@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.99}}
@comment{{Command line: bib2bib -oc t1_citefile -ob t1.bib -c '$type : "MASTERSTHESIS" or $type : "PHDTHESIS"' bk_all_groups.bib}}
author = {M. J. Atkins},
title = {Experimental Examination of the effects of Fuel Octane and Diluent on {HCCI} Combustion},
year = {2004},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/MJAthesisHyper.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2004.03.22}
author = {A. Audet},
title = {Closed Loop Control of {HCCI} using Camshaft Phasing and Dual Fuel},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/ADAthesis_final_hyper.pdf},
abstract = {Feedback control of a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI)
internal combustion engine through the aid of camshaft phasing and
dual fuels is discussed in this dissertation. Control is achieved
by modulating the effective compression ratio inside the combustion
chamber and by varying the ratio of the input fuels; iso-octane and
n-heptane. Varying the ratio of these two fuels changes the fuel
octane number of the mixture, effecting the timing of combustion.
Increasing the effective compression ratio increases the temperature
inside the combustion chamber, advancing combustion. Proportional
Integral (PI) control is implemented for the single-input single-output
control problems. System identification is also applied to the engine
in order to derive dynamic models between the inputs and outputs
of the engine. These identified black box models are then used in
the design of model based controllers. The performance of all control
algorithms is validated experimentally and tested for the disturbance
rejection characteristics.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2008.09.12},
year = {2008}
author = {H. Babazadeh},
title = {Active Flow Control of a Precessing Jet},
year = {2010},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Babazadeh_MSc_2010_noAppE_opt.pdf},
abstract = {Active flow control of a precessing jet is the focus of this work.
A round jet confined by a round cavity exhibits a self-excited rotational
motion, precession, for a specfic range of cavity lengths. Active
flow control of this unstable flow provides the ability to control
near-field mixing of the precessing jet. Twelve micro-jets on the
periphery of the nozzle inlet are used as actuation and near-field
pressure data is measured by four pressure probes at the chamber
exit to monitor the flow behavior. A phase plane, based on pressure
signals, is used to find a Reynolds number and actuation frequency
range where actuation stabilizes the flow motion. Phase-locked stereoscopic
PIV is also used to validate the pressure processing tool. The results
con�rm the pressure measurement and micro-jet actuation can be employed
to develop a future closed-loop flow control on a precessing jet.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2010.12.02}
author = {J. B. Boddez},
title = {{Evaluation of SI-HCCI-SI Mode-Switching Using Conventional Actuation on a CNG Engine}},
year = {2011},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Boddez_Jason_Spring_2011.pdf},
abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) operation is desirable
for its high thermal efficiency and low emissions of NOx and particulates.
Difficulty with cold starting and maximum achievable speed/load highlight
the desire for mode-switching to traditional spark ignition (SI)
operation. Mode-switching between SI and HCCI is investigated using
only actuation of throttle, CNG injector pulse width, and CNG injection
timing on a single cylinder CFR engine. Open-loop control achieves
a one cycle mode-switch between two adjustable IMEP levels. Sequences
are repeatable as demonstrated by 10 mode-switches with the same
inputs. Performance is evaluated using a developed mode-switch performance
criterion (MSPC) by considering duration between steady-states of
operation, smoothness of IMEP, and knock based on maximum rate of
pressure rise. Comparing the results with subjective analysis (the
current standard) reveals good correlation. Throughout development,
mode-switching performance is shown to improve by a factor of 60.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2011.03.24}
author = {M. Bussiere},
title = {{The Experimental Investigation of Vortex Wakes from Oscillating Airfoils}},
year = {2012},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/MB_MSc_Thesis_final.pdf},
abstract = {The ability to actively control large coherent vortices in the wake
of an unsteady body is studied experimentally. This thesis initially
considers a single airfoil in a uniform flow that is forced to oscillate
sinusoidally about its aerodynamic center. The resulting wake is
expected to be dominated by large coherent vortices (Bohl & Koochesfahani,
2009), (Schnipper, Andersen, & Bohr,2009), (Jung & Park, 2005), (Godoy-Diana,
Marais, Aider, & Wesfreid, 2009), (Gopalkrishnan, Triantafyllou,
Triantafyllou, & Barrett, 1994). The wakes for several different
oscillation waveforms are studied and a model describing the evolution
of the vortices as they progress downstream is developed and compared
to the experimental data. The investigation then expands to 2 airfoils
in a tandem configuration where the upstream airfoil produces a predictable
and well studied wake which the downstream airfoil attempts to modify
in some prescribed manner. To interpret the resulting velocity field
in both cases, custom vortex detection software is developed so that
vortices may be accurately identified and characterized. The experiments
take place in a re-circulating water channel and flow measurements
are undertaken primarily using the particle image velocimetry (PIV)
measurement technique. The vortex detection algorithm must, therefore,
accommodate experimental PIV velocity vector fields. Given the large
number of vector fields that are to be investigated, the detection
algorithm should proficiently and automatically reject false vortices
with minimal human intervention.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2012.06.20}
author = {R. R. Chladny},
title = {{Modeling and control of automotive gas exchange valve solenoid actuators}},
year = {2007},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/RC_phdthesis_h.pdf},
abstract = {A promising method for enhancing automotive internal combustion engine
efficiency uses solenoid actuators to directly control the gas exchange
valves. Mitigation of valve seating velocities is challenging due
to phenomena such as magnetic saturation and combustion gas force
disturbances. A comprehensive control strategy is presented for a
hinged solenoid actuator. Gas forces on the exhaust valve are particularly
problematic due to the potential for large cycle-to-cycle variations.
