
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.99}}
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  author = {M. Aliramezani and K. Ebrahimi and C. R. Koch and R. E. Hayes},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Waterloo ON},
  title = {{NO}x sensor ammonia cross sensitivity analysis using a simplified physic-based model},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Airamezani2016cics.pdf},
  abstract = {A simplified physic-based NOx sensor model is developed to remove
	ammonia cross sensitivity from production NOx sensors. A linear model
	is used to consider the effect of ammonia contamination on the NOx
	sensor output signal using a cross sensitivity factor. The effect
	of temperature on NOx sensor cross sensitivity to ammonia is then
	investigated by simulating NH3 oxidation inside the sensor. The model
	considers the effect of temperature on cross sensitivity based on
	three global reactions. N2O, NO and NO2 are considered as productions
	of NH3 oxidation inside the sensor. Finally, a relation is derived
	for cross sensitivity factor in terms of concentration of N2O, NO
	and NO2.This model provides a simplified physic-based model for detailed
	NOX sensor cross sensitivity analysis.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = may,
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2016.04.08},
  year = {2016}
  author = {M. Aliramezani and C. R. Koch and R. E. Hayes},
  booktitle = {IFAC Advances in Automotive Controls Conference (AAC), Sweden},
  title = {Estimating tailpipe NOx concentration using a dynamic NOx/ammonia cross sensitivity model coupled to a three state control oriented SCR model},
  number = {11},
  pages = {8--13},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Aliramezani2016aac.pdf},
  volume = {49},
  abstract = {A dynamic $NO_x$ sensor model is developed to remove ammonia cross
	sensitivity from production $NO_x$ sensors mounted downstream of
	Diesel-engine selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems. The model
	is validated for large amounts of ammonia slip during different engine
	transients. A three-state nonlinear control oriented SCR model is
	also developed to predict the $NH_3$ concentration downstream of
	the SCR ($NH_3$ slip). $NH_3$ slip is then used as an input for modeling
	the cross sensitivity of a production $NO_x$ sensor and calculating
	the actual $NO_x$ concentration in the presence of $NH_3$ contamination.
	The cross sensitivity is considered to be a function of temperature,
	normalized ammonia slip rate (NASR) and time. The validation results
	show that the developed model has an acceptable accuracy for the
	actual $NO_x$ concentration downstream of the SCR. This model should
	be of utility for engine emission control strategies such as SCR
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  month = jun,
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2016.01.29},
  year = {2016}
  author = {D. M. Arthur and M. D. Checkel and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Developing Hydrogen Infrastructure through near-term intermediate technology},
  booktitle = {Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2003 conference and trade show, Vancouver},
  year = {2003},
  month = {June},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch}
  author = {M. A. Atkins and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2003-01-0081},
  title = {A Well-to-Wheel Comparison of Several Powertrain Technologies},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Atkins.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {March},
  owner = {ckoch},
  year = {2003}
  author = {A. Audet and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2009-01-1135},
  title = {Actuator comparison for closed loop control of {HCCI} combustion timing},
  pages = {8},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Audet2009sae.pdf},
  abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is an emerging combustion
	technology due to its increased efficiency and decreased \nox emissions.
	One of the most challenging aspects of HCCI is the regulation of
	the combustion timing. Unlike conventional combustion modes there
	is no direct control over the start of combustion. Autoignition timing
	is a function of the temperature, pressure and composition of the
	mixture, so to adjust the combustion timing of HCCI changes have
	to be made to these. Both variable valve timing and variable fuel
	octane number are effective inputs to achieve cycle-to-cycle combustion
	control of HCCI combustion timing. The application of these control
	methods are investigated in this paper. A one-cylinder Ricardo engine
	is fitted with a 4-valve spark ignition cylinder head equipped with
	camshaft phasers. These phasers independently adjust both the intake
	and exhaust camshaft phasing. By modifying the intake valve timing
	the effective compression ratio is changed, which affects the temperature-pressure
	condition of the mixture. Variable fuel octane is realized using
	two independent fuel injector systems, one equipped with iso-Octane
	and the other with n-Heptane. The CA50 (crank angle of 50\% mass
	fraction burned) is regulated using feedback control and two separate
	actuators for combustion timing are implemented; intake camshaft
	phasing and variable fuel octane. These actuators are compared according
	to their range of operation and ability to reject system disturbances.
	The different combustion controllers are subjected to disturbances
	of both engine speed and engine load (changes in injected fuel energy).
	The results show the benefits and limitations of each actuator.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2009.03.31},
  year = {2009}
  author = {A. Audet and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {Experimental {HCCI} Cyclic Variations using Camshaft Phasing},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2008a.pdf},
  abstract = {The effect of valve timing on cyclic variation of Homogeneous Charge
	Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion is experimentally investigated.
	The understanding of the effect engine parameters have on the cyclic
	variations of HCCI is needed to control the combustion phasing of
	HCCI. Cyclic variation control is necessary since the load range
	of HCCI is partially limited by high cyclic variations seen at the
	misfire limit. A one-cylinder Ricardo engine with a Mercedes 4-valve
	camshaft phasing cylinder head is operated at a constant speed, intake
	temperature and intake pressure. Using camshaft phasers the timing
	of both the intake and exhaust valves are independently changed at
	different levels of engine load and fuel octane number. Phasing the
	intake valves primarily effects the effective compression ratio of
	the engine, and it is observed that decreasing the effective compression
	ratio increases the cyclic variation of the timing of HCCI but has
	little effect on the cyclic variation of Indicated Mean Effective
	Pressure (IMEP). Phasing of the exhaust valves is used to obtain
	negative valve overlap which results in trapped residuals. Increases
	in these trapped residuals is seen to effect both cyclic variation
	of combustion phasing as well as IMEP mainly through charge temperature.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2008.03.27},
  year = {2008}
  author = {J. Boddez and D. Checkel. and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {{Mode Switiching Development for a Natural Gas SI- HCCI engine}},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2010c.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2010.04.06},
  year = {2010}
  author = {D. Bullock and A. Schramm and A. Momenimovahed and C. R. Koch and J. S. Olfert},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Quebec City, QB},
  title = {Effects of Transient Valve Timing on Particulate Emission Concentration of a {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine}},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2013.pdf},
  abstract = {To quantify the particle emissions from a Homogeneous Charge Compression
	Ignition (HCCI) engine, a fast-response differential mobility spectrometer
	(DMS) is used during transient operation to measure momentary changes
	in particle concentration and size distribution. The DMS has a time
	response of 500 ms (10-90% rise time) and a sample rate of 2 Hz is
	used while the engine is operated at approximately 820 rpm or 7 cycles/s.
	A single cylinder engine with electromagnetic valves is used to test
	the effect of changing valve timing on particle emissions. During
	steady-state operation of the single cylinder engine at both 60deg
	and 180deg of symmetric negative valve overlap (NVO), average particle
	emissions of 6.0x10^7 and 5.7x10^7 cm-3 respectively are measured.
	These values agree well within error. The geometric mean diameters
	(GMD) of both tests are also comparable at 15 nm and 16 nm, respectively.
	Particulate emissions are then recorded while switching the valve
	timing between 60deg and 180deg NVO in order to see the effect of a change
	in engine operating conditions. An order of magnitude increase in
	particle concentration coincides with the valve timing changes. These
	concentration spikes range from 1 x10^8 to 3 x108 cm-3. This variability
	is attributed to the time response limitation of the DMS causing
	some samples to be taken during the first cycle after the valve timing
	change versus some being taken during subsequent cycles. After a
	spike in particle concentration due to a timing change, the value
	quickly returns to steady-state levels. The GMD remains at 15 nm
	throughout the test, suggesting that while the particle concentration
	increases due to timing changes, the mechanism for particle formation
	does not change.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2013.05.02},
  year = {2013}
  author = {M. Bussiere and D. Nobes and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {23rd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics},
  title = {The oscillatory behavior of a symmetric airfoil hinged at its aerodynamic centre in the wake of a circular cylinder},
  note = {CANCAM 2011},
  pages = {5},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Buss_2011.pdf},
  abstract = {A NACA 0012 airfoil free to rotate about its aerodynamic center is
	placed in the wake of a circular cylinder. The cylinder produces
	a periodic pattern of swirling vortices which cause pressure fluctuations
	across the airfoil and ultimately cause it to oscillate in a sustained
	periodic manner. This oscillatory behavior is characterized by the
	oscillation amplitude and frequency as well as the amplitude and
	frequency of pressure fluctuations measured on either side of the
	airfoil. How these characteristics vary with distance along the center
	of the cylinder wake is described.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2011.07.14},
  year = {2011}
  author = {M. Bussiere and D. S. Nobes and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {16th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics},
  title = {A Combinatorial vortex detection and characterization algorithm for {2C2D} {PIV} data},
  note = {Lisbon 2012},
  pages = {5},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Buss_2012.pdf},
  abstract = {In this study, the vortical wake conditions of water flowing past
	an oscillating symmetric airfoil are described with velocity vector
	fields obtained from particle image velocimetry (PIV) data. Vortices
	are identified and characterized with a combinatorial algorithm and
	were found to agree well with the Burgers vortex model. Velocity
	vector fields obtained experimentally are often accompanied by undesirable
	effects which are not present in numerical data. The algorithm overcomes
	these limitations in the data sets by making use of three separate
	detection methods to provide dependable vortex detection in a wide
	range of wake conditions.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {July},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2012.08.25},
  year = {2012}
  author = {K. Chen and C. R. Koch and J. S. Olfert},
  title = {Development of a Universal Aerosol Conditioning Device for Particle Measurement.},
  booktitle = {35th Annual American Association for Aerosol Research Conference},
  year = {2016},
  address = {Portland, Oregon, Oct 17--21},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2017-02-28}
  author = {R. R. Chladny and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, Germany},
  title = {Flatness-Based Tracking of an Electromechanical {VVT} actuator with magnetic flux sensor},
  pages = {1663 to 1668},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Chladny2006.pdf},
  abstract = {A flatness-based end controller of an automotive solenoid valve has
	been demonstrated in both simulation and on an actuator test-bench.
