LQUARK has been compared with a similar generator
(COMPOS version 1.2) [12].
The results for the differential cross-section for the
process and DIS
background are identical except that the DIS contributions
from the s- and c-quark sea are not included in COMPOS.
For resonances produced in s-channel processes, the QCD
scale used in the structure functions by LQUARK is the
resonance mass squared, while in COMPOS
is used.
COMPOS includes the additional possibility to generate
heavy flavour leptoquarks, excited electrons or excited
quarks, while LQUARK includes R-parity violating
supersymmetry processes.
In addition, ARIADNE and HERWIG have been interfaced to LQUARK.
It is our opinion that COMPOS is more difficult for the user
to modify than LQUARK.
For example, the user of LQUARK may code his own
differential cross-section as a function of s, x and y
and call it in a similar manner to those already in the