Ren J., Ding X.,Greer J.J.(2019)Activating a4ß2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Alleviates Fentanyl-induced Respiratory Depression in Rats
Anesthesiology. 2019 Jun;130(6):1017-1031
Turner S., Streeter K., Greer J.J., Mitchell G.S., Fuller, D.D.(2018)Pharmacological modulation of hypoxia-induced respiratory neuroplasticity.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2018 Oct;256:4-14
Ren J., Ding X., Trudel M., Greer JJ.*, MacLean J.E.* (2017) Cardiorespiratory pathogenesis of sickle cell disease in a mouse model.
Scientific Reports 7(1):8665. Co-senior authors
Ren, J., Ding, X., Greer, J.J. (2017) Mechanistic studies of capsaicin-induced apnea in rodents.
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 56(2):252-260.9
Kamaludin, A.A., Smolarchuk, C., Bischof, J.M., Eggert, R, Greer, J.J., Ren, J., Lee, J.J., Yokota, T, Berry, F.B. and Wevrick. R. (2016) Muscle dysfunction caused by loss of Magel2 in a mouse model of Prader-Willi and Schaaf-Yang syndromes.
Human Molecular Genetics. 25(17):3798-3809
Greer JJ, Funk GD. (2016). Respiration. In: “Neuroscience in the 21st Century: from Basic to Clinical”. (editors in chief: Pfaff Donald W, Volkow, Nora D.)
Springer. Second Edition, pp 1557-1597. Print ISBN: 978-1-4939-3473-7
Turner. S.M.F., ElMallah. M.K., Hoyt. A.K., Greer. J.J. and Fuller D.D. (2016) Ampakine CX717 potentiates intermittent hypoxia-induced hypoglossal long term facilitation..
Journal of Neurophysiology. 116(3):1232-88
Greer, J.J. and Martin-Caraballo, M. (2016) Developmental plasticity of phrenic motoneuron and diaphragm contractile properties with the inception of inspiratory drive transmission.
Experimental Neurology. 4886(16):30128-5
Javaheri, S., Germany, R. and Greer, J.J. (2016) Novel Therapies for the treatment of central sleep apnea.
Sleep Medicine Clinics. 11(2):227-39
Haw, A.J., Meyer, L.C.R., Greer, J.J., Fuller. A (2016) Ampakine CX1942 attenuates opioid-induced respiratory depression and corrects hypoxaemia in etorphine-immobilized goats (Capra hircus).
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 43(5):528-38
Montandon, G., Ren, J., Liu, H., Wickman, K., Greer, J.J., Horner, R.L. (2015) G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium channels mediate respiratory depression by opioids.
El Mallah, M.K. Pagliardini, S, Turner, S.M., Cerreta, A.J., Falk, D.J., Byrne, B.J., Greer, J.J*, Fuller, D.D.* (2015)Ampakines enhance respiratory output in a murine model of Pompe disease.
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 53(3):326-35 *Co-senior authors
Ren, J., Ding, X and Greer, J.J. (2015)Ampakines Enhance Weak Endogenous Respiratory Drive and Alleviate Apnea in Perinatal Rats
Ren, J., Ding, X and Greer, J.J. (2015) 5-HT1A Receptor Agonist Befiradol Reduces Fentanyl-induced Respiratory Depression, Analgesia, and Sedation in Rats
Anesthesiology. 122(2):424-434
Zwicker, JD; Zhang, Y; Ren, J; Hutchinson, MR; Rice, KC; Watkins, LR; Greer, J.J.; Funk, GD (2014)Glial TLR4 signaling does not contribute to opioid-induced depression of respiration
Zhang, B; Xiao, WY; Qiu, H; Zhang, FM; Moniz, HA; Jaworski, A; Condac, E; Gutierrez-Sanchez, G; Heiss, C; Clugston, RD; Azadi, P; Greer, J.J.;...more (2014) Heparan sulfate deficiency disrupts developmental angiogenesis and causes congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Funk, Gregory D.;Greer, J.J. (2013)The rhythmic, transverse medullary slice preparation in respiratory neurobiology: Contributions and caveats
Greer, J.J.(2013) Current concepts on the pathogenesis and etiology of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Ren, J., Lenal, F., Yang, M., Ding, X and Greer, J.J. (2013) Co-administration of the ampakine CX717 with propofol reduces respiratory depression and fatal apneas.
