University of Alberta FSAE News
Keep up to date here with the latest news relating to everything Formula!! Check here for constant updates on what's happening within the team, work session dates, and much more!!!
General Meeting for 2011 Car 08/09/2010
The date is confirmed for our general meeting for our upcoming 2011 car. Join the team on Wednesday, September 29 at 5:00 pm in the ATCO Design Lab (ETLC 2-010).
Upcoming Meetings 19/09/2009
We have two upcoming meetings. They will be for anyone interested in Finance and/or Administration and also for first year students and anyone who missed the Annual General Meeting on September 16.
Finance/Administration Meeting: Tuesday, September 22 at 5:00 pm in the Student Vehicle Projects Office (ETLC 2-040A at the end of the student groups hallway beside Tim Hortons)
First Year Meeting: Thursday, September 24 at 5:00 pm in the ATCO Design Lab (ETLC 2-010, For anyone who did not make it to our Annual General Meeting)
General Meeting for 2010 Car 02/09/2009
We now have a date confirmed for our general meeting for our upcoming 2010 car. Join the team on Wednesday, September 16 at 5:00 pm in the ATCO Design Lab (ETLC 2-010).
Website Updates 16/08/2009
It appears someone has neglected to keep the website updated over the last.... year? Well wait no longer, the website will be up to date soon! I promise. Head on over to the Media section and check out the lastest newsletters.
General Meeting for 2009 Car 16/09/2008
On Wednesday October 1, 2008 we shall be holding our first
general meeting for the 2009 car. This meeting will be held in the
ETLC ATCO design lab at 5:00pm
Competition: 2008 28/07/2008
Competition was a Success! Out of 80 teams that
registered for FSAE West, our team came in 15th overall and 1st In Canada.
We also managed to snag 5th in acceleration and 2nd in fuel economy!
Our team is currently working hard to finalize the 2009 design. For
pictures/video/newsletters Check out the media page and Stay tuned for more!
Car Progress 07/06/2008
We have a driving car! We are just waiting for paint on
Sunday, and then it is out for track testing. Here are some
images/videos of our progress. Click on the pictures to zoom in.
18 May, 08
Formula SAE is in assembly mode, everything we need for
assembly is in our hands.
-Engine is tuned and in the chassis
-Suspension is on
-Steering is done
-Pedals are done
The car should be assembled by the end of next week.
May 31 2008.
25 April, 08
08 Spec Sheet, and Design Report for competition is done.
Click For Specs
For Design Report
5 April, 08
Progress updates on the 08 car
-Powder mill is currently powder coating our chassis, should be back in the
beginning of next week.
-Bodywork is making good progress with a goal of finishing the body in mid
-Engine tuning is underway
-Final assembly will begin shortly
22 March, 08
After much delay, new website updates! Be sure to check
out our facebook group
click here
20 Aug, 07
Hey all just made this quick site and got it up today. Hope you all like it!!