gomes C, Boisvert J and Deutsch C (2025) Drill-hole Spacing Optimization for Profit in Grade-Control. Submitted to CIM Journal

Bazania J, Boisvert J (2025) Current State of Industry Practice in Mineral Resource Estimation and Classification, Accepted, CIM Journal

Erdogan Erten G, Mokdad K, Nisenson J, Brandao G, and Boisvert J (2025) Human-AI Interaction: Machine Learning-Based Geostatistical Hybrid Models. Submitted to Applied Soft Computing Journal

Mahmoudi S, Asghari O, Boisvert J (2025) Addressing Class Imbalance in Micro-CT Image Segmentation: A Modified U-Net Model with Pixel-Level Class Weighting. Computers & Geosciences v196

Noriega R, Boisvert J (2025) Optimization of underground mining production layouts considering geological uncertainty using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Journal v139

Erdogan Erten G, Mokdad K, da Silva C, Nisenson J, Brandao G , Boisvert J (2025) Ensemble Machine Learning Geostatistical Hybrid Models for Grade Control. Mathematical Geosciences

Mokdad K, Koushavand B, Boisvert J (2024) Automatic Variogram Inference Using Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks Applied Computing & Geosciences v25

Bennett, L, Selland, S, Yu, Z, Wasowski, R, Otway S, Boisvert, J, (2024) Individual tree detection and classification from RGB satellite imagery with applications to wildfire fuel mapping and exposure assessments. International Journal of Wildland Fire

Zhang B, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2023) Sequentially Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Simulation for Geomechanical Assessments of SAGD in Oil Sands. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 61(6)

Zhang B, Deisman N, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2023) Numerical Upscaling of Anisotropic Failure Criteria in Heterogeneous Reservoirs. Engineering Geology v331

Erdogan Erten G, Ertena O, Karacan C, Boisvert J, Deutsch C. 2023. Merging Machine Learning and Geostatistical Approaches for Spatial Modeling of Geoenergy Resources. International Journal of Coal Geology v276

Silva C, Nisenson J, Boisvert J (2022) Comparing and detecting stationarity and dataset shift. Special issue in Mathematical Geosciences for Geostats2020

Oliveira S, Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2022) Application of Volume Uncertainty for Resource Classification: A Case Study on the Rondon do Pará Bauxite Deposit, Brazil. Mining 2(4)

Zhang B, Zhiwei M, Zheng D, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2022) Upscaling Shear Strength of Heterogeneous Oil Sands with Interbedded Shales Using Artificial Neural Network. SPE Journal, SPE-208885-PA

Mohammadi H, Talesh Hosseini S, Asghari O, Silva C, Boisvert J (2021) A direct sampling multiple point statistical approach for multivariate imputation of unequally sampled compositional variables and categorical data. Computers and Geosciences v156

Wilson B, Carranza J, Boisvert J (2021) Quantitative Target Selection. Daya Sagar et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series

Silva C, Nisenson J, Boisvert J (2021) Grade control with ensembled machine learning: A comparative case study at the Carmen de Andacollo copper mine. Natural Resources Research v31

Wilson B, Bennett L, Selland S, Qian L, Wood M, Zhao H, Boisvert J (2021) Image to Attribute Model for Trees (ITAM-T): Individual Tree Detection and Classification in Alberta Boreal Forest for Tree Attribute Calculation. International Journal of Remote Sensing 43:5

Dicke L, Martin R, Boisvert J (2020) Identification of Misclassification in Geological Categories using Ensemble Spatial Multivariate Clustering. Natural Resources Research

Zhang B, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2020) A Numerical Characterization Workflow for Assessing the Strength and Failure Modes of Heterogeneous Oil Sands. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 58(6)

Martin R, Boisvert J (2019) Performance of clustering for the decision of stationarity; A case study with a nickle laterite deposit. Computers and Geosciences DOI 10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104565

Acorn T, Leuangthong O, Boisvert J (2019) Managing Geologic Uncertainty in Pit Shell Optimization Using a Heuristic Algorithm and Stochastic Dominance. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Zhang B, Deisman N, Khajeh M, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2019) Numerical Local Upscaling of Elastic Geomechanical Properties for Heterogeneous Continua. Petroleum Geoscience

