PDFs & Tech Graduates Undergraduates Past Students
BSc, Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University (Tehran Poly-technique), Iran (2000)
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Iran (2002)
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada (2011-2015)
Linkedin Profile
Research Interests: Solid-Liquid Separation techniques, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Porous media, Microfluidics, Electro-kinetics, Modeling
Reza's work in Dr. Nobes group includes theoretical and experimental investigation of:
- hydrocyclone separation performance,
- particle transport in porous media,
- steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) flows,
- electrohydrodynamics of particles in slotted liners
Hydrocyclone test rig and process flow diagram
modified performance chart for hydrocyclones and validation (developed by Reza Sabbagh)
An example of image processed using PIV during Photonic Systems in Fluid Mechanics course)
- R. Sabbagh, A. Moradi, Technical Graphics (An Engineering Approach), IAUSR Pub., 2010, Tehran, Iran. (ISBN: 978-964-223-803-3)
Journal Papers
- R. Sabbagh, M. G. Lipsett, C. R. Koch, D. S. Nobes, Predicting equivalent settling area factor in hydrocyclones; a method for determining tangential velocity profile, Separation and Purification Technology 163 (2016) pp.341-351.
- R. Sabbagh, M. G. Lipsett, C. R. Koch, D. S. Nobes, Hydrocyclone performance and energy consumption prediction: a comparison with other centrifugal separators, Separation Science and Technology 50 (6) (2015) pp.788-801.
- R. Sabbagh, N. Rahbar, Numerical study of the effect of geometrical parameters on flare tip wall temperature and emission, Journal of modelling in engineering, 13 (40) (2015) pp. 43-57.
- R. Sabbagh, M. G. Lipsett, C. R. Koch, D. S. Nobes, An experimental investigation on hydrocyclone underflow pumping, Powder Technology, 2016.
Conference Papers
- R. Sabbagh, M. G. Lipsett, C. R. Koch, D. S. Nobes, Theoretical and experimental study of hydrocyclone performance and equivalent settling area, ASME 2014 International Congress and Exposition IMECE2014, ASME, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. doi:10.1115/IMECE2014-37482. (2014)
- R. Sabbagh, M. G. Lipsett, C. R. Koch, D. S. Nobes, A mathematical model of equivalent settling area for predicting hydrocyclone separation performance, Fluid Particle Separation Conference-FPS2014, October 15-17, 2014, Lyon, France. (2014)
- R. Sabbagh, M. Jamali, Comparison between k-e and v2f turbulence models in an axisymmetric natural gas combustion chamber, National conference of mechanical engineering, Azad University, khomeinishahr, Iran. (2008)
- R. Sabbagh, M. Jamali, Effects of using baffle on CO emission oxidation in a thermal reactor, Proceedings of 16th annual (International) conference of mechanical engineering, Kerman, Iran. (200 8).
- R. Sabbagh, Cetane improver fuel additive effects on emission of heavy duty diesel engine, Proceedings of 15th annual (International) conference of mechanical engineering, Tehran, Iran. (2007)
- R. Sabbagh, M. Aghdaie, K. Hosseini, Octyle nitrate effect on fuel consumption reduction of heavy duty diesel engine, Proceedings of 14th annual (International) conference of mechanical engineering, Isfahan, Iran. (2006)
- R. Sabbagh, M. Farsi, Feasibility study of design and manufacturing of AGV (automated guided vehicle) in Iran, Proceeding of 1st mechanical engineering congress of Azad University, Shahre-Rey, Iran. (2006)
- R. Sabbagh, M. Aghdaie, K. Hosseini, Evaluation of deposits detergent fuel additive on fuel consumption of SI engine, Proceeding of 1st mechanical engineering congress of Azad University, Shahre-Rey, Iran. (2006)
- R. Sabbagh, M. Aghdaie, K. Hosseini, Experimental evaluation of emission reduction in a gasoline engine with a polyolefinic additive fuel, Proceedings of 10th chemical engineering Iranian congress, Zahedan, Iran. (2005)
- M. Jamali, R. Sabbagh, G. Sheikhzadeh, Y. Bakhshan, S. Mansouri, Computational study of fluid flow and oxidation of CO emission in exhaust thermal reactor, Proceedings of 8th annual (International) conference of mechanical engineering, Tehran, Iran. (2004)
- R. Sabbagh, M. Jamali, G. Sheikhzadeh, S. Mansouri, Numerical simulation of natural gas combustion in a cylindrical furnace, Proceedings of 8th annual (International) conference of mechanical engineering, Tehran, Iran. (2004)