Anesthesiology. 118(6):1437-45
Ren, J., Ding, X., Funk, G.D. and Greer, J.J. (2012) Anxiety related mechanisms of respiratory dysfunction in a mouse model of Rett Syndrome.
Journal of Neuroscience. 32(48):17230-40
Ren, J., Ding, X and Greer, J.J. (2012) Respiratory depression in rats induced by alcohol and barbiturate and alleviation by ampakine CX717.
Journal of Applied Physiology. 113(7):1004-11
Pagliardini, S. Greer, J.J., Funk, G.D. and Dickson, C.T. (2012) State-dependent modulation of breathing in urethane-anesthetized rats.
Journal of Neuroscience. 32:11259-70
Greer, J.J. and Funk, G.D. (2012) The Neural Control of Breathing.
Neuroscience in the 21st Century. Ed. D Pfaff, Springer Publishing. Ch. 45 pp 1423-1462
Greer, J.J. Control of breathing activity in the fetus and newborn. (2012)
Comprehensive Physiology, Control of Ventilation. Ed. Mitchell, G.S. American Physiology Society, Wiley-Blackwell. 2:1-16.
Ren, J., Ding, X, Greer, J.J. and Shankar, K (2012) Increased detection of human cardiac troponin I by a decrease of nonspecific adsorption in diluted self-assembled monolayers.
Applied Surface Science, 258(13) 5230-5237
Kar. P., Pandey, A., Greer, J.J. and Shankar K (2012) Ultrahigh sensitivity assays for human cardiac troponin I using TiO2 nanotube arrays.
Lab Chip. 12(4): 821-828.
Simpson SJ, Flecknoe SJ, Clugston RD, Greer JJ, Hooper SB and Frappell PB(2011) Structural and functional development of the respiratory system in a newborn marsupial with cutaneous gas exchange.
Physiol Biochem Zool.84(6):634-49.
Montandon, G, Qin W., Liu, H, Ren, J, Greer, J.J., Horner, RL (2011)A Critical Site in the Medulla Mediates Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression.
Journal of Neuroscience. 26;31(4):1292-301.
Beurskens, L.W.J.E., Tibboel, D., Lindemans, J., Duvekot, J.J, Cohen-Overbeek, T.E., Veenma, D.C.M., de Klein, A., Greer, J.J.* and Steegers-Theunissen, R.P.M.* (2010) The Retinol Status in Newborns in Association with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
Pediatrics 126:712-20
*Co-corresponding authors.
Clugston, R.D., Zhang, W., Greer, J.J.(2010) Understanding abnormal retinoid signalling as a causative mechanism in congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol. 42(3):276-85
Lorier, A. L., Funk, G.L. and Greer, J.J. (2010) Opiate-induced suppression of rat hypoglossal motoneuron activity and its reversal by ampakine therapy.
PLoS ONE. 5(1):e8766.
Oertel, B.G., Felden, L., Tran, P.V., Bradshaw, M., Angst, M.S., Schmidt, H., Johnson, S., Greer, J.J., Geisslinger, G, Varney, M.A. and Lötsch, J. (2010). Selective antagonism of opioid-induced ventilatory depression by an AMPAKINE molecule in humans without loss of opioid analgesia.
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 87(2):204-11
Clugston, R.D., Zhang, W., Greer, J.J. (2010) Early development of the mammalian primordial diaphragm and cellular mechanisms of nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 88(1):15-24.
Samaco, R.C., Mandel-Brehmi, C., Chao, H.T., Ward, C.S., Fyffe-Maricichi S.L., Ren, J., Hyland, K., Thaller, C., Maricich, S.M., Humphreys, P., Greer, J.J., Percy, A., Glaze, D.G., Zoghbi, H.Y. and Neul, J.L. (2009) Loss of MeCP2 in aminergic neurons causes cell-autonomous defects in neurotransmitter synthesis and specific behavioral abnormalities.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 106(51):21966-71.