	The simulation model provides an accurate representation of the real
	system and allows for the development of control strategies. The
	simulation results are contrasted with those of an actuator test-bench
	equipped with 42 volt automotive solenoid valves and a pressure chamber
	to simulate valve opening with exhaust gas pressures. A flux-based
	sensor which is suitable for real engine operation is used for position
	estimation in the soft-landing control.},
  groups = {conferences},
  keywords = {engines, solenoids, nonlinear control, modeling, magnetic field measurement},
  month = {October},
  owner = {ckoch},
  year = {2006}
  author = {R. R. Chladny and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {2006 American Controls Conference (ACC), Minneapolois, MN, USA. Received Best Paper in Session award.},
  title = {Magnetic Flux-Based Position Sensor for Control of an Electromechanical {VVT} Actuator},
  pages = {3979 to 3984},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Chladny2006a.pdf},
  abstract = {A promising method for enhancing automotive internal combustion engine
	efficiency uses solenoid actuators to directly control gas exchange
	valves. Mitigation of valve seating velocities is challenging due
	to phenomena such as magnetic saturation and pressure disturbances.
	Production implementation of an electromagnetic valvetrain will require
	the development of cost effective yet accurate sensors for robust
	feedback control. A method of magnetic flux-based armature position
	measurement is presented. Also provided is an overview of the modeling,
	control design, and experimental and simulated results acquired to
	date using such a sensor configuration.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  year = {2006}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and M. Aliramezani and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {IFAC Advances in Automotive Controls Conference (AAC), Sweden},
  title = {An HCCI Control Oriented Model that Includes Combustion Efficiency},
  number = {11},
  pages = {327--332},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ebrahimi2016aac.pdf},
  volume = {49},
  abstract = {A control oriented model that includes combustion timing, engine load
	and combustion efficiency for Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
	(HCCI) engines is developed. In HCCI engines, a lean homogeneous
	air-fuel mixture auto-ignites due to compression and combustion occurs
	at lower temperatures compared to spark ignition and diesel engines.
	The low HCCI combustion temperature results in low $\mathrm{NO_X}$
	level, however unburnt HC and CO levels are high. Higher thermal
	efficiencies are realized for higher combustion efficiencies when
	combustion timings is appropriate. First, the effects of valve timing
	and fueling rate on combustion efficiency are investigated experimentally.
	Then, the influence of combustion efficiency on HC and CO emissions
	is studied. A physics based control oriented model of HCCI engine
	combustion efficiency and emission for future control design is developed.
	This model includes the effect of trapped residual gas and fueling
	rate on combustion timing and output power. The developed model has
	acceptable accuracy for combustion timing, load and combustion efficiency
	prediction compared to experimental data. This model is useful for
	combustion timing and load control in HCCI engines while simultaneously
	considering the constraints of combustion efficiency and emission.},
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2016.01.29},
  year = {2016}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2015-01-0822},
  title = {Model Predictive Control for Combustion Timing and Load Control in {HCCI} engines},
  pages = {15},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ebrahimi2015_sae.pdf},
  abstract = {A Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy for Homogeneous Charge Compression
	Ignition (HCCI) combustion timing and output work control that takes
	into account actuator constraints is designed. The MPC is based on
	the linearized version of a nonlinear Control Oriented Model (COM).
	The COM for the HCCI engine has combustion timing and engine load
	as outputs and valve timing and fueling rate as the the inputs.The
	COM model is developed and validated and found to be accurate enough
	for control purposes and can be implemented in real-time. A Detailed
	Physical Model (DPM) is used to test the controller using the valve
	timing and fueling rate as constrained actuators. Constraints on
	combustion timing and output work are also considered to prevent
	engine knock or misfire. The simulation results show that the developed
	controller works over a range of conditions and can maintain HCCI
	combustion timing and load in their desired values.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2015.04.19},
  year = {2015}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {2018 American Controls Conference (ACC), Milwakee, USA},
  title = {Real-time Control of {HCCI} Engine Using Model Predictive Control},
  pages = {1622-1628},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ebrahimi_acc2018.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2018-07-01},
  year = {2018}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and A. Schramm and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Windsor, ON},
  title = {Effects of Asymmetric Valve Timing with Constant {NVO} Duration on {HCCI} Engine Combustion Characteristics},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2014.pdf},
  abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine combustion characteristics
	are investigated by changing the amount of trapped residual gas and
	compression ratio cycle-by-cycle by keeping the Negative Valve Overlap
	(NVO) duration constant and only varying the Exhaust Valve Closing
	(EVC) and Intake Valve Opening (IVO) timings. Three different NVO
	durations are tested. Rate of heat release, which is calculated from
	the in-cylinder pressure trace, and the exhaust gas emission measurements
	information are used to examine the HCCI engine combustion features.
	Combustion timing and burn duration are significantly affected by
	the level of trapped residual gas with this valve timing strategy.
	The measurements indicate that fuel efficiency, output torque and
	Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP) are improved when IVO and
	EVC timings are advanced simultaneously with constant NVO duration.
	CO concentration is reduced with the retarded EVC and IVO timings
	while CO2 concentration reaches its minimum with symmetric NVO.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2014.04.23},
  year = {2014}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and Alexander Schramm and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {2014 American Controls Conference (ACC), Portland, USA},
  title = {Feedforward/Feedback Control of {HCCI} combustion timing},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ebrahimi_acc2014.pdf},
  abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines have the advantage
	of low Nitrogen Oxides ($NO_x$) and soot emissions. In HCCI engines,
	a lean premixed air-fuel mixture is compressed until the temperature
	is high enough for combustion to occur. HCCI engines have a limited
	operating range and are limited by knock at high loads and misfire
	at low loads. They are without a direct source to initiate ignition
	so HCCI requires combustion timing control. Some of the factors that
	affect HCCI combustion timing are mixture composition, pressure and
	temperature at the time of inlet valve closing. One effective way
	to control HCCI combustion timing is Variable Valve Timing (VVT).
	VVT changes the amount of trapped residual gas and the effective
	compression ratio. These factors have a strong effect on HCCI combustion
	timing. One main advantage of VVT is that it is fast enough to handle
	rapid transients. Based on a simplified control oriented model that
	models the effect of trapped residual gas on combustion timing, a
	Feedforward/Feedback controller is designed for HCCI combustion timing
	control . The controller requires feedforward information of the
	valve timing and feedback information of the combustion timing. This
	controller tracks the desired combustion timing trajectory both in
	simulation and experiment by modulating the trapped residual gas
	using VVT actuation.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2014.06.10},
  year = {2014}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and A. Schramm and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2013-01-0588},
  title = {A Control Oriented Model with Variable Valve Timing for {HCCI} Combustion Timing Control},
  pages = {12},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ebrahimi2013_sae.pdf},
  abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising concept
	for combustion engines to reduce both emissions and fuel consumption.
	HCCI combustion control is a challenging issue because there is no
	direct initiator of combustion. Variable Valve Timing (VVT) is being
	used in SI engines to improve engine efficiency. When VVT is used
	in conjunction with HCCI combustion it is an effective way to control
	the start of combustion. VVT changes the amount of trapped residual
	gas and the effective compression ratio for each cycle both of which
	have a strong effect on combustion timing in HCCI engines. To control
	HCCI combustion, a physics based control oriented model is developed
	that includes the effect of trapped residual gas on combustion timing.
