Prosody lab
In the prosody lab, we study the production and perception of spoken language to investigate
different aspects of the prosody, rhythm and melody of speech. These aspects include the form
and functions of prosody and its interaction with other areas of grammar, as well as how
languages differ in these respects.
ASH 4-13
- 8.5' x 10.5' Whisperroom Booth for recording 1–6 speakers at a time
- Open space for conversation and other interaction to be recorded
- Independent workstation for recording single speakers in controlled production experiments
- Monitoring equipment and headphones for perception studies
- Oade Bros Modified Marantz PMD661 MKII FET Mod recorder
- 3 Countryman headset microphones H60W5TXLR H6 Omni
- 1 Desk-Top Mounted Cardioid Gooseneck Microphone
- 3 PC workstations for annotating data