*Rose, M.F., *Ren, J., *Ahmad, K.,HT chao, TJ Klisch,A Flora, Greer, J.J.,and Zoghbi, H.Y. (2009) Math1 is required for parafacial/retrotrapezoid neurons critical for CCHS and perinatal breathing.
Neuron. 64:1-14
*joint first author
Huxtable, A.G., Zwicker, J. D., Poon, B.Y., Pagliardini, S., Greer, J.J. and Funk, G.D. (2009) Tripartite purinergic modulation of central respiratory networks during perinatal development: the influence of ATP, ectonucleotides, and ATP metabolites.
J Journal of Neuroscience. 29:14713-25.
Greer, J.J., and Ren, J. (2009) Ampakine therapy to counter fentanyl-induced respiratory depression.
Resp Physiol Neurobiol. 168(1-2):153-7
Greer, J.J.(2009) Spinal respiratory neurons and respiratory control.
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Springer Verlag Publisher, Invited contribution. In press
Ren, J., Ding, X., Funk, G.D. and Greer, J.J.(2009) Ampakine CX717 protects against fentanyl-induced respiratory depression and lethal apnea in rats.
Anesthesiology. 110(6):1364-70
*Pagliardini, S., *Ren, J., Gray, P., Gross, M., Goulding M. and Greer, J.J. (2008) Central respiratory rhythmogenesis is abnormal in Lbx1 deficient mice.
Journal of Neuroscience 28 11030-11041.
*joint first author
Thoby-Brisson, M. and Greer, J.J. (2008) Anatomical and functional development of the preBötC. Invited Review.
Journal of Applied Physiology. 104(4):1213-9
Buccafusca, R, Venditti, C., Kenyon L.C., Johanson, R.A., Ren, J. Pagliardini, S., Golden, A., Coady, M.J., Greer, J.J., Berry, G.T.
(2008) Characterization of the null murine sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter 1 (Smit1 or Slc5a3) phenotype:
myo-inositol rescue is independent of expression of its cognate mitochondrial ribosomal protein subunit 6 (Mrps6) gene and phosphatidylinositol levels in neonatal brain.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 95(1-2):81-95
Samaco, R.C., Fryer, J.D, Ren, J., Fyffe, S., Chao, H.T., Sun, Y., Greer, J.J.,
Zoghbi, H.Y. and Jeffrey L. Neul, (2008). The loxP-flanked Methyl-CpG-Binding
Protein is a partial loss of function allele which predicts a human
neurodevelopmental syndrome.
Human Molecular Genetics. 17(12):1718-27
Ireland, M.F., Lenal, F., Lorier, A.R., Adach, T., Loomes, D., Greer, J.J.
and Funk, G.D. (2008) Pharmacologically distinct glutamate receptors underlie
fast excitatory amino acid signaling in inspiratory rhythm generating networks
and transmission pathways to motoneurons in the neonatal rat in vitro.
Journal of Physiology (London). 586(9):2357-70
Clugston, R, Zhang, W. and Greer, J.J. (2008) Gene Expression in the
Developing Diaphragm: Significance for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
American Journal of Physiology: Lung, Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 294(4):L665-75
Greer, J.J. (2008) Development of Respiratory Rhythm Generation
Editorial on Highlighted Topics Series.
Journal of Applied Physiology.104(4):1211-2
Lorier, A.R., Lipski, J., Housley, G.D., Greer, J.J. and Funk, G.D.
(2008) ATP sensitivity of preBötzinger Complex neurons in neonatal rat in
vitro: cellular substrate underlying a P2 receptor-mediated increase in
inspiratory frequency.
Journal of Physiology (London). 586(5):1429-46
Pagliardini, S., Ren, J., Wevrick, R. and Greer, J.J. (2008)
Neurodevelopmental abnormalities in brainstem of prenatal mice lacking the
Prader-Willi Syndrome gene necdin.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 605:139-43
Ren, J. and Greer. J.J. (2008) Modulation of perinatal respiratory
rhythm by GABAA- and glycine receptor-mediated chloride conductances.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 605:149-53
Bailey, A.A., Gongal, P., Pagliardini, S., Greer, J.J. and Hurd P.L.