Soft seating is achieved using a flatness-based landing algorithm
with a nonlinear disturbance estimator. The estimator is used with
an energy-based feedforward controller to reject exhaust gas force
disturbances. Feedback is provided through the use of flux and current
measurements and an accurate inductance model. Overviews of the employed
modeling and simulation techniques and experimental testbench results
are also presented. Both simulated and experimental results indicate
the proposed control methodology is capable of compensating for the
nonlinear magnetic dynamics and combustion gas force disturbances
experienced by exhaust valve solenoid actuators.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2007.06.10}
author = {R. R. Chladny},
title = {Modeling and simulation of automotive gas exchange valve solenoid actuators},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/RCthesis_h.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2003.03.22},
year = {2003}
author = {S. K. Chung},
title = {Flatness-Based End-Control of a Gas Exchange Solenoid Actuator for {IC} Engines},
year = {2005},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/SKCThesis_h.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2005.03.22}
author = {D. G. Crawford},
title = {Numerical Simulation of Thin Liquid Film Drainage Under the Influence of Pressure and Electrical Forcing},
year = {2008},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/CrawfordThesis_final.pdf},
abstract = {Thin liquid films occur in broad spectrum of biological, physical
and engineering systems and have been widely studied. In this study,
perfect dielectric fluid films interacting with an inert gas above
and sandwiched between up and lower bounding surfaces are modeled
under the influence of intermolecular and electrostatic forces. Film
flow that occurs as a result of these different forces was studied
for chemical, electrical and combined chemical and electrical patterning.
A `long-wave' asymptotic analysis is used to reduce the governing
fluid and electrostatic equations to a single partial differential
equation for the film thickness which is solved numerically. The
equation is solved using finite differences in space and a differential
algebraic solver in time. When a film drains on a homogeneous surface
the time required for drainage decreases as the magnitude of applied
electrical forces increases. Striped patterning of the effective
Hamaker constant or electric field can produce highly ordered patterns.
Chemical patterning always produced drainage, but electrical patterning
only produced complete de-wetting of the lower surface when one of
the stripes had a width less than $\lambda_{c}/4$. When chemical
and electrical patterning were combined new distinct film structures
were produced. The final film structures were altered when the stripes
of larger applied field and effective Hamaker constant occurred on
the same stripe or did not. A software tool to simulate thin film
drainage under intermolecular and electrostatic forcing was developed
and validated.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2008.03.26}
author = {K Ebrahimi},
title = {{Model Based Control of Combustion Timing and Load in HCCI Engines}},
year = {2016},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Ebrahimi_Khashayar_092016_PhD.pdf},
abstract = {Different model based control strategies are developed for combustion
timing and load control in a single cylinder Homogeneous Charge Compression
Ignition (HCCI) engine. In HCCI engines, a lean homogeneous air-fuel
mixture auto-ignites due to compression and the resulting combustion
occurs at lower temperatures compared to spark ignition or diesel
engines. The low HCCI combustion temperatures result in low Nitrogen
Oxides (NO_x) levels but high unburnt Hydrocarbons (HC) and Carbon
Monoxide (CO) levels. High HCCI thermal efficiency occurs when the
combustion efficiency is high and the combustion timing is appropriate.
In this thesis, the effects of fueling rate and valve timing on HCCI
engine performance and energy distribution are described. This analysis
indicates that Variable Valve Timing (VVT) with Symmetric Negative
Valve Overlap (SNVO) is an effective actuator for combustion timing
control. In addition, combustion timing affects combustion efficiency
which has an important role in engine energy distribution. Next,
a detailed multi-zone model with fuel specific kinetics is developed
for HCCI engine performance analysis that captures valve timing and
fueling rate dynamics. The multi-zone physics based model has 483
states, 5 inputs and 4 outputs. PI controller gains are first tuned
using the detailed multi-zone model in simulation and then the controller
is implemented on a single cylinder engine. Combustion timing is
used as feedback to the controller and valve timing is the main actuator.
