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BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical Option) (2015)
RGL Group
Research Interests: Plenoptic Imaging, 3D Time-Resolved PTV
Plenoptic imaging involves using a camera equipped with a microlens array to capture the angular components of the light field entering the camera. This type of camera allows captured scenes to be reconstructed in 3D space through application of a calibration algorithm. The current goal is to be able to use this type of camera together with 3D particle location and time-resolved tracking algorithms to enable single-camera 3D tracking of a fluid.
While the base algorithms for this technique have now been developed, optimisation of their application is in progress. Testing on various flows associated with the RGL project will be undertaken as the technique moves forward.
Calibration of Plenoptic 2.0 Cameras and use in 3DPTV Investigations, Lisbon Symposium 2016