	The control oriented model is obtained by taking a physics based
	model of the reaction kinetics and transient dynamics and systematically
	reducing the model using simplification of reaction mechanisms. This
	method allows different fuels to be incorporated using a standard
	methodology. The reduced order model consists of these five stages:
	intake, compression, combustion, expansion and exhaust. This model
	fills the gap between complex models with highly detailed chemical
	kinetics and simple black box dynamic models that have been used
	in model based control.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2013.01.23},
  year = {2013}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {Comparison of Butanol/n-Heptane as a Blended fuel in an {HCCI} engines},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2011b.pdf},
  abstract = {Butanol and n-heptane fuel blends are compared to Primary Reference
	Fuel blends of iso-octane and n-heptane by measuring 98 steady-state
	HCCI combustion operating points. The volume percentage of the blended
	fuel with n-heptane and fuel equivalence ratio are varied while all
	other engine parameters are held constant. The experimental results
	show that HCCI operation is possible with Butanol blends up to 48.5%
	and with iso-octane blends up to 63%. Higher indicated thermal efficiencies
	when running the engine on blends of butanol are obtained compared
	to the PRF blends and the Butanol blends have a later start of combustion
	and a slower rate of heat release compared to the PRF blends. Operating
	points that have the same thermal efficiency but a lower volume percent
	of butanol compared to iso-octane have been found and this could
	be an advantage since a smaller amount of secondary fuel would be
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2010.03.01},
  year = {2011}
  author = {A. Ghazimirsaied and M. Shahbakhti and A. Audet and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Characterizing Cyclic Variations in an {HCCI} Engine using Chaotic and Statistical Methods},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  year = {2008},
  month = {May},
  pages = {6},
  abstract = {This paper investigates the cyclic variation of ignition timing in
	an Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine using a
	range of experimental data collected from a single-cylinder Ricardo
	engine. Under certain operating conditions, HCCI engines can exhibit
	large cyclic variations in ignition timing. Cyclic variability ranging
	from stochastic to deterministic patterns can be observed. This work
	applies two methods to study patterns of CA50 (Crank angle of 50\%
	fuel burnt) cyclic variation in an HCCI engine. Nine points ranging
	from the misfire to knock limit within the HCCI mode are experimentally
	measured by varying the intake manifold temperature. The return map
	techniques used in nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory are applied
	to observe possible deterministic structures inherent in these points.
	Probability distribution for cyclic combustion timing is the second
	approach examined. Experimental data of 338 different points over
	a wide range of operating conditions are examined to find out the
	conditions where a normal distribution for CA50 is observed. Three
	common statistical testing methods are used to verify the hypothesis
	of having a normal distribution for each data point.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2008.03.27}
  author = {A. Ghazimirsaied and M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {Ignition timing criteria for partial burn operation in an {HCCI} engine},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2011a.pdf},
  abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) has the potential to
	improve the efficiency of Spark Ignition (SI) or Compression Ignition
	(CI) engines particularly at part load near the partial burn/misfire
	limit. Two challenges of HCCI combustion are: maintaining constant
	ignition timing despite no direct mechanism to initiate combustion,
	and to expand the part load region of HCCI near the misfire limit.
	An accurate criteria of ignition timing is critical to accomplish
	this. The crank angle where the maximum pressure occurs (ThetaPmax)
	is proposed as a robust criteria for distinguishing between normal
	and misfire HCCI combustion modes. Particularly near the partial
	burn/misfire limit, this method is found to be more reliable than
	the existing methods of CA50 (Crank angle of 50 percent mass fraction
	burned). Using (ThetaPmax), normal and partial burn engine cycles
	can be determined cycle by cycle for fuels exhibiting a cool flame.
	The performance of this new criteria is then analyzed for different
	engine loads at both constant fueling and constant equivalence ratio
	at 329 HCCI experimental operating points, each with 100 cycles of
	cylinder pressure data. For operating points with high cyclic variation
	ThetaPmax is found to be more reliable than CA50. Thus ThetaPmax
	could be used in future feedback algorithms to help control to stabilize
	ignition timing in these regions extending the useful operating range
	of HCCI.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2010.03.01},
  year = {2011}
  author = {A. Ghazimirsaied and M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {{Recognizing partial burn operation in an HCCI engine}},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2010a.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2010.03.01},
  year = {2010}
  author = {A. Ghazimirsaied and M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Partial-burn crankangle limit criteria comparison on an experimental {HCCI} engine},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  year = {2009},
  month = {May},
  pages = {6},
  abstract = {Misfire and partial-burn criteria are defined using crank angle based
	engine parameters and investigated on an experimental Homogeneous
	charge compression ignition (HCCI) single-cylinder engine at 59 operating
	conditions. The best criteria to distinguish between normal, partial
	burn and misfire operating conditions for this engine are: the standard
	deviation of CA10 (Crank angle at which 10 percent of fuel mass has
	burned) and burn duration. The partial burn limit for five different
	blends of isooctane and n-heptane fuels is presented. Increasing
	the manifold pressure at each specific fuel octane number results
	in a lower equivalence ratio partial burn limit for the engine operating
	points tested},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2009.03.31}
  author = {A. Ghazimirsaiied and M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {ASME 2009 Int. Comb. Engine Conf., Milwwaukee, USA},
  title = {Nonlinear Dynamics in Cyclic Variations of Combustion Phasing in an {HCCI} Engine},
  pages = {8},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ghazi_ices09.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2008.11.21},
  year = {2009}
  author = {Sepehr P Khaligh and Alex Martinez and Farbod Fahimi and Charles Robert Koch},
  booktitle = {Int. Conf. on Unmanned Aircraft Systems},
  title = {A {HIL} Testbed for Small Unmanned Helicopter's Initial Controller Gain Tuning},
  pages = {8},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/ICUAS2013.pdf},
  abstract = {A Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) testbed design for small unmanned helicopters
	is described. The testbed provides a safe and low-cost platform to
	implement control algorithms and tune the control gains in a controlled
	environment. Specifically, it allows for testing the robustness of
	the controller to external disturbances by emulating the hover condition.
	A 6-DOF nonlinear mathematical model of the helicopter has been validated
	in real flight tests. This model is implemented in real-time to estimates
	the states of the helicopter which are then used to determine the
	actual control signals on the testbed. A damping system with a negligible
	parasitic effect on the dynamics of the helicopter around hover is
	incorporated into the testbed design to minimize the structural stress
	on the fuselage in the case of controller failure or a subsystem
	malfunction. Three experiments including the longitudinal, lateral
	and heading control tests are performed. Experimental results show
	that the HIL testbed allows for designing a controller which is robust
	to the external disturbances, and achieves an accuracy of +-2cm in
	the position control along the longitudinal and lateral axes in hover,
	and that of +-1 deg around the yaw axis on the heading trajectory
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2013.05.07},
  year = {2013}
  author = {C. R. Koch and A. F. Lynch and R. R. Chladny},
  title = {Modeling and control of solenoid valves for internal combustion engines},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Mechatronic Systems, Berkeley, CA.},
  year = {2002},
  month = {December},
  abstract = {This paper considers the modeling and control of solenoid valve actuators
	used for gas exchange in internal combustion engines. Solenoid valves
	are an emerging technology which offers performance benefits over
	traditional camshaft based valve timing. Maintaining the impact velocity
	of the armature and valve is a primary performance requirement in
	order to minimize acoustic noise and mechanical wear. To control
	this velocity, the finite element method (FEM) is used to generate
	static force and flux data which is validated experimentally. A flatness-based
	control provides linear tracking error dynamics assuming current
	control. A reduced-order nonlinear velocity/disturbance observer
	ensures linear estimate error dynamics for constant force disturbances.
	The estimated state feedback is simulated using the FEM model flux
	and force data and acceptable impact velocity and acceleration are
	achieved in face of model uncertainty disturbance.},
  groups = {conferences},
  keywords = {Electromagnetic Devices, Valves, Finite Element Method, Internal Combustion Engines, Nonlinear Control, State Observers, Feedforward Compensation},
  owner = {ckoch}
  author = {C. R. Koch and A. F. Lynch and S. K. Chung},
  title = {Flatness-based automotive solenoid valve control},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Nonlinear Control Systems Stuttgart Germany, Elsevier Science},
  year = {2004},
  month = {September},
  pages = {1091 -1096},
  abstract = {This paper considers the control of solenoid valve actuators used
	for gas exchange in internal combustion engines. Solenoid valves
	offer performance benefits over traditional camshaft-based valve
	timing. Maintaining the impact velocity of the armature and valve
	is an important performance specification. Flatness-based control
	provides linear stable tracking error dynamics assuming voltage control.
