The following subroutines and functions comprise the package. The user must supply his own main program to call LQINIT at initialization, LQGEN once per event and LQTERM at termination. The example main program LQUARK can be used by selecting the CMZ option LQMAIN.
PLX: ¯x-component of momentum of incident protonPLX: x-component of momentum of incident lepton (GeV/c),
PLY: y-component of momentum of incident lepton (GeV/c),
PLZ: z-component of momentum of incident lepton (GeV/c),
PPX: x-component of momentum of incident proton (GeV/c),
PPY: y-component of momentum of incident proton (GeV/c) and
PPZ: z-component of momentum of incident proton (GeV/c).
N: Number of dimensions.DX: Vector of coordinates.
Y: Fraction of lepton's energy lost in lab.,.
S: Total CMS energy squared,
X: Bjorken-x,
, where
Y: Fraction of lepton's energy lost in lab.,
YLOW: Lower y-bound on integration.YHIGH: Upper y-bound on integration.