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Ultimedia Services Version 2 for AIX: Programmer's Guide and Reference

UMSImageWindowMClass Class

The UMSImageWindowMClass metaclass is an Ultimedia Services Version 2 feature and does not apply to Ultimedia Services Version 1.2.1.

This class inherits from the UMSClass class. This object creates UMSImageWindow objects based on the display and image format needed.

To learn more about the UMSImageWindowMClass class, see:

For introductory information, see MetaClass Objects.

Method Descriptions

UMSImageWindow make_from_display(in Display *x_disp)


Create an UMSImageWindow object based on the display specified in x_disp.

in Display *x_disp A display pointer for use with X11.
Return Values
A pointer to an UMSImageWindow object If no error is found.
A NULL pointer to UMSImageWindow If an error is found including but not limited to: a bad x_disp, a malloc() failure

UMSImageWindow make_from_display_and_src(in Display *x_disp, in sequence<string> src_format, out ReturnCode error, out string error_string)


Create an UMSImageWindow object based on the display specified in x_disp, and the desired image source. If an ImageWindow is successfully instantiated, return a pointer to the ImageWindow or else return a NULL. If there no hardware assist, then instantiate a base ImageWindow object (provided the format is one X understands). If there is hardware assist, attempt to match the desired format (listed in sequence in order of precedence) with the list that the hardware supports. When a match is found, return the pointer to the device-specific image window. If the call fails, the return code and extra information is returned by the method.

in Display *x_disp A display pointer for use with the X function XOpenDisplay().
in sequence<string> src_format A sequence of strings that identify a set of output image formats.
out ReturnCode error Error value if the call fails and NULL is returned by the method.
out string error_string Extra error information that the application can bubble if a non-success error code is returned. (This is iso8859-1, English, not translated)
Error Codes

For certain Error Codes, more specific information can be obtained from the error_string parameter.

Return Values
A pointer to an UMSImageWindow object If no error is found.

A NULL pointer is returned if an image window could not be created for any reason. The error value is then set.

UMSImageWindow make_from_display_src_and_window(in Display *x_disp, in sequence<string> src_format, in unsigned long x_window, out ReturnCode error, out string error_string)


Create an UMSImageWindow object based on the display specified in x_disp, the desired image source, and a window id. If an ImageWindow is successfully instantiated, return a pointer to the ImageWindow or else return a NULL. If there no hardware assist, then instantiate a base ImageWindow object (provided the format is one X understands). If there is hardware assist, attempt to match the desired format (listed in sequence in order of precedence) with the list that the hardware supports. When a match is found, return the pointer to the device-specific image window. If the call fails, the return code and extra information is returned by the method.

in Display *x_disp A display pointer for use with the X function XOpenDisplay().
in sequence<string> src_format A sequence of strings that identify a set of output image formats.
in unsigned long x_window This argument is of type (Window).
out ReturnCode error Error value if the call fails and NULL is returned by the method.
out string error_string Extra error information that the application can bubble if a non-success error code is returned. (This is iso8859-1, English, not translated)
Return Values

A pointer to an UMSImageWindow object If no error is found. A NULL pointer is returned if an image window could not be created for any reason. The error value is set.

For introductory information, see MetaClass Objects.

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