
PDFs & Technicians Graduates Undergraduates Past Students

Mona Abdolrazaghi

BSc : Iran University of Science and Technology (2006)
MSc : Iran University of Science and Technology (2008)
MSc : University of Alberta (2012)
Dr. David S. Nobes

Description of Research Project
To quantify the uncertainty of the proposed 3C3D velocity measurement apparatus.

Experimental Setup

Calculated uncertainty: particle density. Out-of-plane displacement.

Comparison of Planar Correlation maps with/without noise.

3D Scanning Measurement System

The 3D intensity position of tracer particles are constructed by stacking the scanned images in depth with a thin focal plane and relatively fast scanning rate compared to flow rate. To achieve this, a timing trigger signal (below) that synchronize camera images to precise position of the piezoelectric stage was used. The captured intensity volumes are then cross correlated to calculate the velocity field.

Sources of Uncertainty

  1. System hardware: optics of the system, camera pixel size, non uniform laser power.
  2. Experimental conditions: particle diameter, shape, and concentration and image background noise.
  3. Processing algorithm: 3D cross correlation and peak detection.


To assess uncertainty, a perturbation analysis was carried out via Monte-Carlo simulation: generating the synthetic images of flow fields at two distinct time intervals, building the intensity volume of the flow field, performing an extended 3D cross correlation between the intensity volumes, and obtaining velocity vector field by running a 3D elliptical Gaussian peak detection with sub-pixel accuracy.


Seen in image 2 and 3
Study the design criteria for synthetic jet
What is Synthetic Jet?
Synthetic Jet or SynJet is a type of a Jet flow which synthesizes its flow from the ambient fluid.
what is the application of synthetic jet?
Hot spot thermal management: Cooling down some critical electronic devices. Controlling airflow in aircraft:To control flow separation, To control the aerodynamic characteristics. Provide thrust for small underwater animal: By looking at the movement of Squid or jelly fish movement.


Capability of the system in measuring the 3C3D velocity vector field in ยต-flow field was experimentally validated. The sources of uncertainty were quantified computationally and analytically in order to improve system accuracy.