Then a Feedforward/Feedback (Fdfwd/Fdbk) strategy is developed for
HCCI combustion timing control. The Fdfwd/Fdbk controller is based
on a model that relates combustion timing to valve timing and it
is combined with an integrator feedback to zero the steady state
error. A Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy is then developed
for HCCI combustion timing and load control that takes into account
actuator and output constraints. A physics based approach is used
for model order reduction of the detailed multi-zone model and a
discrete nonlinear control oriented model is obtained with 4 states,
2 inputs and 2 outputs. This model is linearized around one operating
point and the MPC is designed based on the linearized version of
the 4-state control oriented model. The MPC is then implemented on
the single cylinder engine and the results are compared to the PI
and Fdfwd/Fdbk controller. The MPC exhibits good tracking performance
for combustion timing and load. Finally, a new control oriented model
is developed for combustion timing and load control considering combustion
efficiency. This model can be used for future MPC design which consider
combustion efficiency constraints.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2016.09.30}
author = {A. Ghazimirsaied},
title = {{Extending HCCI Low Load Operation Using Chaos Prediction and Feedback Control}},
year = {2012},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/AG_phdthesis.pdf},
abstract = {Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising technology
that offers high fuel economy and low oxides of nitrogen and particulate
emission for automotive and stationary engines. A significant challenge
with HCCI is the large number of partial burn/misfire cycles within
the lean operation and the control of the combustion phasing. A detailed
experimental and modeling investigation into the patterns of HCCI
ignition timing and control based on deterministic structure of data
points in HCCI combustion to reduce the high cyclic variations for
operating conditions near misfire and to extend the HCCI operating
range is the focus of this thesis. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory
applied to a wide range of engine operating conditions show that
unstable operation of HCCI with higher cyclic variations with a non-Gaussian
distribution is observed near the partial burn and misfire region
of the engine. In order to predict and control the ignition timing
in the partial burn region of HCCI, the temporal dynamics of cyclic
variation in HCCI engine near misfire is analyzed using chaotic theory
methods. Closed loop ignition timing control is used to reduce cyclic
combustion variations for an unstable operating range of the engine
near misfire using fuel octane as the control input.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2012.02.06}
author = {Alejandro Martinez Gonzalez},
title = {Instrumentation Design, System Identification, and {LQR/LQG} Control of a Small Scale Helicopter},
year = {2014},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Martinez-Gonzalez_Alejandro_201407_MSc.pdf},
abstract = {The interest of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for civil application
has increased dramatically in recent years. With improvement in computer
hardware, lightweight sensors, and light material, the cost of UAVs
has reduced significantly. UAVs with vertical takeoff and landing
capabilities have been the focus of much development. A mathematical
model for a scale RC helicopter including the rotor dynamics is presented
in this work. The main rotor lift slope CL, the main rotor aerodynamic
drag coeffcient CDo , and the moments of inertia about the center
of gravity are determined by the use of two sets of HIL testbeds.
The avionics instrumentation, communication protocol and Ground Station
system are described in detail. Finally, the model linearization
and the LQR/LQG compensator in output feedback configuration with
reference inputs are presented. Simulation results show that the
proposed compensator stabilized and control the lineairzed dynamics
of the helicopter.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2014.07.21}
author = {S. Pourrezaei Khaligh},
title = {{Control-Oriented Modeling and System Identifcation for Nonlinear Trajectory Tracking Control of a Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopter}},
year = {2014},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/SK_PhDThesis.pdf},
abstract = {Model-based control design of small-scale helicopters involves considerable
challenges due to their nonlinear and underactuated dynamics with
strong couplings between the different degrees-of-freedom (DOFs).
Most nonlinear model-based multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control
approaches require the dynamic model of the system to be affine-in-control
and fully actuated. Since the existing formulations for helicopter
nonlinear dynamic model do not meet these requirements, these MIMO
approaches cannot be applied for control of helicopters and control
designs in the literature mostly use the linearized model of the
helicopter dynamics around different trim conditions instead of directly
using the nonlinear model. The purpose of this thesis is to derive
the 6-DOF nonlinear model of the helicopter in an affine-in-control,
non-iterative and square input-output formulation to enable many
nonlinear control approaches, that require a control-affine and fully
actuated square model such as the sliding mode control (SMC), to
be used for control design of small-scale helicopters. A combination
of the first-principles approach and system identification is used
to derive this model. To complete the nonlinear model of the helicopter
required for the control design, the inverse kinematics of the actuating
mechanisms of the main and tail rotors are also derived using an
approach suitable for the real-time control applications. The parameters
of the new control-oriented formulation is identified using a time-domain
system identification strategy and the model is validated using flight
test data. A robust sliding mode control (SMC) is then designed using
the new formulation of the helicopter dynamics and its robustness
to parameter uncertainties and wind disturbances is tested in simulations.
