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Ultimedia Services Version 2 for AIX: Programmer's Guide and Reference

Movie Player

UMSMoviePlayer provides a high-level interface to allow application software to play movie files with synchronous audio to an AIXwindows window and an available audio device. Methods such as load, play, scan and record provide a high-level interface similar in function to controls on audio and video entertainment equipment. The movie file formats supported by UMSMoviePlayer depend on the available implementations of UMSMovieFileReader and UMSVideoDecoder classes as well as the audio format types supported by the UMSAudioDevice being used.

Ultimedia Services provides implementations of UMSVideoDecoder for Ultimotion Matinee, Motion JPEG, RTV2.0, and Indeo 2.1. UMSAVIMovieFileReader supports RIFF AVI movie files that have 1:1 Audio/Video interleave with or without audio preroll. All UMSAudioDevice implementations support PCM, A-law, and mu-law audio data types. Example programs for using UMSMoviePlayer are in the /UMS/install/Examples directory.

To learn more about the movie player, see:

For introductory information, see Programming with Media Handler Objects.

Movie Player Methods

Movie player methods include player controls, media play controls, audio device controls, media attribute controls, and media monitoring controls.

Player Controls

Player controls include:

open_audio Opens audio device.
close_audio Closes audio device.
load Loads file.
info Returns file name and device alias.
get_state Returns current player state.
get_window Returns the current AIXwindows display ID and window ID.
set_window Sets AIXwindows display ID and window ID for video frame display.
release_window Releases AIXwindows window back to application.
get_color_map Returns the AIXwindows window color map ID used.

Media Play Controls

Media play controls include:

get_time_format Returns the current time format.
get_repeat Returns the current setting of the repeat flag.
play Plays media from current position to end of file.
play_to Similar to play but stops at given position.
pause Pauses play.
resume Resumes play.
seek Seeks to location in file.
cue Cues media for play.
step Steps forward or backward.
freeze Freezes video while continuing to play audio.
scan Scans forward through video frames only.
scan_to Scans to position in media.
stop Stops play.
set_time_format Sets the time format to milliseconds or frames.
set_repeat Enables or disables repeated play.

Audio Device Controls

Audio device controls include:

get_volume Returns the current volume setting.
get_balance Returns the current balance setting.
set_volume Sets volume.
set_balance Sets balance.
get_audio_device_inout_aliases Returns the audio device inputs and outputs aliases.
enable_audio_master_settings Enables setting of shared device-specific parameters.
disable_audio_master_settings Disables setting of shared device-specific parameters.
get_audio_master_settings Returns the current master settings mode.
get_audio_device_class Returns the specific audio device class.
get_audio_device_pathname Returns the path to the audio device in use.
get_audio_device_master_exec Returns the pathname of the master_exec executable.

Media Attribute Controls

Media attribute controls include:

set_speed_factor Sets speed as a percentage of normal play rate.
set_current_track Sets the audio track to play.
get_video_compression Returns the video compression method used.
get_iframe_locations Returns the location of the nearest I frames.
get_native_window_size Returns the normal width and height of the video frames.
get_normal_speed Returns normal play rate.
get_current_speed Returns current play rate.
get_bits_sample Returns number of bits per sample for audio data.
get_audio_format_type Returns audio data format.
get_samples_second Returns the sample rate.
get_current_position Returns the current position in the media.
get_length Returns the data length of the media.
get_file_format_alias Returns the current file format alias.
get_audio_number_of_channels Returns the number of channels in the next frame of audio data.
get_audio_bits_per_sample Returns the number of bits per sample of audio data.
get_video_format_type Returns the current video format type.
set_display_size Sets the output image width and height.

Media Monitoring Controls

Media monitoring controls include:

set_cuepoint Sets or clears one of 20 possible cuepoints.
set_position_advise Sets position-advise event interval.
set_event_mask Specifies which events to return.
get_event_mask Returns the current event mask.
get_event Gets the next event.
event_pending Determines whether an event is available.
get_event_handle Returns file descriptor for event communication.

File Formats

The movie file formats supported by UMSMoviePlayer depend on the available implementations of UMSMovieFileReader and UMSVideoDecoder classes as well as the audio format types supported by the UMSAudioDevice being used. Ultimedia Services provides implementations of UMSVideoDecoder for Ultimotion Matinee, Motion JPEG, RTV2.0, and Indeo 2.1. UMSAVIMovieFileReader supports RIFF AVI movie files that have 1:1 Audio/Video interleave with or without audio preroll. All UMSAudioDevice implementations support PCM, A-law, and mu-law audio data types. The object set can be extended by you if you have access to SOM development environment. UMSMoviePlayer makes use of new class implementations that are properly implemented and configured in the configuration file.

Movie Playback and AIXwindows Environment

The following can influence how well the movie player plays the movie:

For instance, in an Ultimotion Matinee AVI file, if there are few I frames in the file, seeking to position in a file can appear slow because the movie player occasionally needs I frames to reconstruct complete video frames. When you seek to a position, the movie player seeks the nearest I frame before the position and begins reconstructing the images.

The number of frames per second used when creating the movie file also affects movie playback. During playback of a movie created at 30 frames per second, the movie player must navigate to the next frame, extract the video and audio data, decompress the video frame, and send it to an AIXwindows window for display while trying to synchronize the playback of the audio with the video. This must occur 30 times per second while leaving enough CPU cycles for other work. Other factors such as CPU speed and system load also influence how the movie can be played.

The movie player needs an AIXwindows window to display the video frame. It relies on the application to initialize the AIXwindows display and to create a window that has a width and height suitable for image display in each frame. After creating the window, pass the window ID to the movie player with set_window so that the movie player can manage the repair of the window on exposure events. When you want to manage the window, request the movie player to release_window.

Playing a Movie File

To play a movie file, do the following:

  1. Initialize the SOM environment.
  2. Create an instance of a UMSMoviePlayer object.
  3. Open (using the open method) an audio device using an alias, which is defined in the configuration file. The configuration object uses this alias to determine which device to open.
  4. Load the file (using the load method) and extract the width and height for the video frames.
  5. Open the AIXwindows display and create a window. Pass the window to the movie player.
  6. Play the file (using the play method).
  7. Wait for the PlayComplete event to signal when the movie player is finished playing the file.

Using the Audio Device

The open_audio and close_audio methods allow applications to intelligently use the audio resources on your system. The audio device on your system can or cannot be shareable between more than one application at a time. The open_audio and close_audio methods enable applications to decide whether to use the audio device during playback. Not all movies have an audio track, and there are occasions where hearing the audio during playback is either not desirable or not possible. If open_audio is not successful, the application can decide to continue playing only the video frames since the movie player does not require the audio device to play a movie.

Video Playback Controls

The movie player provides scan, step, and freeze methods, which emulate VCR-like controls. Also included is the set_speed_factor method used for fast and slow motion effects during playback.

scan This method displays the video frames, without discarding any frames, at the highest possible rate attainable on your system. During a scan, the audio is not presented.
step This method allows you to step forward or backward N frames at a time. Negative frame counts move backward in the media while positive counts move forward. A step of 0 displays the current video frame again.
freeze This method allows you to freeze the current frame while continuing to play the audio track.
set_speed_factor This method can be used for fast- and slow-motion effects during playback. The speed factor is a percentage of the normal speed (the speed at which the media was recorded). Fast-forward effects can also be achieved by successively seeking the next I frame and using a step of 0 to display the frame.

For introductory information, see Programming with Media Handler Objects.

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