Wilson B, Acorn T, Boisvert J (2019) Pit Optimization on Clustered Realizations: Identifying Functional Scenarios. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration

Wang C, Pyrcz M, Catuneanu O, Boisvert J (2018) Conditioning 3D object-based models to dense well data. Computers and Geosciences, 115, 1-11

Martin R, Boisvert J (2018) Towards justifying unsupervised stationary decisions for geostatistical modeling: Ensemble spatial and multivariate clustering with geomodeling specific clustering metrics. Computers and Geosciences, 120, 82-96

Martin R, Machuca-Mory D, Leuangthong O, Boisvert J (2018) Non-stationary Geostatistical Modeling: A Case Study Comparing LVA Estimation Frameworks. Natural Resources Research. 28(2) 291-307

Ugarte E, Pourrahimian Y, Boisvert J (2018) Optimizing Block Caving Drawpoints Over Geostatistical Models. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment

Silva D, Jewbali A, Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2018) Drillhole placement subject to constraints for improved resource classification. CIM Journal 9(1)

Martin R, Boisvert J (2017) Iterative refinement of implicit boundary models for improved geological feature reproduction. Computers and Geosciences, 103, 1-15

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2017) Incorporating Big Data in Geostatistical Modeling for Making Bigger Decisions in the Face of Even Bigger Uncertainty. CSEG Recorder

Sadeghi S, Boisvert J (2015) Optimization of variograms used for truncated pluri Gaussian simulation. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 2015. 63(4):345-357

Mooney C, Boisvert J (2015) Using a discrete fracture network and spatial point process to characterize veins in a coarse gold deposit. Natural Resources Research. 2015 25(3)

Lillah M, Boisvert J (2015) Inference of locally varying anisotropy fields from diverse data sources. Computers & Geosciences doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2015.05.015

Mooney C, Boisvert J (2015) Modelling heavy-tailed coarse gold deposits with a spatial point process. Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum Journal 6(2):118-131

Silva D, Boisvert J (2014) Mineral resource classification: a comparison of new and existing techniques. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 114(3):265-273

Boisvert J, Rossi M, Ehrig K, Deutsch C (2013) Geometallurgical modeling at Olympic Dam. Mathematical Geosciences 45(8):901-925

Cuba M, Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2013) Simulated learning model for mineable reserves evaluation in surface mining projects. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration 334(1): 527-534

Wang G, Pang Z, Boisvert J, Hao Y, Cao Y, Qu J (2013) Quantitative assessment of mineral resources by combining geostatistics and fractal methods in the Tongshan porphyry Cu deposit (China). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 134:85-98

Bongajum E, Boisvert J, Sacchi M (2012) Bayesian linearized seismic inversion with locally varying spatial anisotropy. Journal of Applied Geophysics 88:31-41

Lillah M and Boisvert J (2012) Stochastic Distance Based Geological Boundary Modeling with Realistic Curvilinear Features. Mathematical Geosciences 45(6):651-665

Khajeh M, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2012) A Numerical Local Upscaling Approach for Elastic Rock Mechanical Properties: Dealing with Heterogeneity. ARMA 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium

Deutsch J, Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2011) New Dimension to Account for Sample Error and Volume Support in Resource Estimation. Transactions of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Engineering. 330:598-605

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2011) Modeling locally varying anisotropy of CO2 emissions in the United States. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 25(8)1077-1084

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2010) Programs for Kriging and Sequential Gaussian Simulation with Locally Varying Anisotropy Using Non-Euclidean Distances. 37(4):495-510

Boisvert J, Pyrcz M, Deutsch C (2010) Multiple point metrics to assess categorical variable models. Natural Resources Research. 19(3)165-175

Boisvert J, Manchuk J, Deutsch C (2009) Kriging in the presence of locally varying anisotropy using non-Euclidean distances. Mathematical Geosciences. 41(5): 585-601

Pyrcz M, Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2009) ALLUVSIM: A program for event-based stochastic modeling of fluvial depositional systems. Computers & Geosciences 35(8):1671-1685

Boisvert J, Ortiz J, Deutsch C (2008) Local recoverable reserves prediction with block LU simulation. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering 1(1):3-21

Boisvert J, Leuangthong O, Ortiz J, Deutsch C (2008) A methodology to construct training images for vein type deposits. Computers and Geosciences 34(5):491-502

