3.1.2 Drum type centrifuges


Drum centrifuge, Cambridge University , UK


Jack-up leg test , Cambridge University , UK


Jack-up leg model , Cambridge University , UK


Drum centrifuge, Utsunomiya University, Japan


Mini-drum centrifuge, Cambridge University , UK


Sand hopper used for mini-drum centrifuge , Cambridge University , UK


Clay cutter used for mini-drum centrifuge , Cambridge University , UK


Radius of drum : 0.40 m
Height of drum : 0.18 m
Depth of drum : 0.12 m
Payload : 80 kg
Maximum G-level : 445

Features :

  • Outer shaft with face plate and slip ring stack
  • Central shaft with central plates and slip ring stack
  • Inner shaft for stationary operations, allowing central plate extension during flight
  • Rigid base frame with rotating head, allowing drum to rotate from axis horizontal position to axis vertical position during flight
  • Clutch operations allow central plate to be de-coupled from face plate. Once stationary, extension to drum contaminant lid allows introduction of stationary components to central plate. When again rotating these components can interact with rotating face plate.
Mini-drum centrifuge, Hiroshima University, Japan