PDFs & Technicians Graduates Undergraduates Past Students
NOTE - this page is of Amanda's work from 2009. Not as a MSc student from 2010
4th Year BSc, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. David S. Nobes, Dr. Michael Lipsett
Work terms: Jan-Apr 2007, Jan-Aug 2009
This was a really neat job. So neat, in fact, I came back to do it again. I enjoyed designing things, building them, and then getting a chance to use them as well. This was a great opportunity to experience the entire design process. Also, it was interesting to apply concepts I learned in class to solve real-world problems. While I was at it, I learned a lot of useful skills that will help me in my career, such as computer programming. I also got to experience a research environment, which has motivated me to pursue a graduate degree.
Summary of First Work Term:
- design and build trolley for giant laser
- design mount for sheet optics
- design plenum
- design spray diffuser
Summary of Subsequent Work Terms:
- design a system to measure milling performance when machining soils and oil sand
- commission and instrument milling system
- calibrate milling system and begin experiments
- learn to program in Labwindows/CVI
- program high-speed data acquisition systems for experiments
- write software to control 3-axis traverse
This trolley was designed to carry the large frame PIV laser. The main aim was to allow the laser to be easily moved while all associated equipment.
List of tasks
- Design the trolley so that it would: carry the laser and power supply, carry nitrogen supply, be able to fit through all doors, have room for launching optic
- Complete a structural analysis
- Oversee construction
- Paint and add decal
The plenum was designed to generate a uniform jet flow. Is is made of acrylic and has flow straightners and a smooth contraction inlet.
List of tasks
- Design overall flow system
- Design platform to hold plenum and nozzle
- Generate solid model
- Make construction drawings for the workshop
This device was designed to allow optics used to form a light sheet as part of the PIV system to have angle adjustment.
List of tasks
- Design to allow specified movement
- Generate solid model
- Make construction drawings for the workshop
- Oversee construction
- Assemble and test
The Static Water Tank is used in a variety of experiments. A solid model of the tank and frame was generated for use in developing new experimental flow rigs.
Design and commission a system to characterize the milling process of oilsand
List of tasks
- Estimate anticipated forces encountered during milling
- Determine important parameters to describe the milling process
- Design equipment to measure thrust, torque, and rotational speed
- Submit drawings to machine shop and place orders for other instrumentation
- Assemble, calibrate, and test the system
- Write a program to acquire data from the experiments