Boisvert J, Oshust P, Deutsch C (2008) Evaluating uncertainty in kimberlite pipe volume by simulating geometry in cylindrical coordinates. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum 3(8)

Boisvert J, Pyrcz M, Deutsch C (2007) Multiple-point statistics for training image selection. Natural Resources Research 16(4):313-321

Pyrcz M, Deutsch C, Boisvert J (2007) A library of training images for fluvial and deepwater reservoirs and associated code. Computers & Geosciences 34(5):542-560

Conference Publications

Bazania J, Boisvert J (2024) Current State of Industry Practice in Mineral Resource Estimation and Classification. Sumbitted to Mineral Resources & Mineral Reserves 2024, Canada

Castilla* G, Rathore S, Bennett L, Kapil R, Boisvert J (2024) Artificial Intelligence on Aerial Imagery (AI2) for individual tree inventory in mixed boreal forests: is it better to work on the individual drone photos or the orthomosaic? ForestSAT, Rotorua

Boisvert* J 2024 Geoscience model assessment. 37th International Geological Congress (IGC). Busan, Republic of Korea

Boisvert J, Noriega* R 2024 Underground stope design under geological uncertainty using deep reinforcement learning. Geostats2024 – 12th International Geostatistical Congress, Ponta Delgada, Azores

Boisvert J* Mokdad K Mahshad R 2024 Model Validation with an Ensemble of Exhaustive 2D Multivariate, Continuous, and Categorical Datasets. Geostats2024 – 12th International Geostatistical Congress, Ponta Delgada, Azores

Ghosh D*, Zhang B, Boisvert J, 2024 Development of a Transfer-Learning Core-Image Based Classification Approach across Diverse Geological Settings. Geostats2024 – 12th International Geostatistical Congress, Ponta Delgada, Azores

Boisvert* J, Noriega R, Pourrahimian Y 2024 Reinforcement learning for optimizing underground mine planning and design considering geotechnical, geological, and grade uncertainty. Informs2024

Boisvert* J 2024 Landscapes of the future: AI tools in landscape pannel discussion. Ontario Professional Foresters Association Annual Conference and AGM, Sault Ste. Marie

Boisvert J* (2024) CERRA -Emergency Service Webinar Response Robots. Summary of an Alberta drone as first responder (DFR) program. Feb, virtual

Boisvert J* (2023) Detecting and classifying individual trees in drone imagery using artificial intelligence. NRCan seminar series. Alberta, Canada

Hernández Mora R*, Bennett L, Boisvert J. (2023) From research to an industry app: Steps to deploy a machine learning model for locating individual trees. Autonomous Systems Initiative. Poster. Alberta, Canada

Lezama J*, Boisvert J. (2023) Wildfire Simulation Engine Validation. Autonomous Systems Initiative. Poster. Alberta, Canada

Rathore S*, Vyas V*, Boisvert J. (2023) A machine learning model for locating individual trees for wildfire fuel mapping. Autonomous Systems Initiative Symposium. Poster. Alberta, Canada

Boisvert J (2023) Integrating Drones into Emergency Fire Response: Are Drones Actually Useful? Autonomous Systems Initiative Symposium, Alberta, Canada

Boisvert J (2023) Sustainable Communities Expert Panel Discussion. Autonomous Systems Initiative Symposium, Alberta, Canada

Bogrash A, Sacchi M, Boisvert J (2023) Non-Euclidean Spatial Covariance for Bayesian Post-Stack Inversion and Ordinary Kriging with Hamiltonian Fast Marching. EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics, Towards a Sustainable Era of Geoenergy

Rasera G*, Boisvert J, Barker S (2023) Characterizing geological uncertainty with stochastic implicit modeling. SEG 2023 Conference: Resourcing the Green Transition. London

Rasera G*, Boisvert J, Barker S (2023) Accelerating computation of non-Euclidean distances in implicit models with pathfinding heuristics. IAMG2023 Annual Conference Norway

Boisvert J* (2023) AusIMM Parker Challenge and Conference panel discussion, AusIMM Mineral Resource Estimation Conference Perth

Bennett L*, Boisvert J* (2023) Drone technology in the fire services. Alberta Fire Chiefs Association Conference