((2008) Intra-uterine position influences digit ratio (2D:4D) in mice.
Archives of Sexual Behavior. 37:9-18
Greer, J.J. and Wevrick, R. (2007) Respiratory control abnormalities in
necdin-deficient mice: implications for the pathogenesis of Prader-Willi
In Genetics of Respiratory Control Disorders. Ed. Glaude Gaultier.
Springer, New York. Ch. 15 pp 259-270
Noble, R.T., Babiuk, R.P., Clugston R., Underhill, T.M., Sun, H., Kawaguchi, R.
Walfish, P.G., Blomhoff, R, Gundersen T.E and Greer, J.J. (2007)
Mechanisms of action of the CDH-inducing teratogen nitrofen.
American Journal of Physiology: Lung, Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 293(4):L1079-87
Ackerman, K. and Greer J.J. (2007) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia and
pulmonary hypoplasia: Developmental biology and genetics.
American Journal of Medical Genetics. 145(2):109-16.
Clugston, R. and Greer, J.J. (2007) Diaphragm development and congenital
diaphragmatic hernia.
Seminars in Pediatric Surgery. 16(2):94-100.
Wolansky, T., Pagliardini, S., Greer, J.J. and Dickson, C.T. (2007) A
discrete subgroup of inhibitory interneurons in the entorhinal cortex that
express the Substance P receptor.
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 502(3):427-41.
Clugston, R., Englert, C., Clagett-Dame, M., Martinovic, J., Benachi, and Greer,
J.J. (2006) Teratogen-Induced, Dietary and Genetic Models of Congenital
Diaphragmatic Hernia Share a Common Mechanism of Pathogenesis.
American Journal of Pathology. 169(5):1541-9
Ren, J., Poon, B.Y., Tang Y, Funk, G.D. and Greer, J.J. (2006) Ampakines
stimulate respiration in perinatal rats.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 174(12):1384-91
Ren, J. and Greer, J.J. (2006) Neurosteroid modulation of respiratory
rhythm in rats during the perinatal period.
Journal of Physiology (London). 574:535-46
Ren, J. and Greer, J.J. (2006) Modulation of respiratory rhythmogenesis
by chloride mediated conductances during the perinatal period.
Journal of Neuroscience. 26(14):3721-30
Greer, J.J.,Funk, G.D. and Ballanyi K. (2006) Preparing for the first
breath: Prenatal maturation of respiratory neural control.
Journal of Physiology (London). 570:437-444
Ren, J. and Greer, J.J. (2006) Rhythmic neuronal discharge in the
medulla and spinal cord of fetal rats in the absence of synaptic transmission.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 95:527-534
Greer J.J. (2005) Are biogenic amines involved in controlling upper
airway patency during REM sleep?
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 172(10):1237-8
Greer, J.J., Allan, D.W, Babiuk, R.P. and Clugston, R. (2005) Insights
into the pathogenesis and etiology of congenital diaphragmatic hernia from
rodent models.
Fetal and Maternal Medicine Reviews. 16(3):211-220
Ackerman, K.G., Herron, B., Rao, C., Huang, H., Babiuk, R.P., Kochilas, L.,
Epstein, J.A., Greer, J.J. and Beier, D.R. (2005) An ENU-induced
mutation in Fog2 produces both primary pulmonary hypoplasia and abnormal
diaphragmatic development in mice.
PloS Genetics. 1:58-65
*Pagliardini, S., *Adachi, T., Ren, J. Funk, G.D. and Greer, J.J. (2005)
Fluorescent tagging of rhythmically active respiratory neurons within the
pre-Bötzinger complex of rat medullary slice preparations.
Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2591-2596.
*joint first author
Pagliardini, S., Ren J., Wevrick, W. and Greer, J.J. (2005)
Developmental abnormalities of neuronal structure and function in mice lacking
the Prader-Willi syndrome gene necdin.