Next, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testbed is designed to allow for
the control implementation and gain tuning as well as testing the
robustness of the controller to external disturbances in a controlled
environment on the ground. The controller is also tested in real
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2014.03.17}
author = {P. N. Kirchen},
title = {Thermokinetic Modelling of the {HCCI} Cycle},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/pk_THESIS_saveTrees.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2004.03.22},
year = {2004}
author = {R Lupul},
title = {Steady State and Transient Characterization of a {HCCI} Engine with Varying Octane Fuel},
year = {2008},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/RLthesis_hyper.pdf},
abstract = {An experimental investigation of Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition
(HCCI) on a port fuel injected single cylinder engine equipped with
two separate fuel systems is performed in steady state and load transient
conditions. A range of intake air temperatures, intake manifold pressures,
and engine speeds, are investigated using two fuel systems to separately
supply n-heptane and iso-octane. Results show the ability of the
two fuels to obtain the load range at a given operating condition
with constant combustion timing. The ability to transition from Spark
Ignition (SI) mode to HCCI mode (and vice versa) within consecutive
cycles using the two fuel system is also shown for cases of constant
load as well as constant intake manifold pressure. HCCI engine operation
has comparable carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbon emissions
with lowered fuel consumption and dramatically reduced NOx production
compared to SI mode.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2008.03.26}
author = {M. Mashkournia},
title = {{Electromagnetic Variable Valve Timing on a Single Cylinder Engine in HCCI and SI}},
year = {2012},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/MMthesis_20120608.pdf},
abstract = {An experimental single cylinder engine with variable valve timing
is used to study spark ignition and homogeneous charge compression
ignition (HCCI). The discrete wavelet transform, on a single cylinder
engine with a cam-phasing head, is used in real time for knock detection
in HCCI. Classical control schemes are used by modulating fuel octane
number to show real time knock control is possible with this detection
scheme. The cam-phasing head is replaced with a electromagnetic variable
valve timing head and stable spark ignition (SI) and HCCI operating
points are found. The robustness of the valve controller is shown
by making cycle by cycle switches of valve timing events in SI and
HCCI. The effect of heat on the valves from operating in SI is shown
to affect valve performance. A valve motion controller, which was
designed and developed as a model in simulation, has been installed
on a single cylinder engine and tested. The resulting valve motion
control works well providing both a robust single cylinder test system
with flexible valve timing and also a simulation test bed to develop
valve motion control algorithms.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2012.05.20}
author = {M. N. Schleppe},
title = {{SI - HCCI Mode Switching Optimization Using a Physics Based Model}},
year = {2011},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Schleppe_thesis_2011.pdf},
abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) operation is desirable
for its high thermal efficiency and low emissions of NOx and particulates.
Difficulty with cold starting and maximum achievable speed/load highlight
the desire for mode-switching to traditional spark ignition (SI)
operation. Mode-switching between SI and HCCI is investigated using
only actuation of throttle, CNG injector pulse width, and CNG injection
timing on a single cylinder CFR engine. Open-loop control achieves
a one cycle mode-switch between two adjustable IMEP levels. Sequences
are repeatable as demonstrated by 10 mode-switches with the same
inputs. Performance is evaluated using a developed mode-switch performance
criterion (MSPC) by considering duration between steady-states of
operation, smoothness of IMEP, and knock based on maximum rate of
pressure rise. Comparing the results with subjective analysis (the
current standard) reveals good correlation. Throughout development,
mode-switching performance is shown to improve by a factor of 60.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2011.09.15}
author = {A. Schramm},
title = {Effects of Negative Valve Overlap on HCCI Combustion and its use in the Control of HCCI Combustion Timing},
year = {2014},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/ASthesis.pdf},
abstract = {Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion can produce
higher effciencies and lower emissions when compared to tradition
spark or compression ignition engines. This study conducts an experimental
investigation into the effects of valve timings on HCCI combustion
conditions. Using a single cylinder engine with state-of-the-art
electromagnetic variable valve timing (EVVT) fully independent valves,
a series of tests are conducted with varying negative valve overlap
(NVO). The in-cylinder residual trapped by the NVO causes an advance
in combustion timing, a shortening of burn duration as well as increase
in load and increase in brake specific fuel consumption. Asymmetric
valve timings are also investigated and show complex behavior with
high sensitivity of combustion timing in certain operating ranges.
Finally, these strategies are implemented as a set of feedback controllers
including a proportional-integral (PI) controller and a feedforward
with integral action controller. Both controllers have good tracking
for step changes in combustion timing setpoint with the feedforward
controller providing a rise time of just four cycles.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2014.08.22}
author = {Alireza Setayeshgar},
title = {{Investigation of Ultrasonic Acoustic Standing Wave Separation of Particles in a Multi-wavelength Macro-scale Resonator}},
year = {2014},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Setayeshgar_Alireza_201409_PhD.pdf},
abstract = {This thesis presents an investigation of macro-scale (>5mm) multi-wavelength
acoustophoresis. This is a technique used for the filtration of micro-particles
from the containing suspension. It uses the primary acoustic force
generated by an ultrasonic acoustic pressure standing wave. Primary
acoustic force is isolated in different multi-wavelength acoustic
separator experiments and imaging methods are used to capture the
motion of particles separating from the containing fluid. Different
investigation methods and models for analyzing the macro-scale acoustic
resonators are developed and the experimented acoustic resonators
are characterized. A particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) approach
for measuring individual particle motion is developed specifically
to track particles over the lifetime of their motion as they densify
to an acoustic pressure node. The applicability of primary acoustic
force theory to the macro-scale acoustic resonators is validated
by applying the PTV method to images of densification of mono-disperse
size and poly-dispersed size particles. Utilizing the developed validated
PTV method, the acoustic energy density, a parameter that can only
be derived from experiments is also determined. A probability density
function (PDF) modeling the location of particles for determination
of acoustic energy density is also developed which is in agreement
with the PTV method. The influence of dampening and scattering of
the acoustic wave in macro-scale multi-wavelength is studied. This
is performed by variation of piezo-electric transducer (PZT) voltage
and changing the viscosity of the suspension by using different solutions
of glycerol in water. The resulting acoustic energy density dependence
on PZT voltage in macro-scale multi-wavelength acoustic resonators
is observed to be different from that of micro-scale acoustic resonators.
