Welcome to Teaching Through Inquiry! This set of resources reflects the work of a group of high school teachers exploring "teaching through inquiry." Over the past year they made a commitment to curriculum development work. This involved the creation of tasks and materials for lessons and units of instruction which they used in their own classrooms to facilitate their students' mathematical reasoning, creativity and understanding. As you explore the artifacts of the teachers curriculum development work you will find activities that you might like to adapt and use in your own classroom.
Rich Mathematical Tasks: Evan (Investigating Pi), Kristin (Exponential Growth and Decay)
Project Design for Personal Engagement: Blaine (Quadratics), David (Problem Solving), and Shannon (Linear Functions)
Units of Instruction and Assessment: Candy (Shape, Space and Measurement), and Andy (Trigonometry)
Communities of Inquiry: Candy writes about her experience trying to understand what it means to create a community of inquiry.