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- The Mathematics of Finance unit fits into the grade 11
curriculum in both the pure and applied strands of the Western Canadian Protocol. Although
the projects were developed according to the Western Canadian Protocol, they are also
common finance projects that will be found in most mathematics curriculums.
- The
common outcomes for the unit are found under the strand Number Operations
in the Program of Studies with the following outcomes addressed:

- C4-1 Solve consumer problems including:
- wages earned in various situations
- property taxation
- exchange rates
- unit prices
- [CN, E, PS, R, T]
- C4-2 Reconcile financial statements including:
- cheque books with bank statements
- cash register tallies with daily receipts
- [CN, PS, T]
- C4-3 Solve budget problems using graphs and tables to
communicate solutions.
- [C, PS, T, V]
- C4-4 Plot and describe data of exponential form, using
appropriate scales.
- [C, T, V]
- C4-5 Solve investment and credit problems involving simple
and compound interest.
- [CN, PS, T]
- The
specific outcomes for the math 30 applied curriculum as outlined in the
Western Canadian Protocol Program of Studies are:
- A8-1 Design or modify a financial spreadsheet template to
allow users to input their own variables.
- [C, PS, T]
- A8-2 Use spreadsheets to analyze renting or buying an
increasing asset (home) under different sets of circumstances.
- [C, PS, T]
- A8-3 Use spreadsheets to analyze leasing or buying a
decreasing asses (vehicle, computer) under different sets of circumstances.
- [C, PS, T]
- A8-4 Use spreadsheet(s) to analyze an investment of
life insurance portfolio, applying such concepts as capital gains, interest rate,
inflation rate, risk, total rate of return, and after-tax rate of return.
- [C, PS, T]
- A8-5 Analyze car or house insurance needs and premiums,
using such concepts as loss, probability of loss, compulsory coverage, optional coverage,
deductible and claims record.
- [CN, E, R, T]