This effect, which is visible in all different experimented suspensions,
indicates that macro-scale multi-wavelength acoustic resonators inherently
show more dampening effects than micro-scale acoustic resonators.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2014.05.24}
author = {M. Shahbahkti},
title = {{Modeling and Experimental Study of an HCCI Engine for Combustion Timing Control}},
year = {2009},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Mahdi_Shahbakhti_Thesis_Final_hyperlink.pdf},
abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising method
for combustion engines to provide a substantial reduction in fuel
consumption and formation of both nitrogen oxides and soot pollutants
in automotive and stationary engines. Control of HCCI combustion
timing is essential for the successful integration of the HCCI concept
in real applications. This thesis concentrates on control oriented
modeling and experimental study of HCCI combustion for control of
ignition timing in HCCI engines. A detailed experimental study of
HCCI with over 600 operating points on two different engines is done
to characterize the complex relationship among the engine variables,
the ignition timing and the exhaust temperature. This leads to identifying
regions with distinct patterns of cyclic variation for HCCI ignitiontiming.
In addition, main influential factors on the variations of ignition
timing and exhaust temperature in HCCI engines are determined. A
dynamic full-cycle physics based Control Oriented Model (COM) is
derived from using the experimental data and simulations from an
HCCI thermo-kinetic model. The COM is validated with a large number
of transient and steady-state experimental points. The validation
results show that the COM captures the key HCCI dynamics with a high
degree of accuracy for control applications. The COM is computationally
effcient and all inputs of the model can be readily measured or estimated
ona real engine. This makes the COM simple and fast enough for use
as an online simulation bed to design and evaluate different strategies
for physics-based control of combustion timing in HCCI engines.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2009.10.15}
author = {S. Shahidi},
title = {An Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Diagnostic Device for Characterization of Liquid-Liquid Systems and Phase Separation Detection in Emulsions},
year = {2013},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/shahidi_thesis_2013.pdf},
abstract = {Rapid characterization of complex fluids, especially sensing emulsion
stability, is crucial for a variety of industrial applications ranging
from pharmaceutical industry and cosmetics, to petroleum production.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful tool for
electrical characterization of such systems. In this study, a "milli-fluidic"
EIS test fixture which is inexpensive, easily fabricated, yet robust,
is designed. It is fabricated using 3D printing technology, which
allows reproducible and reliable multiple experiments, and can then
be disposed of after each test. The developed cell is tested using
solutions, liquid-liquid mixtures, and oil-water emulsions. Frequency
response analysis and equivalent circuit modeling have been performed
to find the effective electrical properties of the liquids, and relate
them to their physical properties, such as stability. In this work,
EIS, performed using the developed device, is applied to reveal the
electrical behavior of oilwater emulsions during phase separation.
It is found that creaming (sedimentation) can be detected based on
permittivity decay, and capacitance-based measurements can be utilized
to measure stability and phase separation in emulsions.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2013.10.20}
author = {Craig Slepicka},
title = {Iterative Learning Control for Fuel Robust HCCI.},
year = {2016},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Slepicka_Craig_E_201603_Msc.pdf},
abstract = {A dual-fuel system is used to control HCCI combustion timing and load in a CFR engine. The systems steady-state response to iso-octane and n-heptane injected energy is investigated then a dynamic ARMAX model is found using system identification. This model is used to design a norm-optimal Iterative Learning Controller (ILC). A new design for an ILC is developed that requires minimal system information and is called the model-less ILC. The stability and noise transference of this new design is investigated. Both ILC designs are then optimized for experimental implementation. To attenuate noise in the system two non-causal filters are developed to use with the ILC: a Gaussian and a zero-phase Butterworth. The filters are optimized on the ARMAX model and then implemented on the CFR engine. The three best ILC designs are are found to be the model-less with zero-phase Butterworth, norm-optimal with zero-phase Butterworth and a norm optimal without a filter. These ILC designs are compared to a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller and all three ILCs are found to out perform the PI controller.
The three best ILC designs are then implemented on the engine with different operating conditions to explore the controller robustness. The intake temperature and compression ratio are varied and all ILC designs performed well with the ILC convergence time being most affected by these disturbances. The disturbance rejection of the controllers is then tested with the addition of biofuels: ethanol and biodiesel. The controllers are able to converge with the new fuel and out-performed the PI controller subject to the same biofuel disturbance.
For the CFR engine with HCCI combustion performing repetitive steps in combustion timing and load, ILC outperforms PI control and is robust to changes in intake temperature, compression ratio and the addition of biofuels with little changes in the final iteration reference tracking error.A dual-fuel system is used to control HCCI combustion timing and load in a CFR engine. The systems steady-state response to iso-octane and n-heptane injected energy is investigated then a dynamic ARMAX model is found using system identification. This model is used to design a norm-optimal Iterative Learning Controller (ILC). A new design for an ILC is developed that requires minimal system information and is called the model-less ILC. The stability and noise transference of this new design is investigated. Both ILC designs are then optimized for experimental implementation. To attenuate noise in the system two non-causal filters are developed to use with the ILC: a Gaussian and a zero-phase Butterworth. The filters are optimized on the ARMAX model and then implemented on the CFR engine. The three best ILC designs are are found to be the model-less with zero-phase Butterworth, norm-optimal with zero-phase Butterworth and a norm optimal without a filter. These ILC designs are compared to a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller and all three ILCs are found to out perform the PI controller.