	In order to incorporate voltage constraints, magnetic saturation,
	and to ensure an appropriate position-velocity-acceleration profile,
	the flat output is parameterized with a spline basis. Non-linear
	programming is used to obtain optimal spline coefficients for the
	flat output trajectory.},
  groups = {conferences},
  keywords = {Nonlinear Control, Feedback Linearization, Feedforward Compensation, Electromagnetic Devices, Internal Combustion Engines},
  owner = {ckoch}
  author = {A. F. Lynch and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Control of Precision Electromagnetic Actuators: Active Magnetic Bearings and Solenoid Valve Actuators},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second CSME Biennial Symposium on Mechatronics, Calgary AB},
  year = {2003},
  month = {June},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch}
  author = {M.Shahbakhti and R. Lupul and A. Audet and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {Experimental Study of {HCCI} Cyclic Variations for Low-Octane {PRF} Fuel Blends},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2007b.pdf},
  abstract = {The operating range of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI)
	engines is limited by the knock boundary on one side and by high
	cyclic variations (misfire) on the other side. A challenging problem
	for HCCI engines is achieving cycle-by-cycle ignition control due
	to these variations. To control combustion in HCCI engines, it is
	essential to understand how parameters affect the cyclic variations
	of HCCI combustion. This paper investigates cyclic variability of
	HCCI combustion using experimental data collected at 360 operating
	points from a single cylinder Ricardo engine. The engine is fueled
	with four different blends of Primary Reference Fuels PRFs (iso-octane
	and nheptane) at octane values of 0, 10, 20 and 40 over a wide range
	of equivalence ratios, intake temperatures, intake pressures, Exhaust
	Gas Recirculation (EGR) rates, and engine speeds. The experimental
	results show there are three main distinct patterns of cyclic variations
	for combustion peak pressure (Pmax), Indicated Mean Effective Pressure
	(IMEP) and ignition timing. These patterns include normal cyclic
	variations, periodic cyclic variations and cyclic variations with
	weak/misfired ignitions. The results also show cyclic variation of
	HCCI combustion is highly dependant on the location of the start
	of combustion and there is less cyclic variation in the first stage
	of HCCI combustion compared to that of the second stage for the PRF
	blends studied.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2007.03.16},
  year = {2007}
  author = {Masoud Mashkournia and Adrian Audet and Charles Robert Koch},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Morgantown, USA},
  title = {Knock detection and control in an {HCCI} engine using {DWT}},
  doi = {10.1115/ICEF2011-60076},
  pages = {391-399},
  publisher = {ASME},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/ICEF2011.pdf},
  abstract = {The novel application of the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in a
	real time controller is used to detect and subsequently control knock
	in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine. Classical
	Fourier techniques for knock detection are discussed and compared
	to Wavelet Transforms. The Discrete Wavelet Transform filter bank
	is chosen as the best method for knock detection due to its good
	time-resolution and low computational requirements. The DWT method
	is compared with the root mean squared value of the pressure trace
	as the benchmark method for determining knock and the two methods
	are linearly correlated. Using the DWT method for knock detection
	and modulating fuel octane, both a Proportional Integral (PI) and
	PI with Feed-forward control are implemented. Both of these methods
	reduce knock intensity for a step increase in engine load. The combination
	of Feed-forward with PI feedback is found to be slightly more effective
	than just PI feedback control.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2011.04.04},
  year = {2011}
  author = {M. Mashkournia and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Toronto, ON},
  title = {Cycle by Cycle Actuation of Intake Valve Closing in {HCCI}},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2012.pdf},
  abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) has the potential to
	improve automobile efficiency in part load operation. However, challenges
	of limited operating range as well as difficulty in mode switching
	from spark ignition to HCCI limit the practical use of HCCI technology.
	One system that shows promise for fast actuation and control of HCCI
	is fully variable valve timing. A fully variable electromagnetic
	valve timing system has been installed on a single cylinder research
	engine. Running in HCCI, the intake valve closing event is switched
	cycle by cycle between 180 degrees before top dead center (bTDC)
	to early valve closing during the intake stroke at 230 degrees bTDC
	in order to modify the effective compression ratio. A return map
	of the combustion timing for each cycle indicates deterministic ignition
	timing when cycling between these two operating points. Each operating
	point at steady state is then compared to the switched case by examining
	the return map, IMEP and maximum pressure rise rate.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2012.04.21},
  year = {2012}
  author = {Nazaripoor, H. and Koch, Charles R. and Bhattacharjee, Subir},
  booktitle = {ASME Int Conf. Montreal Ca},
  title = {Dynamics Of Thin Liquid Bilayers Subjected To An External Electric Field},
  number = {1},
  pages = {7},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Hadi_asme_2014.pdf},
  abstract = {Spatiotemporal evolution of liquid-liquid interface leading to dewetting
	and pattern formation is investigated for thin liquid bilayeres subjected
	to the long range electrostatic force and the short range van der
	Waals forces. Based on the 2D weakly non-linear thin film equation
	three dimensional structure evolution is numerically simulated. A
	combined finite difference for the spatial dimensions and an adaptive
	time step ODE solver is used to solve the governing equation. For
	initially non-wetting surfaces, the stabilizing effects of viscosity
	and interfacial tension and the destabilizing effect of the Hamaker
	constant are investigated. Electrostatic interaction is calculated
	analytically for both perfect dielectric-perfect dielectric and ionic
	conductive-perfect dielectric bilayers. Ionic conductive-perfect
	dielectric bi-layers based on the electric permittivity ratio of
	layers are found to be stabilized or deformed in response to the
	applied externalelectric field.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = nov,
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2014.12.14},
  year = {2014}
  author = {D. S. Nobes and M. Bussiere and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {10th Pacific Symp on Flow Visualization and Image Processing},
  title = {The Vortex Field Behind A Single And Tandem Flapping Airfoil},
  note = {Naples},
  pages = {19},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Buss_2015.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2015.04.26},
  year = {2015}
  author = {D. S. Nobes and A. Setayeshgar and M. G. Lipsett and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Investigating the Particles Motion in Ultrasonic Acoustic Wave Field Using {PIV/PTV}},
  booktitle = {International Congress on Ultrasonics, Poland},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {1433},
  publisher = {AIP},
  month = sep,
  pages = {719-722},
  doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3703283},
  url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.3703283},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2011.08.12}
  author = {D. S. Nobes and A. Setayeshgar and M. G. Lipsett and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {International Congress on Ultrasonics, Poland},
  title = {Investigating the Particles Motion in Ultrasonic Acoustic Wave Field Using {PIV/PTV}},
  pages = {4},
  publisher = {AIP},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Setayesgar_2011.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = sep,
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2011.08.12},
  year = {2011}
  author = {Sabbagh, R. and Lipsett, M. G. and Koch, Charles R. and Nobes, David S.},
  booktitle = {ASME Int Conf. Montreal Ca},
  title = {Theoretical And Experimental Study Of Hydrocyclone Performance And Equivalent Settling Area},
  note = {IMECE2014-37482},
  number = {1},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Sabbagh_asme_2014.pdf},
  abstract = {Predicting the performance of a solid-liquid separation process can
	help in comparing different separators for selection and design.
	This can be applied to hydrocyclone technology which is used widely
	in industry due to being an inexpensive device that is easy to operate
	and maintain and which has no moving parts. Environmental concerns
	and technological issues in separation processes are motivating the
	design of higher ?efficiency systems with less capital and operating
	costs. There is a need therefore for, methods to compare different
	?separation technologies. In spite of extensive research into hydrocyclone
	performance, a mathematical model that can predict the performance
	of a hydrocyclone for comparison with other centrifugal separators
	is rare in the literature. The main objective of this research is
	to apply theoretical and ?experimental approaches to study hydrocyclone
	performance ?in order to propose an applicable separation performance
	?model that represents the whole hydrocyclone operating range. A
	mathematical model is developed to explore the performance of the
	separator and to predict the hydrocyclone's equivalent area as compared
	to a continuous gravity settling tank. A performance chart that can
	be used for selection and design of hydrocyclones is the result of
	the model.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = nov,
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2014.04.13},
  year = {2014}
  author = {R. Sabbagh and M. G. Lipsett and C. R. Koch and D. S. Nobes},
  title = {Hydrocyclone Performance Comparison under the influence of underflow pumping},
  pages = {2},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Sabbagh_FPS_2014.pdf},
  abstract = {A mathematical model is developed to predict the performance of hydrocyclones
	for solid-liquid separation. This model is based on residence time
	theory combined with estimation of average vertical velocity according
	to locus of zero vertical velocity resulted from equilibrium orbit
	theory for hydrocyclones. The tangential velocity component is also
	related to that radial distance of inlet particle from the hydrocyclone
	centerline. This mathematical model is then used to develop the equivalent
	area factor that indicates the area of a gravity settling time with
	the same separation performance as in the hydrocyclone. A performance
	chart is developed from the model and is compared with literature.
	It is shown that the chart obtained in the current study is in good
	agreement with experimental data. This performance chart can be used
	now as a guideline for selecting and design of hydrocyclones. An
	experimental setup is also designed for validating the model and
	resulted chart.},
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {European Conference on Fluid-Particle Separation (FPS) October 2014, Lyon, Fr},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2014.10.15},
  year = {2014}
  author = {R. Seethaler and M. Mashkournia and R. R. Chladny and J. Zhao and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2013-01-0594},
  title = {Closed Loop Electromagnetic Valve Actuation Motion Control on a Single Cylinder Engine},
  pages = {8},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Setthaler2013sae.pdf},
  abstract = {In an effort to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines,
	much focus has been put into variable valve actuation technologies
	in recent years. Electromagnetic solenoid valves can provide the
	cycle-by-cycle flexible valve timing needed for throttleless engine
	control or high efficiency combustion modes such as Homogeneous Charge
	Compression Ignition. One challenge with electromagnetic solenoid
	intake and exhaust valves is the robust control of the motion to
	achieve smooth landing under a variety of operating conditions. Promising
	algorithms have been demonstrated under test-bench conditions, but
	no work to date has demonstrated a robust electromagnetic valve-train
	on a functional engine that also satisfies soft landing and transition
	timing criteria. In this work, two previously developed valve motion
	controllers are experimentally tested on a single cylinder test engine.
