2.3.1 Overall history of geotechnical centrifuge



Research topics

Active research groups


1st paper on the idea of centrifuging

(for steel structures)

Edouard Philips presented a paper titled "De l'equilibre des solides elastiques semblables" in which he recognized the limitation of contemporary elastic theory in the analysis of complex structures. He suggested centrifuging a 1:50 linear scale model of a bridge to an acceleration of 50 G (Ecole Centrale/Ecole Polytechnique, France).


Germ of idea

Tunnel support 
Slope stability 

Philip Bucky performed a test on an integrity of mine roof structures in rock where small pre-formed rock structures were subjected to increasing accelerations until they ruptured (Columbia Univ., USA). 
Dvidenkov and Pokrovskii made proposals on a geotechnical modelling in the centrifuge (USSR). Pokrovskii and Fiodorov presented a paper in English at the 1st Int'l Conf. on Soil Mech. and Foundation Eng. in 1936.



(for military affairs ?)

Research was continued in USSR (?) 


Trial manufacture of geotechnical centrifuges 
Simple data acquisition system (observation with eyes and photos) 

Behavior governed by soil self-weight 

  • Self-weight consolidation
  • Slope stability
  • Cambridge Univ., UK 
    Osaka City Univ., Japan


    Manufacture of large centrifuges 
    Progress in computing system and data acquisition system 
    Progress in constitutive law on soils

    Various topics 

  • Measurement of pore pressure
  • Effects of stress histories
  • Miniature field measurement system (i.e. in-flight vane, cone)
  • Piles, Retaining wall, Anchors, Shallow foundations
  • Excavation, Tunneling, Embankments, etc.
  • Cambridge Univ., UK 
    L.M.S., France 
    Osaka City Univ., Japan 
    Univ. of Manchester, UK 


    Development of earthquake simulators

  • Liquefaction
  • Stability of slope during earthquake, etc.
  • Caltech, USA 
    Cambridge Univ., UK 
    L.C.P.C., France 
    P.H.R.I., Japan 
    P.W.R.I., Japan 
    T. I. Tech., Japan 
    U.C. Davis, USA 
    and more


    Equipment for geo-environment 

    Soil contaminants 
    Struted excavation 
    Shield tunnelling 

    so many


    Kimura, T. and Kusakabe, O. (1987) : Centrifuge model tests, 2. Introduction, Tsuchi-to-kiso,Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 68-74 (in Japanese).

    Craig, W. H., James, R. G. and Schofield, A. N. (eds) (1988) : Centrifuge research activities in Japan, Centrifuges in soil mechanics, A. A. Balkema, pp. 19-92.