CD-ROM Library


Geotechnical Centrifuge

CD-ROM edition, 23 September 1998

Acknowledgements : This work would not have been possible without the contribution of

Dr. T. Ablett, Cambridge University, UK
Dr. H. G. B. Allersma, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Dr. M.D. Bolton, Cambridge University, UK
Mr. D. Bruno, University of Western Australia, Australia
Mr. S. Chandler, Cambridge University, UK
Dr. W. Craig, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. J. Garnier, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, France
A/Prof. M. Kazama, Tohoku University, Japan
A/Prof. M. Kimura, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. B. L. Kutter, University of California at Davis, USA
Dr. S.P.G. Madabushi, Cambridge University, UK
Dr. C. M. Merrifield, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. R. Phillips, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Dr. J. T. van der Poel, Delft Geotechnics, Netherlands
Prof. M. F. Randolph, University of Western Australia, Australia
Prof. A. N. Schofield, Cambridge University, UK
Dr. K. Soga, Cambridge University, UK
Dr. D. Stewart, University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. K. Tani, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
Prof. F. Tatsuoka, University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. F. C. Townsend, University of Florida, USA
Prof. V. V. Vinogradov, Moscow Railway Transport University, Russia
Mr. P. G. Watson, University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. A. Zelikson, Ecole Polytechnique, France.

Invaluable contribution was also made by members of the local orginizing comittee.


For the research purpose, lots of centrifuge model tests were drawn from the following publications with appropriate references attached.

J. -F. Corté (ed.) : Proc. of Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 88, Paris, April 1988, 610 p., Balkema, Netherlands
H. -Y. Ko and F. G. McLean (eds.) : Proc. of Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 91, Boulder, Colorado, June 1991, 616 p., Balkema, Netherlands
C. F. Leung, F. H. Lee and T. S. Tan (eds.) : Proc. of Int. Conf. CENTRIFUGE 94, Singapore, September 1994, 836 p., Balkema, Netherlands
R. N. Taylor (ed.) : Geotechnical Centrifuge Technology, 296 p., Blackie Academic & Professional, UK

Editors : This library was produced by the task force members of the JGS domestic TC2 committee.

Members :

J. Takemura

R. Babasaki

S. B. Gurung

T. Hagiwara

H. Hayashi

Y. Higuchi

K. Horikoshi

S. Imamura

H. Igarashi

M. Katagiri

K. Kita

M. Kouda

Y. Kusakabe

S. Miyajima

T. Namikawa

M. Okamura

T. Sakemi

T. Shimizu

A. Takahashi

S. Tamate

K. Ueno

S. Uchiyama

K. Yoshizako

M. Wada

Warning : This CD-ROM was made purely for research and educational purposes. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means except any fair dealing for the purposes of research or study, or criticism or review.

(C) 1998 Japanese Geotechnical Society