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Ultimedia Services Version 2 for AIX: Programmer's Guide and Reference

Programming with the UMSImageWindowLM Object

The UMSImageWindowLM object is an Ultimedia Services Version 2.1.5 feature and does not apply to previous versions.

The UMSImageWindowLM object provides support for GT20 Graphics Adapter video display hardware. This object inherits or overrides all methods from the UMSImageWindow base class and does not add new methods.

This object supports the YUV422 and YUV422_UYVY image formats.

A YUV422 image is composed of 32 bits per pair of pixels. The pixels are in order from left to right, top to bottom. For each pair of pixels in memory, the first 8 bits are Y1. The next 8 bits are U. The next 8 bits are Y2. The last 8 bits are V.

A YUV422_UYVY image is composed of 32 bits per pair of pixels. The pixels are in order from left to right, top to bottom. For each pair of pixels in memory, the first 8 bits are U. The next 8 bits are Y1. The next 8 bits are V. The last 8 bits are Y2.

Because of the format of the YUV422 and YUV422_UYVY images the width must be an even number.

The maximum image size is 640x480 pixels.

You can set one default in the UMS_config file for this object. The stanza begins with the text "UMSImageWindowLM:". The setting for default_color_key can be set to the name of any color that the X11 function XAllocNamedColor accepts.

This object uses color keying to clip the video to the window boundary. The method is similar to, but not the same as, chroma-keying. The color used for keying is specified in the UMS_config file in the default_color_key setting. There is no way to prevent other applications from using the same color. The video might show through into other windows. The user can change the color in the configuration file to reduce the interference.

The UMSVideoInLM and UMSImageWindowLM objects talk to the same hardware. There can be only one of these objects active at a time.

For introductory information, see Programming with Image Window Objects.

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