Rasera G*, Boisvert J Barker S (2023) Developments in implicit modeling and geological data integration. AME Roundup 2023, January 23 - 26, 2023, Vancouver BC, Canada

Rasera G*, Barker S, Boisvert J (2022) A Probabilistic Approach for Implicit Geological Modeling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 12-16, 2022, Chicago IL, USA

Boisvert J, Bennett L (2022) Advances in the Use of UAVs for Monitoring Fires and Conducting Hazard Assessments. 2022 Wildland Fire Canada Conference. Alberta, Canada

Latifi A, Niven E, Boisvert J (2022) Resolving Uncertainty Quantification between 2D and 3D Geostatistical Modeling Workflows. IAMG conference, Nancy, France

Bogrash A, Sacchi M, Boisvert J (2022) Bayesian inversion with shortest locally varying anisotropic (LVA) paths. IAMG conference, Nancy, France

Mokdad K, Niven E, Boisvert J (2022) Automatic variogram inference using convolutional neural networks. The 18th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL-2022), Florence, Italy

Mokdad K, Niven E, Boisvert J (2022) Automatic variogram inference using convolutional neural networks. IAMG conference, Nancy, France

Bennett L, Boisvert J (2022) Remotely Sensed Data and Wildfire Management Developing Techniques for the ‘New Normal’. 2022 National Conference and 114th Annual General Meeting CIF-IFC. Ontario, Canada

Zhang B, Ma Z, Zheng D, Chalaturnyk R and Boisvert J (2022) A Machine Learning Enhanced Upscaling Technique for the Anisotropic Shear Strength of Heterogeneous Continua. SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference

Boisvert J, Silva C, Bennett L, Schuurmans D (2021) Optimizing graduate student decent: Effectively formulating sparse spatial problems for machine learning algorithms with lessons learnt from three applications. Geostat Congress 2021, Toronto, 2021

Silva C, Boisvert J (2021) Supervised learning in non-stationary geological data sets. Geostat Congress 2021, Toronto, 2021

Bennett L, Otway S, Cheng L, Cunningham S, Debienne S, Boisvert J. Machine Learning Methods Applied to UAV and Satellite Imagery to Characterize Fuels, with Implications to Wildland Firefighter Training. Fire Rescue Canada, Edmonton, 2021

Bennett L, Boisvert J (2021) Automating Individual Tree Detection and Classification from Remote Imagery to Improve Community Wildfire Resiliency Planning. Autonomous Systems Initiative Symposium. Edmonton, Canada, June, 2021

Boisvert J (2021) Extracting fuel data from drone and satellite imagery with applications. Fuels Friday Short Session virtual workshop, Edmonton, Canada, February, 2021

Zhao H, Wood M, Qian L, Beverly J, Stewart L, Cunningham S, Debienne S, Boisvert J (2020) Property level wildfire risk assessment using UAVs and machine learning. Unmanned Canada 2020, Edmonton, Canada, November, 2020

Silva C, Boisvert J (2020) The use of machine learning on grade control models. The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), Toronto, Canada, March 1-4, 2020

Wilson B, Boisvert J (2019) Stochastic Optimization of Stopes in Underground Mining. 20th International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Conference, College City, USA, 2019

Zhang B, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2019) Upscaling of Plastic Geomechanical Properties to Reproduce Anisotropic Failure in Heterogeneous Continua. Fourth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics, Florence, Sep 2-6, 2019

Zhang B, Boisvert J, Chalaturnyk R (2018) Assessing SAGD response due to plastic deformations. Geoconvention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. May 7-11, 2018

Ugarte E, Pourrahimian Y, Boisvert J (2017) Determination of optimum drawpoint layout in block caving using sequential Gaussian simulation. Underground Mining Technology

Sadeghi S, Boisvert J (2016) Automatic Covariance Map Optimization for Truncated Plurigaussian Simulation. 10th International Geostatistics Congress. 10th International Geostatistics Congress, Valencia, Spain

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2016) Multivariate Decision Rules for Grade Control, Stockpile Destination Assignment and Mine Planning. 10th International Geostatistics Congress. 10th International Geostatistics Congress, Valencia Spain

