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This manual describes a computer program which generates Monte Carlo simulated events. Pair production of scalar or vector leptoquarks in electron-positron annihilation is simulated. The leptoquarks are produced according to an effective Lagrangian having the following properties[1]: 1) baryon and lepton number conservation, 2) non-derivative and family diagonal couplings to lepton-quark pairs and 3) tex2html_wrap_inline396 invariance.

The contributions to leptoquark pair production from the s-channel exchange of an electroweak boson, t-channel exchange of a quark and the interference between them are included in the differential cross-section. The angular distribution of the scalar or vector leptoquarks assumes unpolarized beams. The centre of mass energy is not restricted to the Z-resonance. The leptoquarks are allowed to decay to lepton-quark or neutrino-quark final states. Decays to all three generations are possible but the massless quark approximation will not be valid for decays to the top quark.

The LUND routines of JETSET [2] are used for the final state parton shower, fragmentation and decay processes. The generator fills the JETSET common block /LUJETS/ and the standard Monte Carlo generator common block /HEPEVT/. The mechanics of the program closely follows that of an analogous generator for simulating leptoquark production and decay in electron-proton collisions[3].

Douglas M Gingrich
Fri Jan 10 15:10:10 MST 1997