	The controllers are compared for the opening transition of the exhaust
	valve with large variations in combustion pressure. A new control
	algorithm that combines favorable aspects of both methods is also
	presented. The new algorithm is shown to operate reliably under a
	wide range of operating conditions. An analysis indicates that the
	electrical energy consumed by the camless valve system is comparable
	to that of an equivalent conventional low friction cam-based valve
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2013.01.23},
  year = {2013}
  author = {A. Setayeshgar and M. G. Lipsett and C. R. Koch and D. S. Nobes},
  booktitle = {10th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimitry, Delft Ntherlands, 2-4 July},
  title = {Measurement of particle dynamics in a coherent acoustic field},
  pages = {2},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Setayesgar_2013.pdf},
  abstract = {A variety of forces can be used to separate fine particles from water
	in industrial processes. A coherent standing acoustic field can apply
	a pressure difference across a small particle such that the particle
	is forced to nodes or anti-nodes in the field depending on particle/liquid
	properties. The motion of an individual particle which is a result
	of the balance of forces on the particle, including particle-to-particle
	interaction is of interest. This study develops a method to measure
	individual particle motion using a particle tracking velocimetry
	(PTV) approach. These results are aimed to investigate the effects
	of particle loading and are used to test the current theory which
	only addresses single particle motion in a standing acoustic field.
	This paper focuses on the application and validation of a PTV-based
	experiential measurement technique used to determine the forces applied
	on individual particles.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2013.07.19},
  year = {2013}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and A. Ghazimirsaied and A. Audet and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {Combustion characteristics of bio-Butanol/n-Heptane blend fuels in an {HCCI} engine},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2010b.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2010.03.01},
  year = {2010}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and A. Ghazimirsaied and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference},
  title = {Modeling Ranges Of Cyclic Variability For {HCCI} Ignition Timing Control},
  pages = {8},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/DSCC_2011.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = nov,
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2012.04.21},
  year = {2011}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and A. Ghazimirsaied and C. R. Koch},
  title = {The Effect of Operating Conditions on {HCCI} Exhaust Gas Temperature},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  year = {2009},
  month = {May},
  pages = {6},
  abstract = {To successfully use an exhaust aftertreatment system to overcome high
	HC and CO emissions in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI)
	engines requires high exhaust gas temperatures for oxidation catalysts.
	Low exhaust gas temperature in certain HCCI conditions is a limiting
	factor to obtain a large desirable operating range in HCCI engines.
	This paper investigates the influence of combustion chamber charge
	conditions on the exhaust gas temperature in a single cylinder experimental
	engine at over 160 operating points. For the conditions tested, more
	than half of the collected data exhibits an exhaust gas temperature
	below 300$^\circ$C which is below the light-off temperature of typical
	catalytic converters in the market. Location of ignition timing is
	found as a main factor to influence HCCI exhaust gas temperature.
	HCCI combustion occurring immediately after TDC indicates a lower
	exhaust temperature compared to the HCCI combustion that occurs late
	after TDC. HCCI ignition timing also influences HC and CO and NOx
	emissions and advancing ignition towards TDC causes lower HC and
	CO but higher NOx emissions. In addition, results at a constant load
	condition indicate longer burn duration and higher fueling rate in
	Spark Ignition (SI) mode lead to have higher exhaust gas temperature
	in SI mode comparing to that of HCCI mode.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2009.03.31}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Predicting the Distribution of Combustion Timing Ensemble in an {HCCI} Engine},
  booktitle = {ICES2009 Paper},
  year = {2009},
  month = {May},
  pages = {12},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2008.09.12}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Dynamic Modeling of {HCCI} Combustion Timing in Transient Fueling Operation},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2009-01-1136},
  year = {2009},
  month = {April},
  pages = {16},
  abstract = {A physics-based control-oriented model is developed to dynamically
	predict cycle-to-cycle combustion timing in transient fueling conditions
	for Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines. The model
	simulates the engine cycle from the intake stroke to the exhaust
	stroke and includes the thermal coupling dynamics caused by the residual
	gases from one cycle to the next cycle. A residual gas model, a modified
	knock integral model, a fuel burn rate model, and thermodynamic models
	for the gas state in combustion and exhaust strokes are incorporated
	to simulate the engine cycle. The gas exchange process, generated
	work and completeness of combustion are predicted using semi-empirical
	correlations. The resulting model is parameterized for the combustion
	of Primary Reference Fuel (PRF) blends using 5703 simulations from
	a detailed thermo-kinetic model. Semi-empirical correlations in the
	model are parameterized using the experimental data obtained from
	a single-cylinder engine. The dynamics of fuel transport from intake
	port into the cylinder is described using the wall wetting fuel dynamic
	model. Step Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) excursions are used to excite the
	HCCI engine to determine},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2009.03.31}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  title = {Thermo-Kinetic Combustion Modeling Of An {HCCI} Engine To Analyze Ignition Timing For Control Applications},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CICS2007a.pdf},
  abstract = {Ignition timing in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI)
	engines is dominated by thermo-kinetic reactions that are dependant
	on the charge properties. A single zone thermodynamic model, coupled
	to a kinetic mechanism, is developed to predict the ignition timing
	of Primary Reference Fuels (PRFs) in an HCCI engine. The model, consisting
	of 120 chemical reactions and 58 species, is validated against the
	experimental data from a single cylinder engine for various operating
	conditions. The model is able to predict the effects of different
	charge parameters on the HCCI ignition timing. This model is used
	to perform a sensitivity analysis of HCCI ignition timing to the
	variations of engine charge properties in order to examine the relative
	importance of different charge properties for control applications.
	The sensitivity analysis is done for these main charge variables:
	initial temperature, initial pressure, Exhaust Gas Recirculation
	(EGR) rate, equivalence ratio, and octane number. The simulation
	results show that the sensitivity of HCCI ignition timing is dependant
	on the crank angle position of the Start of Combustion (SOC). The
	highest sensitivity of HCCI ignition timing is always seen to the
	variation of the charge temperature.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2007.03.16},
  year = {2007}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {2007 American Controls Conference (ACC), New York, USA},
  title = {Control Oriented Modeling of Combustion Phasing for an {HCCI} Engine},
  pages = {3979 to 3984},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Shahbakhti_acc2007.pdf},
  abstract = {A promising method for enhancing emission and fuel consumption of
	internal combustion engines is the Homogeneous Charge, Compression
	Ignition (HCCI) engine. Control of ignition timing is the major challenge
	before the potential benefits of HCCI combustion can be fully realized
	in production applications. The goal of this paper is to develop
	a real time model for predicting combustion phasing for HCCI control
	applications. The standard Knock-Integral model is developed and
	linked with semi-empirical correlations for gas exchange process
	and fuel heat release to predict HCCI combustion phasing (CA50, crank
	angle where 50\% of the fuel is burnt). The MKIM model is parameterized
	using a thermokinetic simulation model. Experimental data from a
	single cylinder engine at several HCCI operation conditions and three
	fuel blends is used to validate the model.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {July},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2007.03.16},
  year = {2007}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and R. Lupul and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Sensitivity Analysis And Modeling Of {HCCI} Auto-Ignition Timing},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Monterey Coast, California, USA},
  year = {2007},
  month = {August},
  pages = {8},
  abstract = {To control auto-ignition timing in a Homogeneous Charge Compression
	Ignition (HCCI) engine, it is essential to be able to predict the
	auto-ignition timing. Since charge properties influence the auto-ignition
	timing, a control-oriented model is further developed to predict
	the HCCI auto-ignition timing and the sensitivity to the charge properties
	is examined. The simulation results show that in the studied range
	the Start of Combustion (SOC) is the most sensitive to the variation
	of charge temperature and the least sensitive to the variation of
	Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) rate and the sensitivity to charge
	temperature increases with decreasing EGR rate.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2007.03.16}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and R. Lupul and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Cyclic Variations of Ignition Timing in an {HCCI} Engine},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of JRCICE2007 2007 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference \& Internal Combustion Engine Spring Technical Conf.,Pueblo, Colorado, USA},
  year = {2007},
  month = {March},
  pages = {6},
  abstract = {Understanding the effect of modifying the properties of the engine
	charge on the cyclic variations of ignition timing is one essential
	aspect of being able to predict and control the ignition timing in
	Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines. This paper
	investigates cyclic variability of HCCI ignition timing using the
	experimental data from two different engines at over 300 operating
	points for five different blends of iso-octane and n-heptane. Experimental
	results indicate that the cyclic variations of HCCI auto-ignition
	timing decrease with an increase in the intake manifold temperature
	and mixture richness, but it increases with an increase in the EGR
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2007.03.16}
  author = {M. Shahbakhti and R. Lupul and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2007-01-0222},
  title = {Predicting {HCCI} Auto-Ignition Timing by Extending a Modified Knock-Integral Method},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Shahbakhti2007.pdf},
  abstract = {One major challenge in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI)
	combustion is the difficulty in controlling the timing of auto-ignition
	which is dependant on mixture conditions. Understanding the effect
	of modifying the properties of the engine charge on the start of
	combustion is essential to be able to predict and control the auto-ignition
	timing. The purpose of this work is to develop a realtime model for
	predicting HCCI auto-ignition timing. The standard Livengood and
	Wu Knock-Integral Method (KIM) is modified to work with values that
	are easier to measure compared with the instantaneous in-cylinder
	parameters required in the original KIM. This modified Knock-Integral
	Method (MKIM) is developed and is then parameterized using HCCI Thermokinetic
	Kinetic Model (TKM) simulations for a single cylinder engine. Estimating
	the MKIM parameters is done using an off-line optimization technique.