Wang S, Catuneanu O, Pyrcz M, Boisvert J (2016) Conditioning 3D Objects to Dense Well Data: Two Case Studies. 10th International Geostatistics Congress. 10th International Geostatistics Congress, Valencia Spain

Saulo B. de Oliveira, Boisvert J, and Deutsch C (2015) Assessment of thickness uncertainty using geostatistical simulation in the Rondon do Para Bauxite Deposit, Brazil. 37th International Symposium APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH IN THE MINERAL INDUSTRY. Fairbanks, AK, 13p

Daniels E, Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2015) Artifact reduced localization of uncertainty "Lipstick on a Pig", 2015 SME Annual Conference & Expo. Denver, Colorado, 5p

Sadeghi S, Boisvert J (2015) Local truncated pluri-Gaussian mask optimization for categorical variable modelling with locally varying proportions. In 37th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM 2015), Fairbanks, AK, 1129-1139

Sadeghi S, Boisvert J (2014). Local truncated bivariate-Gaussian masks with locally varying proportions and optimized variograms. In Gussow Geoscience Conference, Closing the Gap II: Advances in Applied Geomodeling for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Banff Canada

Boisvert J, Pyrcz M (2013) Conditioning 3D object based models to a large number of wells: A channel example. IAMG, Madrid 4p

Silva D, Boisvert J (2013) Mineral resource classification: A comparison of new and existing techniques. APCOM, Brazil 15p

Lillah M, Boisvert J (2013) Inference of 2D and 3D locally varying anisotropy fields. CSPG geoConvention, Calgary, Alberta, 11p

Boisvert J, Manchuk J, Neufeld C, Niven E and Deutsch C (2012) Micro-modeling for Enhanced Small Scale Porosity-Permeability Relationships. Ninth International Geostatistics Congress, Oslo

Khajeh M, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2012) A numerical local upscaling approach for elastic rock mechanical properties: Dealing with heterogeneity. ARMA 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, Chicago, IL, 9p

Khajeh M, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2012) Local upscaling of elastic moduli for anisotropic complex heterogeneous facies models. 21st Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Edmonton, AB

Boisvert J, Manchuk J, Neufeld C, Niven E, Deutsch C (2012) Micro-modeling for enhanced small scale porosity-permeability relationships. International Geostatistics Congress, Oslo 17:159-171

Lillah M, Boisvert J (2012) Inference of 2D and 3D locally varying anisotropy fields for complex geological formations. International Geostatistics Congress, Oslo, 17p

Boisvert J (2012) Incorporating complex geological features into geostatistical property modeling. GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada

Khajeh M, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2011) Determination of Equivalent Elastic Moduli for Coupled Geomechanical- Flow Simulation of SAGD. CSUG/SPE Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference. 13p

Khajeh M, Chalaturnyk R, Boisvert J (2011) Impact of Heterogeneous Geomechanical Properties on Coupled Geomechanical-Flow Simulation of SAGD. SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi. 17p

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2010) Modeling locally varying anisotropy of CO2 emissions in the United States. 8th international conference on geostatistics for environmental applications. Belgium.

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2009) Geostatistics with Locally Varying Anisotropy. Frontiers and Innovation, 2009 Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Canada. 4p. (Presentation)

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2008) Shortest anisotropic path to reproduce complex geological features. 2008 International Geostatistics Congress. (Presentation and Poster)

Boisvert J, Lyster S, Deutsch C (2007) Constructing training images for vein type deposits and using them in multiple-point geostatistical simulation. APCOM. 113-120. (Presentation)

Boisvert J, Oshust P, Deutsch C (2007) Evaluating uncertainty in kimberlite pipe volume by simulating geometry in cylindrical coordinates. IAMG Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 70-74. (Presentation)

Boisvert J, Manchuk J, Deutsch C (2007) Calculating distance in presence of locally varying anisotropy. IAMG Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. 82-85. (Presentation)

Boisvert J, Deutsch C (2007) Evaluating uncertainty in Kimberlite pipe volume by simulating geometry in cylindrical coordinates. Statoil-Hydro Student Conference, Norway. (Poster)

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

Boisvert J (2010) Geostatistics with Locally Varying Anisotropy. PhD thesis, University of Alberta. 175p.

Boisvert J (2007) Mineral deposit modeling with pseudo-genetically constructed training images. MSc thesis, University of Alberta. 72p.