The three best ILC designs are then implemented on the engine with different operating conditions to explore the controller robustness. The intake temperature and compression ratio are varied and all ILC designs performed well with the ILC convergence time being most affected by these disturbances. The disturbance rejection of the controllers is then tested with the addition of biofuels: ethanol and biodiesel. The controllers are able to converge with the new fuel and out-performed the PI controller subject to the same biofuel disturbance.
For the CFR engine with HCCI combustion performing repetitive steps in combustion timing and load, ILC outperforms PI control and is robust to changes in intake temperature, compression ratio and the addition of biofuels with little changes in the final iteration reference tracking error.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2016.03.29}
author = {D. Stang},
title = {Characterization and Control of Cyclic Variability in a Gasoline/Natural Gas Dual-Injection Spark Ignition Engine},
year = {2016},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Stang_Daniel_A_201601_MSc.pdf},
abstract = {Reducing the cyclic variability of a gasoline/natural gas dual injection
spark ignition engine using minimum variance control is the subject
of this thesis. Cylinder pressure is used to calculate four combustion
metrics, the standard deviation of which is used as an indicator
of cyclic variability. Spark timing, fuel type, and engine speed
are varied to characterize the cyclic variability of the engine.
Location of peak pressure is found to be the best combustion metric
for use as feedback in a closed loop controller. Using the location
of peak pressure as an engine output and spark timing as an engine
input, system identification is used to develop input-output models.
Using the model, a minimum variance controller is developed which
is able to reduce the cyclic variability by 1.4% by changing the
spark timing in response to the measured location of peak pressure.
A detuned minimum variance tracking controller is designed to produce
maximum power in changing operating conditions by using 16 crank
angle degrees after top dead center as the location of peak pressure
set-point. The detuned minimum variance controller is able to track
and maintain the set-point under constant operating conditions and
as disturbances such as, changing fuel type, addition of internal
exhaust gas recirculation, and changing coolant temperature, are
introduced into the system. The detuned minimum variance controller
rejects these disturbances when experimentally tested and maintains
optimal engine operating conditions.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2016.01.15}
author = {G. M. Supeene},
title = {Numerical Simulation of Time-Dependent Droplet Deformation in an Electric Feild},
year = {2005},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/GSthesis.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2005.06.22}
author = {C. M. Tsai},
title = {Approach Control of a Gas Exchange Solenoid Actuator for {IC} Engines},
year = {2007},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/jimmytsai_thesis_2007_final_hyper.pdf},
abstract = {Application of solenoid valve actuators in internal combustion engines
can facilitate operations such as variable valve timing for improved
effciency and emission. Unfortunately, smooth solenoid valve landing
is hard to achieve due to limited control authority, limited bandwidth,
and time varying disturbances. The resultant valve impact causes
unacceptable noise and component wear on the engine. To solve this
"soft seating" problem, the controller is further divided into approach
and landing sub-controllers. The landing controller causes the valve
to follow a smooth trajectory for a low-impact landing in the last
portion of the valve flight. Before armature landing starts, the
approach controller complements the landing control by setting a
consistent initial condition for the landing trajectory. This thesis
focuses on developing a cycle-adaptive approach controller that utilizes
information from the repetitive operations of the engine valve. Additionally,
a novel way of using induced voltages to identify disturbance pressure
magnitudes is introduced.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {Simon Fraser University},
timestamp = {2007.12.20}
author = {{Van Kleeck}, C. J.},
title = {Formation control for autonomous marine vehicles},
year = {2009},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10048/666},
abstract = {The development, implementation, and testing of a leader-follower
based robust nonlinear formation controller is discussed in this
thesis. This controller uses sliding mode control on the length and
angle between the leader and follower vessels to produce the desired
formation. A boat model, assuming planar motion (three degrees of
freedom), is used as the bases for the controller. Open loop testing
is performed to determine parameter values to match the simulation
model to the physical one and, upon tuning of the controller to match,
closed loop testing of the controller with a virtual leader is also
performed. From these tests it is found that the controller is unstable,
thus improvements to the controller, through changes made to the
model and to the parameter identification process, are undertaken.