	Once the parameters have been identified, the MKIM needs only the
	rate of Exhaust Gas Recirculated (EGR), equivalence ratio, intake
	manifold temperature and intake manifold pressure to predict auto-ignition
	timing. The MKIM is validated with the experimental data from the
	single cylinder engine in HCCI operation by varying equivalence ratio,
	EGR level, engine speed, and intake temperature for three different
	blends of Primary Reference Fuels (PRF) at octane values of 0, 10
	and 20.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {April},
  owner = {ckoch},
  year = {2007}
  author = {Shahidi, S. and Koch, Charles R. and Bhattacharjee, Subir},
  booktitle = {ASME Int Conf. San Diego, November 15-21,2013},
  title = {A Milli-Fluidic Device for Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy of Complex Liquids},
  doi = {10.1115/IMECE2013-65293},
  number = {1},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Shahidi_asme_2013.pdf},
  abstract = {Rapid characterization of complex liquids such as solutions, mixtures,
	dispersions, and emulsions is useful in a variety of industrial applications
	ranging from cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, to petroleum production.
	An electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) based technique for rapidly
	determining the characteristics of liquid-liquid mixtures is presented
	in this study. A milli-fluidic liquid film impedance measurement
	cell is developed employing 3D printing technology. The cell is tested
	using glycerol-water mixtures followed by castor oil in water emulsion
	samples. Frequency response analysis and equivalent circuit modeling
	are performed on each sample to quantify the emulsion properties
	in the form of equivalent capacitance and resistance. The developed
	technique provides a robust experimental platform for applying EIS
	to investigation and rapid estimation of different properties of
	oil-water emulsions.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = nov,
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2013.11.17},
  year = {2013}
  author = {C. Slepicka and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {IFAC Advances in Automotive Controls Conference (AAC), Sweden},
  title = {Iterative Learning Controller on Dual-fuel Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition},
  number = {11},
  pages = {347--352},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Slepicka2016aac.pdf},
  volume = {49},
  abstract = {An Iterative Learning Controller (ILC) is used to control a dual-fuel
	Homogeneous Charge Compression (HCCI) engine. The engine is a CFR
	engine with a modified head for in-cylinder pressure measurement
	ports and was operated at 100$^\circ$C intake heating, 800 RPM and
	a compression ratio of 11:1. To control combustion timing and load,
	the amount of iso-octane and n-heptane injected into the manifold
	are used as inputs. The metrics used for combustion timing and load
	are CA50, crank angle when 50\% of the fuel is burned, and gross
	IMEP, respectively. Using these inputs and outputs a system identification
	was performed using an ARMAX model. This model is then used to generate
	a norm optimal control. The norm optimal control is compared to a
	model-less control strategy that involve populating the off-diagonal
	of the learning matrix using a Jacobian estimate inverse. Both systems
	are used to follow a reference trajectory involving a step input
	in IMEP then CA50. The model-less control outperforms the norm optimal
	in both convergence speed and final iteration error. Application
	of non-causal filters within the iteration is also tested using a
	zero-phase filter and a Gaussian filter. The zero-phase has faster
	convergence than either the Gaussian or filter-less and has better
	final iteration error. This gives the best ILC control as model-less
	with zero-phase filter. This control is then compared to two PI controllers.
	It was found that the ILC outperforms the PI controllers after 3
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2016.01.29},
  year = {2016}
  author = {G. Supeene and C. R. Koch and S. Bhattacharjee},
  title = {Numerically Modeled Dynamic Response of Perfect and Leaky Dielectrical Droplets in an Electric Field},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ICMENS 2005},
  year = {2005},
  pages = {p99},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch}
  author = {K. Swan and M. Shahbakhti and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2006-01-1086},
  title = {Predicting Start of Combustion Using a Modified Knock Integral Method for an {HCCI} Engine},
  pages = {10},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Swan2006.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {March},
  owner = {ckoch},
  year = {2006}
  author = {C. M. Tsai and C. R. Koch and M. Saif},
  booktitle = {47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico,},
  title = {Cycle Adaptive Feedforward Approach Control of an Electromagnetic Valve Actuator},
  pages = {5698 - 5703},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Tsai_cdc2008.pdf},
  abstract = {An electromagnetic valvetrain on an internal combustion engine can
	improve the engine thermal efficiency but requires control to achieve
	soft landing and to avoid excessive wear and noise. Since the valves
	open and close repetitively, cycle adaptive control can be utilized.
	A cyclic adaptive feedforward approach controller for automotive
	electromagnetic valve is presented. This method uses a Nelder-Mead
	direct search algorithm with the goal of setting constant initial
	conditions for the landing control. Simulation and testbench results
	are presented and they show that the approach control works well
	for disturbances that are slow compared to the valve travel time.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {December},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2009.04.16},
  year = {2008}
  author = {T. Tzanetakis and M. Thomson and C. R. Koch},
  title = {Multi-Zone Modeling of a Primary Reference Fuelled {HCCI} Engine,},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting},
  year = {2006},
  month = {May},
  pages = {6},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch}
  author = {Zichuan Wang and Morris R Flynn and Charles Robert Koch},
  title = {Model order reduction and boundary control of incompressible Boussinesq flow},
  booktitle = {Society of Canada},
  year = {2017},
  date = {2017-06-19},
  pages = {9},
  abstract = {The time evolution of a two dimensional incompressible,  density stratified, Boussinesq flow in a rectangular cavity is numerically simulated for a range of parameters. Boundary control is then implemented along the upper boundary by adjusting the fluid temperature. More specifically, the top boundary condition of the cavity is a fixed function of space that is modulated by the control input. The resulting numerical simulation for the fluid density and velocity is computed using finite differences in the vertical direction and a spectral method in the horizontal direction. To develop the control strategy, the flow is simulated and a sequence of snapshots of the density and velocity fields are collected. Then, a reduced order modelling method suitable for a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) of the Boussinesq flow is developed using the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)/Galerkin approach. The reduced order model (ROM) is obtained by projecting the governing equations of the flow onto the sub space spanned by a finite number of basis functions obtained using the method of snapshots. For the flow in question, the POD method based on the snapshots yields six POD modes which capture 99% of the flow energy. The feasibility of this method is assessed using a LQR boundary controller that is designed based on the reduced order model. The cost functional which is minimized in the LQR control design is defined to be the norm of the difference between the actual density field and the desired density field in the cavity. The weighting parameter of the cost functional is found to play a critical role in the process of controller design. The effectiveness of the control is evaluated under both steady and transient flow conditions. In conclusion, a relatively simple feedback control scheme applied on the boundary of a turbulent flow improves the performance in regulating the density field to its desired final state compared to open-loop control.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2018-01-23}
  author = {M. Aliramezani and K. Ebrahimi and C. R. Koch and R. E. Hayes},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Montreal},
  title = {Investigating the effect of temperature on {NO}x sensor cross sensitivity to ammonia using a simplified physic-based model},
  eventdate = {2017-05-15},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Airamezani2017cics.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2017-03-28},
  year = {2017}
  author = {H. Nazaripoor and B. Khorshidi and C. R. Koch and M. Sadrzadeh},
  title = {Electrohydrodynamic instabilities in heated thin liquid films},
  booktitle = {7th International Colloids Conference, Sitges, Spain},
  year = {2017},
  note = {One page poster},
  month = {June},
  abstract = {Dynamic and instability in thin liquid films have gained extensive attention as they present in nature and many technological applications like in our eye's cornea, liquid and foam emulsions, coatings and soft lithography. Instabilities in thin liquid films can be generated applying external forces like mechanical, electrical and thermal forces. For the ultrathin films of nanometer thickness range, the role of intermolecular interactions (non-polar and polar) becomes significant. More recently these liquid films have been used in soft lithography, and a broad variety of micro and nano-sized features are generated using the electrically induced perturbation method, so-called electrohydrodynamic (EHD) lithography. In this method, a thin polymer film (with a thickness of h) is spin coated on an electrically conductive substrate and confined with a mounted conductive substrate at a distance of d, then heated to above the film's glass transition temperature (T>Tg). The gap between the film and the top substrate filled with air or any other film layer. Applying electric field induces electrostatic Maxwell stress at the film interface that results in the formation of patterns. Depending on electrical and geometrical properties of this system, pillars, bicontinuous, holes and roll-like structure can form over particular annealing time. In the EHD patterning process, it is assumed that the pattern formation process is performed in an isothermal condition. However, the presence of thermal gradient across the film can generate thermocapillary (TC) forces at the interface in addition to the electrical forces. In this study, the governing equations re-formulated for the EHD instabilities of the heated liquid film using long-wave approximation. Linear stability analysis and non-linear analysis, using numerical simulation, performed to investigate the thermal and electrical properties of film and the bounding layer on the dynamics, instability, and pattern formation process. Results showed the formation of more features with smaller size when the TC forces added to the electrical forces.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2017-06-09}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {SAE Paper 2018-01-1250},
