A huge centrifuge at U.C.Davis, USA
The centrifuge has a 4 m2 bucket area and accommodates a large servo-hydraulic shaker. A technician is seen testing the onboard computer and data acquisition system mounted near the center of the centrifuge. The centrifuge is capable of carrying the mass of 4.5 tonne payload to the acceleration of 50 G. For more details see http://www.engr.ucdavis.edu/~cgm/ .
Cheney, J.A. and Kutter, B.L. (1988) : Update on the US national geotechnical centrifuge, Proc. of CENTRIFUGE 88, pp. 61-66.
Kutter, B.L., Li, X.S., W. Sluis and Cheney, J.A. (1991) : Performance and instrumentation of the large centrifuge at Davis, Proc. of CENTRIFUGE 91, pp. 19-26.