American Journal of Pathology. 167:175-191
Chapin, C.J., Ertsey, R., Yoshizawa, J., Hara, A., Sbragia, L., Greer, J.J.
and Kitterman, J.A. (2005) Effects of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and
tracheal occlusion on maturation of pulmonary epithelium in fetal rats.
American Journal of Physiology Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 289(1):L44-52
Greer, J.J. and Funk, G.D. (2005) Development of respiratory motoneuron
properties during the perinatal period.
Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 149(1-3):43-61
Ba, F., Ren, J. and Greer, J.J. (2005) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
release with neuronal activity in fetal rats.
Neuroreport. 162(2): 141-3
Berry, G.T., Buccafusca R., Greer J.J. and Eccleston, B. (2004)
Phosphoinositide deficiency is not a mechanism of lithium action.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 82:87-92
Babiuk, R.P., Thebaud, B. and Greer, J.J. (2004) Reductions in the
incidence of nitrofen-induced diaphragmatic hernia by vitamin A and retinoic
American Journal of Physiology Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 286(5):L970-3
Pagliardini, S., Ren, J. and Greer, J.J. (2003) Ontogeny of the
pre-Botzinger complex.
Journal of Neuroscience. 23: 9479-9490
Babiuk, R.P, Zhang, W., Clugston, R., Allan, D.W. and Greer, J.J. (2003)
Embryological origins and development of the rat diaphragm.
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 455(4):477-87
Mey, J., Babiuk, R.P., Clugston, R. and Greer, J.J. (2003) Retinal
dehydrogenase-2 is inhibited by compounds that induce congenital diaphragmatic
hernias in rodents.
American Journal of Pathology. 162:673-679
*Ren, J., *Lee, S., Pagliardini, S., Gerard, M., Stewart, C.L., #Greer, J.J.
and Wevrick, R. (2003) Absence of Ndn, encoding the Prader-Willi syndrome
deleted gene necdin, results in congenital deficiency of central respiratory
drive in neonatal mice.
Journal of Neuroscience 23:1569-1573
#Corresponding author
*joint first author
Ren, J. and Greer, J.J. (2003) Ontogeny of rhythmic motor patterns
generated in the embryonic rat spinal cord.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 89:1187-1195
Yuan, W., Rao, Y., Babiuk, R.P., Greer, J.J., Wu, J.Y. and Ornitz D.M.
(2003) A genetic model for a central (septum transversum) congenital
diaphragmatic hernia in mice lacking Slit3.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 9:5217-5222
Belik, J., Davidge, S.T., Zhang, W., Pan, J. and Greer, J.J. (2003)
Airway smooth muscle changes in the nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic
hernia rat model.
Pediatric Research. 53:737-743
Greer, J.J.. Babiuk, R.P. and Thebaud, B. (2003) The etiology of
congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a retinoid hypothesis.
Pediatric Research. 53:726-730
Berry, G.T., Wu, S., Buccafusca, R., Ren, J., Gonzales, L., Ballard, P.,
Golden, J. and Greer, J.J. (2003) Lethal neonatal myo-inositol
deficiency and central apnea in mice lacking the Na+/myo-inositol cotransporter
(SLC5A3) gene.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 18297-18302
Babiuk, R.P. and Greer, J.J. (2002) Diaphragm defects occur in a
congenital diaphragmatic hernia model independent of myogenesis and lung
formation American Journal of Physiology Cell Mol.
Physiol 283: L1310-1314
Martin-Caraballo, M. and Greer, J.J. (2001)Voltage-sensitive calcium
currents and their role in regulating phrenic motoneuron electrical
excitability during the perinatal period.
Journal of Neurobiology. 46:231-248
Kobayashi, K., Lemke, R.P., Robertson, M. and Greer, J.J. (2001)
Development of fetal breathing movements in the rat.
Journal of Applied physiology. 91: 316-320
Greer, J.J., Allan, D.W., Babiuk, R.P. and Lemke, R.P. (2000) State of
the Art Review: Recent advances towards and understanding of the pathogenesis
of nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Pediatric Pulmonology. 29:394-399
Martin-Caraballo, M. and Greer, J.J. (2000) Development of potassium
conductances in perinatal rat phrenic motoneurons.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 83:3497-3508