Simulations comparing the initial and updated models of the vehicle
to open loop data show an improvement in the new model.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2009.10.16}
author = {Zichuan Wang},
title = {Model order reduction and boundary control of incompressible Boussinesq flow},
year = {2016},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/ZichuanWang_MScThesis20160303.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2016.03.29}
author = {Jiaxin Zhu},
title = {Visualization Investigation of a Diesel-Gasoline Mixture Jet},
year = {2016},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/JZthesis.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2016.06.28}
author = {Hadi Nazaripoor},
title = {Electrohydrodynamic and Thermocapillary Instability of Thin Liquid Films},
type = {phdthesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Nazaripoor_Hadi_201612_PhD.pdf},
abstract = {Electrically induced instability of thin liquid films is a contactless pattern transfer method, often called electrohydrodynamic (EHD) lithography, which has gained extensive attention due to its ability in creation of novel micro- and nano-sized structures. The need for powerful microprocessors and cheaper electronic memory has accelerated the research effort on finding novel, fast and inexpensive techniques for creation of nano-sized features. An electrostatic model is developed called an ionic liquid (IL) model which consider a finite diffuse electric layer with comparable thickness to the film. This overcomes the shortcoming of assuming very large and small electric diffuse layer inherent in the perfect dielectric (PD) and leaky dielectric (LD) models respectively. The process of pattern formation is then numerically simulated by solving the nonlinear thin film equation using finite difference for the spatial domain and an adaptive time step solver for time.
In single layer film, the total number of pillars formed (raised columnar structures called pillars) in 1$\mu$m$^2$ area of the domain in IL film is almost 5 times more than similar PD film for the conditions simulated. Replacing the flat electrode with the patterned one is found to result in more compact and well-ordered structures particularly when an electrode with square block protrusions is used. Structure size in PD films is reduced by a factor of four when it is replaced with IL films which results in nano-sized features with well-ordered pattern over the domain.
In bilayer systems, an extensive numerical study is carried out to generate a map based on electric permittivity ratio of layers and the initial mean thickness of the lower layer. This map is used to predict the formation of various structures on PD-PD bilayers interface and provides a baseline for unstable IL-PD bilayers. The use of an IL layer is found to reduce the size of the structures, but results in polydispersed and disordered pillars spread over the domain. The numerical predictions follow similar trend of experimental observation in literature.
To improve the electrically assisted patterning process and create smaller sized features with the higher active surface area, the combined thermocapillary (TC) and EHD instability of liquid nanofilms is considered using both linear stability and nonlinear analysis. The number density of pillars formed in 1$\mu$m$^2$ area is significantly increased compared to the EHD base-case and nano-sized pillars are created due to the TC effects. Relative interface area increases of up to 18$\%$ due to this pattern miniaturization are realized. It is also found that increase in the thermal conductivity ratio of layers changes the mechanism of pattern formation resulting in nonuniform and randomly distributed micro pillars being generated.},
groups = {thesis},
keywords = {Thin films, electrohydrodynamic, electrokinetic, thermocapillary, Marangoni, perfect dielectric, ionic liquids, instability, dynamics, numerical simulation, micro and nano patterning},
month = {dec},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2016-12-15},
year = {2016}
author = {Robert Klikach},
title = {Investigation and Analysis of RCCI using NVO on a Converted Spark Ignition Engine},
year = {2018},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/rklikach_thesis_v15.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2018-08-19}
author = {Giffin Symko},
title = {Characterization of the Exhaust Flow through the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst},
year = {2018},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/GS_Thesis_v03a.pdf},
abstract = {The result of adding an insulation ring to the interior of the Diesel oxidation catalyst on pressure drop and light-o characteristics is investigated by injecting a ceramic material into the channels of the monolith forming a circular ring. The steady state pressure drop is recorded as a function of the mass flow rate while the transient
temperature response is recorded as a function of time. The experimental results are compared with a numerical model created using ANSYS Fluent. The experimental results show no statistical difference in pressure drop with the addition of an insulation ring as the pulsations in the exhaust ow, created by the engine, results in uncertainty larger than the expected dierence in pressure drop. The numerical model shows an increase in pressure drop that corresponds to the decrease in flow area which results in an increase in viscous resistance through the remaining channels of the monolith. The experimental results indicate that the addition of an insulation ring increases the heat capacity of the DOC requiring more energy and time to reach steady state. However, the numerical model indicates that the increase in time to reach steady state is due to the slow rate of heating of the insulation ring, while the rate of heating of the monolith is increased, with the exception of a small area directly adjacent to the insulation ring. The experimental results show no statistical difference in pressure drop while the numerical model indicates an increase in pressure drop with the addition of an insulation ring. The light-off characteristics of the DOC with the addition of an insulation ring may be improved as the rate of heating is increased across the monolith, with the exception of directly adjacent to the insulation ring. Whether the decrease in the rate of heating adjacent to the insulation ring offsets the benefits of the increase for the remainder of the monolith needs to be further explored.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2018-01-19}
author = {Bradley Joseph Gibeau},
title = {Analysis and Control of Vortex Shedding from a Blunt Trailing Edge},
year = {2018},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Gibeau_Bradley_J_201809_MSc.pdf},
comment = {co-supervised with S. Ghaemi},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2018-08-19}
author = {David Gordon},
