As a member of the Canadian Federation
for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS), the Canadian
Association of Slavists holds its annual conference in conjunction
with the Federation's Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
This event is organized in partnership with a host Canadian University
and usually takes place at the end of May / early June. Other learned
societies comprising the CFHSS also attend the congress, turning
the event into a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary dialogue
and networking. The congress routinely holds a Book Fair, featuring
many university presses and scholarly publishers.
*Please note that the CAS will not hold a conference in conjunction with the CFHSS in 2020.*
In 2020, the Canadian Association of Slavists will host the 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES) at Concordia University in Montreal, Québec from 4-9 August, 2020.
The theme of the 10th World Congress is “Bridging National and Global Perspectives.”
The official Call for Submissions is available here.
This page provides the most recent Call
for Papers / Appel aux contributions, as well as
a Panel Proposal form / Soumission d’un panel, an Individual
Paper Proposal form / Soumission de communication individuelle, a Roundtable Proposal form / Soumission pour une table ronde, and a Graduate Student Activities Proposal form / Proposition d’activité pour les étudiants des cycles supérieurs. The deadline for submission of all proposals is December 31, 2019.
The Canadian Association of Slavists is delighted to announce that it will provide $6000 in funding assistance to Canadian graduate students whose proposals are accepted for the 10th ICCEES World Congress. The monies will reduce the registration fees to $50 CDN for 24 students. Both MA and PhD students are eligible for the awards.
Here you will also find an application form for a Travel
Grant that covers in part travel costs to the congress from locations
in Canada. Only graduate students are eligible to apply. The deadline for submitting the application is May 1.
This page also links to the current CAS Conference
Program, Map of Events (forthcoming), as
well as the CFHSS
Congress Website. Participants
are encouraged to note the early registration deadline for the
congress. All participants (presenters and members of the
audience) must
register with the CFHSS and must be members of CAS. Finally, this page offers a link
to the current Host
University Website.
ICCEES Call for Individual Paper Proposals
The Canadian Association of Slavists (CAS) is delighted to host the 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES). The event will be held at Concordia University in Montréal, Canada from 4-9 August, 2020.
Founded in 1974, ICCEES is a global consortium of national scholarly associations dedicated to promoting international cooperation and multi-disciplinary scholarly studies of Central and Eastern Europe, including former Soviet countries of Central Asia. ICCEES’ aims are to:
- promote international scholarly exchange and cooperation in Central and East European Studies by holding a World Congress every five years;
- share experience and support in critical methods, scholarly publishing, and organizational skills; and
- welcome young scholars working in the field.
While proposals for complete panels are preferred, proposals are also invited for individual papers and round table discussions.The congress especially welcomes participation by young scholars and graduate students. Panels, roundtables and papers are typically drawn from the following disciplines, although work in other scholarly fields will be considered:
· Anthropology/Ethnology
· Economics
· Education
· Film and Media
· Gender Studies
· Geography/Border Studies
· History
· International Relations/Conflict Studies
· Jewish Studies
· Journalism
· Jurisprudence
· Languages and Linguistics
· Library/Information Sciences
· Literatures and Cultures
· Philosophy
· Politics
· Public Administration/Social Work
· Religion Studies
· Sociology
The theme of the 10th World Congress is “Bridging National and Global Perspectives”.
Deadline for all proposals is Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Join CAS online at: http://www.ualberta.ca/~csp/Membership.html
For any further questions, suggestions or concerns please send a message to the ICCEES email address: iccees2020@concordia.ca