PDFs & Tech Graduates Undergraduates Past Students
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (2016)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (2012)
Research Interests : Particle image velocimetry, Multi-phase flow, Porous media, SAGD, Pressure from PIV, Fluid rheology
The main area of my study is investigation of multi-phase flow through porous media in near well bore pore space. Pore-scale velocity measurements of the flow of a dispersed phase through a pore geometry in the presence of a continuous phase is considered in the experiments conducted using conventional particle shadowgraph velocimetry (PSV) setup. Such capability enables the detailed investigation of flow phenomena inside the complex geometry of porous medium.
The primary goal for my PhD is to study the effect Multi-phase flow on the pressure distribution field in the pore space. Characteristic properties of a flow such as pressure distribution in the field can not be determined applying direct pressure measurement techniques. Therefore, a novel combination of existing theoretical models and optical diagnosis to determine the pressure distribution in a multi-phase flow was proposed in my studies. In this approach, the change in the shape of originally spherical droplets, as described by localized radius of curvatures, is used to determine the capillary pressure distribution for the dispersed phase.
Primarily result of this work shows that quantitative information pertaining to the deformation behavior of a dispersed phase can be used to determine the field parameters and investigate the pressure gradient properties of a multi-phase flow. Research initiatives that aim at building a stronger understanding of multi-phase flow through pore geometries can benefit from this work which clear demonstrates the capability of the combination of experimental and analytical techniques.
Experimental setup to study the velocity distribution within a pore space
The droplet shape analysis (a) before droplet enters the pore (b)as it enters (c)in the pore throat, (d) exiting the pore throat, and (e) after pore throat
(a) velocity and (b) pressure distribution with their corresponding profiles when the droplet is spherical
Ansari, S., Yusuf Y., Sabbagh R. and Nobes, D.S. ,“ Determining the pressure distribution of a multi-phase flow through a pore space using velocity measurement and shape analysis” Journal Measurement Science and Technology, Accepted Manuscript 27 February 2019, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/ab0afc
Yusuf Y., Kinsale L., Ansari S., Nobes D. S. “The behavior of streamlines in the flow convergence region in sagd” 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC)April 14–17, 2019,Las Vegas, NV, USA
Ansari S., Yusuf Y., Kinsale L., Sabbagh R. and Nobes D. S.“Visualization of fines migration in the flow entering apertures through the near-wellbore porous media”, 2018 SPE Thermal Well Integrity and Design Symposium Banff |Canada,Nov 27-29 2018
Ansari S., Yusuf Y., Sabbagh R., Soltani H., Kinsale L., and Nobes D. S. “An imaging derivation of the pressure field of a multi-phase flow in a porous media using μ-SPIV”, 19th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon | Portugal July 16 – 19, 2018
Ansari S., Sabbagh R., Soltani H. and Nobes D. S. “Flow visualization of a droplet penetration through a porous media in SAGD process using μPIV”, 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics – ICEFM 2018 Munich, Munich, Germany, July 2-4, 2018
Ansari S., Bayans M., Rasimarzabadi F. and Nobes D.S. “Flow visualization of the Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior of fluids in a Tesla-diode valve”, 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics – ICEFM 2018 Munich, Munich, Germany, July 2-4, 2018
Soltani H., Ansari S., Azadi R., Baldygin A. and Nobes D. S. “Developing quantitative information of oil droplets rising through a rectangular confinement” , 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics – ICEFM 2018 Munich, Munich, Germany, July 2-4, 2018
Yusuf Y., Ansari S., Bayans M., Sabbagh R., El Hassan M. and Nobes D. S. “Study of Flow Convergence in Rectangular Slots using Particle Shadowgraph Velocimetry”, 5th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics – ICEFM 2018 Munich, Munich, Germany, July 2-4, 2018
Ansari, S., Sabbagh, R. and Nobes, D.S. "Flow visualization and pressure calculation of electrokinetically driven flows through slots in SAGD process", 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (2017)
Sabbagh, R., Ansari, S., and Nobes, D.S. "Investigation of the transport of fines in porous media using a refractive index matching technique", 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, (2017)
Ansari, S., Sabbagh, R., and Nobes, D.S.,“ Flow visualization through long aspect ratio slots and migration of particles in the presence of electric field” Proceedings of Okanagan Fluid Dynamics Meeting , Kelowna , (2017).
Ansari, S., Sabbagh, R., Rasimarzabadi, F., Leitch, M., Waghmare, P.R., and Nobes, D.S.,“ Visualization of an Electro Electrokinetic Driven Flow Through Mini-channels in SAGD Wells” Proceedings of the 2nd Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, Las Vegas, TFEC-IWHT2017-18389, (2017).
Rasimarzabadi, F.,Ghaemi, S., Ansari, S., Leitch, M., and Nobes, D.S., “Measurement of the Flow Field out of High Aspect Ratio Slots” Proceedings of the 2nd Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, Las Vegas, TFEC-IWHT2017-18390, (2017).
Rasimarzabadi, F., Leitch, M., Ansari, S., and Nobes, D.S.,“Flow Visualization for Performance Measurement across Sand Control Orifices,” SPE Latin America and Caribbean Heavy and Extra Heavy Oil Conference, Peru, SPE-181164-MS, (2016).
Ansari, S., Rashid, Md. A., Waghmare, P.R., Ma, Y., and Nobes, D.S.,“ Newtonian and non- Newtonian flows through micro scale orifices” Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Naples, (2015).
Ansari, S., Rashid, Md. A., Chatterjee, O., Waghmare, P.R., Ma, Y., and Nobes, D.S., “Visualization of the viscous effects of non-Newtonian fluids flowing in mini-channels” Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Naples, (2015).
Rashid, Md. A., Ansari, S., Waghmare, P.R., and Nobes, D.S.,“ Capillary filling of Non-Newtonian fluids” Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Naples, (2015).