  title = {Symmetric Negative Valve Overlap effects on energy distribution of a single cylinder {HCCI} engine},
  pages = {15},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ebrahimi2018_sae.pdf},
  abstract = {The effects of Variable Valve Timing (VVT) on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine energy distribution and waste heat recovery are investigated using a fully flexible Electromagnetic Variable Valve Timing (EVVT) system. The experiment is carried out in a single cylinder, 657 cc, port fuel injection engine fueled with n-heptane. Exergy analysis is performed to understand the relative contribution of different loss mechanisms in HCCI engines and how VVT changes these contributions. It is found that HCCI engine brake thermal efficiency, the
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) power to heat ratio, the first and the second law efficiencies are improved
with proper valve timing. Further analysis is preformed by applying the first and second law of thermodynamics
to compare HCCI energy and exergy distribution to Spark Ignition (SI) combustion using Primary Reference Fuel (PRF). HCCI demonstrates higher fuel efficiency and power to heat and energy loss ratios compared to SI. The results are applicable for the development of micro-CHP systems using an HCCI engine operating at a constant
engine speed with varying loads.},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2018-04-03},
  year = {2018}
  author = {R. Klikach and K. Ebrahimi and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Toronto},
  title = {Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Natural Gas {RCCI} on a Modifed {GDI} Engine using {NVO}},
  eventdate = {2018-05-15},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Klikach2018cics.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2018-03-28},
  year = {2018}
  author = {G. Symko and M. Aliramezani and C. R. Koch and R. E. Hayes},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Toronto},
  title = {Axial insulation rings - testing and simulation of pressure drop and temperature transients in engine exhaust catalysts},
  eventdate = {2018-05-15},
  pages = {6},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Symko2018cics.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {May},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2018-03-28},
  year = {2018}
  author = {K. Ebrahimi and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {2013 American Controls Conference (ACC), Washington, USA},
  title = {{HCCI} Combustion Timing Control with Variable Valve Timing},
  pages = {3979 to 3984},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Ebrahimi_acc2013.pdf},
  abstract = {Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising concept
	for combustion engines to reduce both emissions and fuel consumption.
	In HCCI engines, a homogeneous air-fuel mixture auto-ignites due
	to compression, which is unlike traditional spark ignition and diesel
	engines where ignition is started with either a spark or fuel injection.
	HCCI combustion control is a challenging issue because there is no
	direct initiator of combustion in HCCI engines. Variable Valve Timing
	(VVT) is one effective way to control the combustion timing in HCCI
	engines. VVT changes the amount of trapped residual gas and the effective
	compression ratio both of which have a strong effect on combustion
	timing. In order to control HCCI combustion, a physics based control
	oriented model is developed that includes the effect of trapped residual
	gas on combustion timing. The control oriented model is obtained
	by model order reduction of complex chemical kinetic reaction mechanisms.
	This method allows different fuels to be incorporated using a standard
	methodology and fills the gap between complex models with highly
	detailed chemical kinetics and simple black box models that have
	been used in model based control. The control oriented model is used
	to develop ignition timing PI control using simulation. The PI control
	modulates the trapped residual gas using variable valve timing as
	the actuator. The results indicate that the controller can track
	step changes in HCCI combustion timing.},
  groups = {conferences},
  month = {June},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2018-04-03},
  year = {2013}
  author = {J McNally and D Gordon and E Sperling and M Shahbakhti and C R Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Edmonton, AB},
  date = {2023-03-13},
  title = {Performance and Emission Investigation of Hydrogen Diesel Dual Fuel Combustion},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2023-03-13},
  year = {2023}
  author = {Masoud Aliramezani and Armin Norouzi and Charles Robert Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Kelowna, BC},
  date = {2019-03-13},
  title = {A control oriented diesel engine {NOx} emission model for on board diagnostics and engine control with sensor feedback},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/cics_MA_2019.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2019-03-13},
  year = {2019}
  author = {Armin Norouzi and Khashayar Ebrahimi and Charles Robert Koch},
  title = {Integral Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition ({HCCI}) Engine Load and Combustion Timing},
  booktitle = {9th IFAC Int. Sym. on Advances in Automotive Control, Orleons, France},
  year = {2019},
  date = {2019-03-13},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2019-03-13}
  author = {A. Norouzi and C. R. Koch},
  booktitle = {Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering},
  title = {Robotic Manipulator Control Using {PD}-type Fuzzy Iterative Learning Control},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CCECE_AN_2019.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2019-03-13},
  year = {2019}
  author = {David Gordon and Christian Wouters and Shota Kinoshita and Maximilian Wick and Bastian Lehrheuer and Jakob Andert and Stefan Pischinger and Charles R Koch},
  booktitle = {Symposium of Combustion Control, Aachen Germany},
  date = {2019-06-26},
  title = {{HCCI} Combustion Stability Improvement Using a Rapid Ignition System},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/SCC_DG_2019.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2020-05-22},
  year = {2019}
  author = {Armin Norouzi and Masoud Aliramezani and Charles Robert Koch},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Kelowna, BC},
  date = {2019-03-13},
  title = {Diesel Engine {NOx} Reduction Using a {PD}-type Fuzzy Iterative Learning Control with a Fast Response {NOx} Sensor},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/cics_AN_2019.pdf},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2019-03-13},
  year = {2019}
  author = {Armin Norouzi and David Carl Gordon and Masoud Aliramezani and Charles Robert Koch},
  booktitle = {2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)},
  title = {Machine Learning-based Diesel Engine-Out NOx Reduction Using a plug-in PD-type Iterative Learning Control},
  organization = {IEEE},
  pages = {450--455},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/CCTA_2020.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2020-12-26},
  year = {2020}
  author = {Masoud Aliramezani and Charles Robert Koch},
  date = {2021-01-04},
  title = {Response characteristics of an amperometric NOx-O2 sensor at non diffusion-rate-determining conditions},
  note = {SAE 2021-01-0678},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/sae2021_MA.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {SAE 2021-01-0678},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2021-03-03},
  year = {2021}
  author = {Armin Norouzi and Charles Robert Koch},
  title = {Integration of {PD}-type Iterative Learning Control with Adaptive Sliding Mode Control},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1717},
  number = {2},
  pages = {6213--6218},
  publisher = {{IFAC}-{PapersOnLine}, Elsevier {BV}},
  volume = {53},
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {{IFAC}-{PapersOnLine}},
  year = {2020}
  author = {Masoud Aliramezani and Armin Norouzi and Charles Robert Koch},
  date = {2020-07-15},
  title = {Support vector machine for a diesel engine performance and {NOx} emission control-oriented model},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.916},
  number = {2},
  pages = {13976--13981},
  publisher = {{IFAC}-{PapersOnLine}, Elsevier {BV}},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/Aliramezani2020.pdf},
  volume = {53},
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {{IFAC}-{PapersOnLine}},
  year = {2020}
  author = {Junyao Xie and Charles Robert Koch and Stevan Dubljevic},
  date = {2020-07-15},
  title = {Internal Model Controller Design of Linearized Ginzburg-Landau Equation},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1523},
  number = {2},
  pages = {7728--7733},
  publisher = {{IFAC}-{PapersOnLine}, Elsevier {BV}},
  volume = {53},
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {{IFAC}-{PapersOnLine}},
  year = {2020}
  author = {Ahmad Ghazimirsaied and Mahdi Shahbakhti and Charles Robert Koch},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2010 Fall Conference},
  date = {2010-10-15},
  eventdate = {September 12-15, 2010},
  location = {San Antonio, Texas, USA},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/ICEF2010-35087.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  year = {2010}
  author = {Shahpouri, Saeid and Norouzi, Armin and Hayduk, Christopher and Rezaei, Reza and Shahbakhti, Mahdi and Koch, Charles Robert},
  booktitle = {Modeling, {Estimation} and {Control} {Conference} {MECC} 2021},
  date = {2021-01},
