2000 Misfit Short Film & Video Festival

Rules and Regulations

The Misfit Short Film & Video Festival, presented by the UofA Film Zone, is an event which allows film and video makers to showcase their works in a open and non-competitive environment. Even though prizes are to be awarded, the purpose of the festival is to give entrants the chance to show their works to the public. The Misfit Short Film & Video Festival also attempts to provide an environment in which alternative and eclectic can be fully appreciated. Festival organizers have a few rules and regulations:

  1. There are no restrictions on the content whatsoever of submitted entries. Entrants here must be 18 and over. Due to the nature of this portion of the festival, only persons 18 years and older will be admitted into the theatre for the screenings. Festival entrants under 18 must submit a signed permission form for submission of an entry into Misfit and festival goers under 18 must have a signed permission form or be accompanied by an adult.
  2. The length of any entry must not exceed 20 minutes. However, previous experience has shown that the judges prefer shorter works.
  3. All entries must be in VHS format. If otherwise, special arrangements must be made with the festival organizers in advance. If accommodated, the arrangements will be made at the expense of the entrant.
  4. If entrants want their tapes returned, no fee will be charged for return of materials if entrants pickup their tapes themselves.
  5. Although subject to change, the "Top Ten" selected from all received entries will be shown at the festival. Both amateur and professional level entries will be accepted in this festival. Selection and awards will be based on artistic and creative merit. Pure technical aspects will be given less consideration.
  6. Even though this festival is non-competitive, awards will be given out to recognize outstanding work in certain areas. Prizes to be awarded include gift certificates and other goods donated by our sponsors. These areas, although subject to change, may include the following:
  7. Best DramaBest ComedyBest Cinematography

    Best ActorBest DirectorBest Picture (by audience vote)

  8. Entry fees:

    Canadian entries: $5

    UofA Film Zone Members: $3

    All foreign entries: $7

    * All fees must be in either Canadian or United States funds by one of the following methods: cash, cheque, or money order made payable to FILM ZONE.

  1. The deadline for all entries is April 14, 2000 on or before 4:00PM. Please submit your entry by one of the following means:

              (1) Drop off:

Bring entry to Cherie at the Students’ Union Executive Office (Suite 2-900) located at the Students’ Union Building (114th Street & 89th Avenue) at the University of Alberta.

However, you must mail the filled out Entry Form and entry fee to the location specified in (2) below or drop it off during Film Zone office hours.

(2) Mail entry, filled out Entry Form, and entry fee to the following:

    Attn: Events Committee

    UofA Film Zone

    60082 UofA Postal Outlet

    Edmonton, AB T6G 2S4


** Foreign entries must mark package as a GIFT not merchandise.

       9. The festival will be held on Saturday May 6, 2000 at the University of Alberta’s Humanities Centre (Saskatchewan Drive & 111 Street, Edmonton, AB) at 7:30PM. Admission per person for each separate portion of the
            festival is $3 ($1 for UofA Film Zone members) but free for entrants (up to one person per entry).



Attn: Events Committee

UofA Film Zone

Box 19, S.U.B., 8900-114 Street

Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7

Tel: (780) 468-1636





Multimedia Communications Inc. (780) 450-8800


Badass Jack's

La Piazza 10458B-82 Ave

Sorrentino's 10612-82 Ave

The Movie Studio 8625-109 St

and more to come!


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