Citation Maps

Here are a few maps of research fields created through author co-citation analysis and author bibliographic coupling analysis. Details of how these maps were created are provided in our 2008 and 2014 papers published in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. A brief summary of how to read these maps is provided below.

Coronavirus Research

Thumbnail of COVID-19 research map
Intellectual Structure of Coronavirus Research

Information Science 2011-2020

Thumbnail of Intellectual structure of Information science 2011-2015 Thumbnail of Intellectual structure of Information science 2016-2020
Intellectual structure of IS 2011-2015 Intellectual structure of IS 2016-2020

Information Science 2006-2010

Thumbnail of knowledge base map (Information Science 2006-2010) Thumbnail of research front map (Information Science 2006-2010)
Knowledge Base Research Front

Information Science 1996-2005

Thumbnail of ACA structure matrix map (Information Science) Thumbnail of ACA pattern matrix map (Information Science)
Structure of Major Specialties Authors' Memberships in Specialties

Stem Cell Research 2004-2009

Thumbnail of ACA map of stem cell research 2004-2009 Thumbnail of ACA map of stem cell research 2004-2009 evolution
Intellectual Structure Evolution of Intellectual Structure

XML research

Thumbnail of ACA structure matrix map (XML) Thumbnail of ACA pattern matrix map (XML)
Structure of Major Specialties Authors' Memberships in Specialties

Knowledge Mangement

Thumbnail of ACA map (Knowledge Management)
Major Specialties and
Authors' Memberships in Specialties
  • Data: Web of Science records of all articles retrieved by a topic search for "Knowledge management" for the time period 2001-2006.
  • Authors mapped: 80 most highly cited.
  • Source: work in progress.

How to read the maps

The circular nodes represent specialties and the square nodes authors. The size of a specialty node is an approximate indicator of its overall significance in the map. The color of an author node indicates the number of specialties in which this author has membership: yellow for authors who only have membership in a single specialty, green for two specialties, red for three, and blue for four specialties.

The width and the greyscale value of lines connecting nodes represent the degree of relatedness, with darker and thicker lines representing closer ties. Dashed lines represent counter-relationships, i.e., dissimilarities.

On more recent maps (i.e., information science 2006-2010), the size of an author node is determined by citation count, and indicates the author's citation impact on the research field. The foreground links indicate unique contributions of author to research area, and background links represent a combination of unique contributions of author to research area and the correlation between research areas.

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