  title = {Soot {Emission} {Modeling} of a {Compression} {Ignition} {Engine} {Using} {Machine} {Learning}},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.11.274},
  language = {en},
  number = {20},
  pages = {826--833},
  url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405896321023181},
  urldate = {2022-02-25},
  volume = {54},
  abstract = {Control of real driving soot emissions in diesel vehicles requires accurate predictive models for engine-out soot emissions. This paper presents an innovative modeling approach that combines a physics-based model and a black-box model to predict soot from a 4.5-liter compression ignition engine under varying load and speed conditions. The physical model is based on an experimentally validated 1D engine model in GT-power. In contrast, the black-box model is designed by investigating different machine learning approaches, including a Bayesian neural network (BNN), support vector machine (SVM), regression tree, and an ensemble of regression tree. The experimental data from running the engine at 219 load and speed conditions are collected and used for training and testing the soot model. The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) feature selection method is used on the GT model outputs to find the most critical parameters in soot prediction. The grey-box modeling results are compared with those from the black-box as well as the physical model. The results show that the grey-box SVM and black-box single hidden layer BNN method provide the best performance with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.95. For most cases, grey-box models outperform the black-box models with the same Machine Learning (ML) algorithm by comparing R2 of the test data, but this difference becomes negligible when a single hidden layer neural network is used.},
  file = {:Shahpouri2021 - Soot Emission Modeling of a Compression Ignition Engine Using Machine Learning (1).html:URL},
  groups = {conferences},
  issn = {2405-8963},
  journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  keywords = {Diesel engines, Soot emissions, Machine learning, grey-box modeling, Physical model, data-driven modeling},
  year = {2021}
  author = {Alexander Winkler and Weizhou Wang and Armin Norouzi and David Gordon and Charles Robert Koch and Jakob Andert},
  date = {2022-11-10},
  title = {Integrating Recurrent Neural Networks into Model Predictive Control for Thermal Torque Derating of Electric Machines},
  doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1010},
  note = {22nd IFAC World Congress},
  number = {2},
  pages = {8254-8259},
  url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405896323013939},
  volume = {56},
  groups = {conferences},
  issn = {2405-8963},
  journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  year = {2023}
  author = {Armin Norouzi and Saeid Shahpouri and David Gordon and Alexander Winkler and Eugen Nuss and Dirk Abel and Jakob Andert and Mahdi Shahbakhti and Charles Robert Koch},
  title = {Machine Learning Integrated with Model Predictive Control for Imitative Optimal Control of Compression Ignition Engines},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.256},
  number = {24},
  pages = {19--26},
  publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
  volume = {55},
  groups = {conferences},
  journal = {{IFAC}-{PapersOnLine}},
  year = {2022}
  author = {D. Gordon and C.R. Koch and C. Wouters and B. Lehrheuer and S. Pischinger and M. Wick and J. Andert},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Kelowna, BC},
  date = {2019-03-13},
  title = {{NVO} peak pressure based in-cycle control for {HCCI} combustion using direct water injection},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/cics_DG_2019.pdf},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2019-03-13},
  year = {2019}
  author = {S. Shahpouri and A. Norouzi and C. Hayduk and R. Rezaei and C.R. Koch and M. Shahbakhti},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Ottawa, ON},
  date = {2021-03-13},
  title = {Modeling of a Single-Fuel Hydrogen Spark ignition and a Dual-FuelDiesel-Hydrogen Engines},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2022-03-13},
  year = {2022}
  author = {D Gordon and E Sperling and A Norouzi and C R Koch and A Winkler and J Andert},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Edmonton, AB},
  title = {Deep Neural Network based Performance and Emission Modelling},
  year = {2023},
  date = {2023-03-13},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2023-03-13},
  url = {/~ckoch/open_access/cics_DG_2019.pdf}
  author = {D Gordon and E Sperling and A Norouzi and C R Koch and A Winkler and J Andert},
  booktitle = {Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS) Spring Technical Meeting , Edmonton, AB},
  title = {MPC implementation for HCCI Combustion using a Deep Neural Network based model},
  year = {2023},
  date = {2023-03-13},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2023-03-13}
  author = {Guilherme Ozorio Cassol and Charles Robert Koch and Stevan Dubljevic},
  booktitle = {2023 American Control Conference ({ACC})},
  date = {2023-05},
  title = {Predictive Controller Design for a {PDE}-{ODE} system with mixed discrete-continuous constrained actuation},
  doi = {https://doi.org/10.23919/acc55779.2023.10156649},
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  groups = {conferences},
  year = {2023}
  author = {E Hajiparvaneh and H. Alizadeh and C R Koch and V Hosseini},
  booktitle = {Community Modeling and Analysis System {CMAS} Conference},
  date = {2023-10-16},
  title = {Sensitivity analysis of ambient NO2 concentration to primary emission sources in Alberta},
  location = {Chapel Hill, NC},
  groups = {conferences},
  year = {2023}
  author = {S Moghadasi and A Salahi and H Borhan and C R Koch and M Shahbakhti},
  booktitle = {Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) 2023 International Congress, Sherbrooke, QC},
  date = {2024-01-25},
  title = {Performance and Emission Investigation of Hydrogen Diesel Dual Fuel Combustion},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2023-03-13},
  year = {2023}
  author = {A Salahi and S Moghadasi and H Borhan and C R Koch and M Shahbakhti},
  booktitle = {Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) 2023 International Congress, Sherbrooke, QC},
  date = {2024-01-25},
  title = {Imitative Learning Control of a LSTM-NMPC Controller on PEM Fuel Cell for Computational Cost Reduction},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2023-03-13},
  year = {2023}
  author = {A Yasami and A Vafamand and A Jordan and H Borhan and C R Koch and M Shahbakhti},
  booktitle = {Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) 2023 International Congress, Sherbrooke, QC},
  date = {2024-01-25},
  title = {Control of a Modified Double Inverted Pendulum Using Machine Learning Based Model Predictive Control},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2023-03-13},
  year = {2023}
  author = {H. Abediasl and V Hosseini and C R Koch and M Shahbakhti},
  booktitle = {Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) 2022 International Congress, Edmonton, AB},
  date = {2023-01-25},
  title = {Emission Measurement of University Fleet Vehicles through On-road Remote Sensing and Identification of High NOx Emitters},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2022-06-05},
  year = {2022}
  author = {A Ansari and H Abediasl and P Rakeshkumar Patel and V Hosseini and C R Koch and M Shahbakhti},
  booktitle = {Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) 2022 International Congress, Edmonton, AB},
  date = {2023-01-25},
  title = {Estimating Instantaneous Fuel Consumption of Vehicles by using Machine Learning and Real-time On-board Diagnostics (OBD) Data},
  groups = {conferences},
  owner = {ckoch},
  timestamp = {2022-06-05},
  year = {2022}
  author = {Akbarnezhad, Mahdis and Cassol, Guilherme Ozorio and Koch, Charles R. and Dubljevic, Stevan},
  booktitle = {2024 American Control Conference (ACC)},
  date = {2024-07},
  title = {Linear Model Predictive Control for Two-Dimensional Transport-Reaction Processes},
  doi = {10.23919/acc60939.2024.10644824},
  pages = {3019--3024},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  groups = {conferences},
  year = {2024}
  author = {Tofigh, Mohamadali and Salehi, Z. and Smith, D.J. and Kharazmi, A. and Hanifi, A.R. and Koch, C.R. and Shahbakhti, M.},
  booktitle = {2024 American Control Conference (ACC)},
  date = {2024-07},
  title = {Developing a Time-Efficient Model for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Using Self-Supervised Convolutional Autoencoder and Stateful LSTM Network},
  doi = {10.23919/acc60939.2024.10644570},
  pages = {86--91},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  volume = {521.7553},
  groups = {conferences},
  year = {2024}
  author = {Gordon, David C. and Winkler, Alexander and Bedei, Julian and Schaber, Patrick and Pischinger, Stefan and Andert, Jakob and Koch, Charles R.},
  booktitle = {2024 American Control Conference (ACC)},
  date = {2024-07},
  title = {Introducing a Deep Neural Network-Based Model Predictive Control Framework for Rapid Controller Implementation},
  doi = {10.23919/acc60939.2024.10644830},
  pages = {5232--5237},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  volume = {2},
  groups = {conferences},
  year = {2024}
  author = {Salehi, Zeynab and Tofigh, Mohamadali and Vafaeenezhad, Sajad and Kharazmi, Ali and Smith, Daniel J. and Koch, Charles Robert and Shahbakhti, Mahdi},
  date = {2024},
  title = {Performance Prediction of a Range of Diverse Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using Deep Learning and Principal Component Analysis},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2025.01.116},
  number = {28},
  pages = {935--940},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  volume = {58},
  groups = {conferences},
  issn = {2405-8963},
  journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  journaltitle = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  year = {2024}
  author = {Izadi, Mojtaba and Koch, Charles R. and Dubljevic, Stevan},
  date = {2024},
  title = {Load Estimation in a Sucker-Rod Pump},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.12.021},
  number = {28},
  pages = {120--125},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  volume = {58},
  groups = {conferences},
  issn = {2405-8963},
  journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  journaltitle = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  year = {2024}
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