1. Introduction
Collection of Photographs on Centrifuge Modelling Technology
Centrifuge modelling has become increasingly widespread all over the world in recent years. A great deal of experience has now been gained in many institutions and it is time to share this information and experience with other researchers, as well as with newcomers to the area of centrifuge modelling.
To assist with geotechnical engineering education, particularly relating to centrifuge testing, the TC2 committee has decided to collect slides or photographs of centrifuge facilities and model tests, both from its members and from other organizations. The aim of the collection is to produce a CD-ROM slide library which can be delivered at the international conference 'CENTRIFUGE 98' held on the 23rd-25th, Sep. 1998.
It is hoped that the library will be a multi-purpose resource for teaching by university staffs; presentations by geotechnical engineers wishing to explain the techniques involved, and developing a working model by the newcomers. To facilitate easy use of the library, this will be divided into categories ranging from general to specific topics. The produced CD-ROM is supposed to be a prototype of this kind of library, and should be updated as required in the future.
Note that the library is not for commercial purpose, a number of contributions were made to produce this library.
We are looking forward to receiving valuable information.
If you have any question., please do not hesitate to contact us.
We hope this library will be useful.