The Ultimedia Services Master Settings application enables you to control the master volume, the master mute, and the input sources of your system's audio hardware through a graphical interface. The Master Volume controls the output volume for all applications. The Audio Mixer allows you to combine multiple audio inputs together at the same time for play or record.
There are two versions of Master Settings:
To learn more about the Master Settings application, see:
The Master Settings application accesses your system's audio hardware through one of the device files located in the /dev directory By default, Master Settings attempts to open either /dev/baud0 or /dev/paud0. It uses the one that is available.
If you have another audio device you would like to control, such as /dev/baud1, use the -device option when running the Master Settings application:
run_ums master_settings -device /dev/baud1
Or to run the desktop version:
run_ums dtmaster_settings -device /dev/baud1
To start the Master Settings application, type:
dtmaster_settings -device devicePath [-volume volume] [-audioMixer]
master_settings -device devicePath [-volume volume] [-audioMixer]
The Master Volume Main Window figure illustrates the window that displays each time you start the Master Volume.
The main window displays the slider which controls the master volume and the Audio Mixer button which, when selected, displays the Audio Mixer panel.
Each application can control its own output volume through the Ultimedia Services object library. The volume is typically a percentage between 0 and 100, where 0 means no volume, or silence, and 100 is the maximum volume. The Master Volume controls the output volume for all applications by placing a ceiling, or maximum value, as a percentage on which an application's volume can be set.
The following equation illustrates the relationship between the Master Volume and the volume set within an application using the Ultimedia Services object library:
volume = (application volume * master volume) / 100
For instance, suppose the Master Volume is 100%, and an application sets a volume of 80%. The resulting volume will be 80% of the attainable volume. If the Master Volume is set to 90%, the resulting volume will be:
(80% * 90%) / 100 or 72% of the attainable volume
The Audio Mixer Main Window figure illustrates the window that displays each time you start the Audio Mixer.
The Audio Mixer Main Window shows the check boxes for each audio input source and the sliders that control the volume and balance for each source. On/Off buttons enable and disable the Audio Mixer. When enabled, the Audio Mixer selects the audio input source or sources. While the Audio Mixer is not enabled, the application can select the audio input source.
To add an input source for mixing, select the check box alongside the input source name. The volume for each channel can be changed by moving the appropriate slide. To remove an input source from mixing, select the check box again.
To exit the Master Settings application, select File -> Exit from the File pull-down menu.
After selecting File -> Exit, a pop-up menu is displayed, prompting you to verify that you want to exit the Master Volume and Audio Mixer. Click on the Yes button to exit. Click on the No button to remain in the Master Settings application.