Adds a notify method definition to the Notify object class.
mknotify -n NotifyName -m NotifyMethod
The mknotify command adds a notify method definition to the Notify object class. When a notify method is defined for both a subsystem name and a group name, the subsystem name takes precedence. For example, if the subsystem notify method is executed by the System Resources Controller (SRC), the group notify method is not performed.
The SRC places the name of the unsuccessful subsystem as the first argument to the method and the name of the unsuccessful subsystem group as the second argument.
mknotify -n srctest -m /usr/lpp/srctest/failureThis adds a subsystem notify method for the srctest subsystem, with a notify method designated in the /usr/lpp/srctest/failure file.
mknotify -n tcpip -m /usr/lpp/tcpip/tcpfailureThis adds a group notify method for the tcpip group, with a notify method designated in the /usr/lpp/tcpip/tcpfailure file.
/etc/objrepos/SRCsubsys | Specifies the SRC Subsystem Configuration object class. |
/etc/objrepos/SRCnotify | Specifies the SRC Notify Method object class. |
The rmnotify command, lssrc command, mkssys command, rmssys command.
System Resource Controller Overview in the AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices
System Resource Controller (SRC) Overview for Programmers in the in AIX General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.
Defining Your Subsystem to the SRC in the in AIX General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.