title = {{HCCI} Modeling and Control Strategies Utilizing Water Injection},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Gordon_David_C_201812_MSc.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2020-05-22},
year = {2018}
author = {M Aliramezani},
title = {{Production engine emission sensor modeling for in-use measurement and on-board diagnostics}},
year = {2019},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/MA_Thesis_V04c.pdf},
abstract = {Production engine emission sensors have become essential for on-board measurement in the exhaust gas and for engine feedback control. To help design future amperometric sensors, first the diffusion mechanism of a zirconia-based amperometric NOx sensor
was examined by studying the effect of sensor temperature on sensor output. The multi component molecular diffusion mechanism was experimentally found to be the dominant diffusion mechanism that affects
the diffusive flow through the sensor diffusion barriers. A sensor model was developed based on this dominant diffusion mechanism to predict NOx concentration which was validated with the experiments at different
Diesel engine operating conditions with different species concentrations. Then, a physics-based sensor model that includes diffusion and electrochemical submodels is developed. It is shown that NO is partly reduced
in the O2 sensing chamber which affects NO concentration in the O2 sensing chamber and in the NOx sensing chamber. Therefore, the electrochemical model is developed to simulate partial reduction of NOx on the
O2 sensing electrode and reduction of NOx on the NOx sensing electrode. A transport model that simulates diffusion of the gas species through the sensor diffusion barriers and sensor chambers is coupled to the
electrochemical submodels. Experiments at different engine operating conditions with different NOx concentrations from 0 to 2820 ppm have been performed to validate the model accuracy at different operating
conditions. The model results closely match the experiments with a maximum 12% error for the NOx sensing pumping current. Cross-sensitivity of electrochemical sensors to the other exhaust gas contaminations,
especially NH3, is still a challenge for the automotive industry. A dynamic NOx sensor model is developed to remove ammonia cross sensitivity from production NOx sensors mounted downstream of Diesel-engine
selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems. The model is validated for large amounts of ammonia slip during different engine transients. A three-state nonlinear control oriented SCR model is also developed to predict
the NH3 concentration downstream of the SCR (NH3 slip). NH3 slip is then used as an input for modeling the cross sensitivity of a production NOx sensor and calculating the actual NOx concentration in the presence
of NH3 contamination. A limiting-current-type amperometric hydrocarbon sensor for rich conditions (in the absence of O2) is also developed. The transient performance and stability of the sensor are optimized by
changing the sensor temperature, the reference cell potential, and the stabilizing cell potential at a high propane concentration (5000 ppm - balanced with nitrogen). Then, the sensor steady state behavior is studied
to find the diffusion rate-determined operating region. The sensor is shown to have a linear sensitivity to propane concentration from 0 to 3200 ppm. The sensor response time to different step changes from zero
propane concentration to 5000 ppm propane concentration is studied. It is shown that propane concentration does not have a significant effect on the sensor response time. Sensor and engine On Board Diagnostics
(OBD) is the last part of this thesis. A physics-based model was developed and then employed to predict the sensor output for oxygen as a function of sensor temperature and oxygen concentration. A temperature
perturbation method was also developed based on the model to calibrate the sensor output with respect to oxygen concentration. The model accurately matched the experimental results in steady state and transient.
A two step sensor diagnostics procedure based on the sensor temperature perturbation method was then proposed. A self-calibration procedure was also implemented inside the diagnostics procedure using
temperature perturbation at engine-o. This self-recalibration only requires an external relative humidity measurement. Finally, based on experimental data, a Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) control oriented diesel
engine model is developed to predict engine NOx emission and brake mean effective pressure (BMEP). The steady state engine NOx is modeled as a function of the injected fuel amount, the injection rail pressure and
the engine speed. The BMEP is assumed to be a function of the injected fuel amount and engine speed. Then, an engine dynamic model was developed by adding first order lags to the static NOx and BMEP models.
This two-state control oriented model is used to represent the dynamic model. The engine response to step changes of injection pressure and injected fuel amount are examined and compared with the experimental
data. The developed control oriented model can be used for both engine and NOx sensor on board diagnostics and for engine control with NOx sensor feedback.},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2016.09.30}
author = {Jakub Tyler McNally},
date = {2024-01-14},
institution = {University of Alberta},
title = {Hydrogen-Diesel Dual Fuel Combustion Characterization for an Internal Combustion Engine},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/McNally_MSc_Thesis.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2024-01-14},
year = {2024}
author = {A Norouzi},
institution = {University of Alberta},
title = {{Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines}},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Armin_thesis.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2022-12-23},
year = {2022}
author = {D Gordon},
date = {2023-03-02},
institution = {University of Alberta},
title = {{Realtime Machine Learning based In-Cycle Control of HomogeneousCharge Compression Ignition}},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/PhD_Thesis_dgordon.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2023-03-07},
year = {2023}
author = {Ali Lotfi},
date = {2021},
institution = {University of Alberta},
title = {Study of light-duty gasoline vehicle cold climate NOx and particulate number emissions in real-world driving conditions},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Lotfi_Ali_202101_MSc.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2021-01-29},
year = {2021}
author = {Erfan Hajiparvaneh},
date = {2023},
institution = {University of Alberta},
title = {Sensitivity of Ambient NO2 Concentration to Upstream Oil and Gas and Transportation Emissions in Alberta},
type = {{M.Sc.} Thesis},
url = {/~ckoch/thesis/Erfan_thesis_final.pdf},
groups = {thesis},
owner = {ckoch},
school = {University of Alberta},
timestamp = {2023-04-07}
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