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Performance Toolbox Version 1.2 and 2 for AIX: Guide and Reference

Chapter 5. The xmperf Command Menu Interface

This chapter provides information about the xmperf command menu interface.

The xmperf Command Menu Interface Overview

The command menu interface of xmperf is entirely configurable. The intention with this interface is to:

Virtually any AIX command can be defined in the xmperf configuration file. A simple syntax is used to arrange the commands in multi-level menus and to define the specifics of each command and its options. The following sections describe how to define menus and commands to xmperf.

Command Menus

Commands are defined as belonging to one of the following xmperf main window pulldown menu items:

Intended to contain tools that can be used to analyze a specific application, environment or configuration. For example, this group would contain tools such as tprof (a tool to determine which part of a program most of the execution time is spent in) and rmss (a tool to simulate different real memory sizes).
Intended as a place to keep tools to change system parameters that influence performance. You can have tools to change the number of buffers, the number of biod daemons, and so forth.
Intended for any remaining commands you'd like to assign to a menu.

Lines in the configuration file that define menus or commands must have an identifier as the first characters on each line. This identifier determines what main menu the definition goes to:

Analysis main menu
Controls main menu
Utilities main menu

Defining Menus

The command menus are cascading menus. This means that each item on any given menu represents either another level of menu or a single command. A menu tree for the main menu group Analysis might be represented like this:

Start New xmperf
Time Profiler
   Profiling w/source
   Minimal Profiling
Reduced Memory Simulator
   Memory Simulation
      Standard Simulation
      Special Simulation
   Set Reduced Memory
   Reset Memory

Sample Menu Structure

In the preceding figure, menu lines are those followed by an indented line. The end-points of each indentation represent tools or commands that can be selected and executed. It follows, that the lines:

Time Profiler
Memory Simulation

both are menu lines, while:

Start New xmperf
Profiling w/source

represent executables. Executables are defined as described in the following figure, Defining Executables.

The menu structure defined above is created with the following lines (lines enclosed in "<>" are place holders for lines to define executables and should be ignored for now).

   <lines to define: Start New xmperf>
analy.menubegin.Time Profiler  
   <lines to define: Profiling w/source>
   <lines to define: Minimal Profiling>
analy.menubegin.Reduced Memory Simulator
analy.menubegin.Memory Simulation
   <lines to define: Standard Simlation>
   <lines to define: Special Simuation>
   <lines to define: Set Reduced Memory>
   <lines to define: Reset Memory>

Defining the Sample Menu Structure

Whichever lines to define executables appear between any pair of menubegin and menuend, are added to the menu named in the menubegin line. Whenever a new menubegin line is encountered, another menu level is begun.

A menuend line terminates the menu begun by the last menubegin in effect. Excess menuend lines are ignored.

Menu definition lines must follow the format above. The menubegin lines define the name of the menu. The name contains all characters following the menubegin keyword (and the period) up to the end-of-line character. The menuend lines must have a non-blank character following the menuend keyword (and a period); by convention, the name of the main menu group is used.

The first five (or six, in the case of the Analysis menu) characters on each menu line must be analy, ctrl, or util followed by a period.


Defining Executables

An executable is defined by two line types. For both line types, the first five (or six) characters of each line must be one of analy, ctrl, or util followed by a period. The first five (or six) characters determine the menu to which the executable is added.

The characters following the first period and up to (but not including) the next period identify the executable. The identification is used to group together all the lines that define a particular executable, and is also the text shown on the menu where the executable is added. After the period that terminates the identification must come one of the following:

A keyword to identify this line as the skeleton command line to be executed.
The $ character identifies this line as an options line. The characters between the $ and the colon represent the name of a token and are used to match the defined option against a character string of the format $token in the skeleton command line.

As an example, let's define the executable represented by the line:

Set Reduced Memory

in the figure Sample Menu Structure . That could be done as follows:

analy.Set Reduced Memory.program: rmss $mem
analy.Set Reduced Memory.$mem: -c%r%n%16%Simulated Memory Size 

What these two lines say is that the command line to execute for this particular tool is:

rmss $mem

but that the token $mem should be substituted by whatever the user responds when the second line causes him or her to be prompted for "Simulated Memory Size". The line with the program: keyword is quite simple. It represents a skeleton command line. Before the command line is executed, xmperf attempts to replace all tokens in the skeleton line with the values the user selected. When attempting this, xmperf may end up in different situations:

The user changed the token value.
In this case, the new value is taken and used to replace all occurrences of the token in the skeleton command line.
The user erased the token value.
This can only happen when the token is defined as optional. When this happens, all occurrences of the token are removed from the skeleton command line.
The user left the token value unchanged.
When this happens, and no default value is given (when the token is defined as optional), all occurrences of the token are removed from the skeleton command line. If a default value is given, this value is used to replace all occurrences of the token in the skeleton command line.

In all situations where a token value is replaced in (rather than removed from) the command line, the token value includes the command flag if defined in the option line. Where a token is removed from the skeleton command line, the flag is not inserted either.

Before the command line is submitted for execution, an & (ampersand) is added at the end of the line. This causes all commands to be executed in background.

Defining Options for Executables

The general format of an option line is as follows, with the character % (percent sign) as a delimiter between fields:

Optional field. Used to specify the flag (or nothing) that must precede the command line argument when the token is replaced in the command line. If no flag value is given, none is included when the token substitution is done. For some commands, a blank must separate the flag value from the argument value. In such cases, the flag defined in the options line must have a trailing blank.
Required field. Specifies whether the option described by this line is required for proper execution of the command or not. A value of o denotes optional, while r means that the value is required. xmperf uses this field to determine whether it is acceptable for the user to erase a default value or leave an option value empty.
Required field. The field defines the option type and must be one of the following:
A character input line. This option line causes the user to be prompted to enter or change a character value such as a path name.
A numerical input line. This option line causes the user to be prompted to enter or change a numerical value such as a count or size.
A flag definition line. This option line either defines a single option (when it is not followed by extension lines) or a group of options (as defined by succeeding extension lines).
A flag extension line. This line is ignored if it it does not match a previously encountered flag definition line. Multiple extension lines define a group of options. If the corresponding flag definition line is marked as optional, the group of options is treated as multiple choice, meaning that one, more, all, or none of the options can be selected. If the corresponding flag definition line is marked as required, the group of options is treated as single choice, meaning that one, and only one, of the options must be selected.

Some commands require a list of extension values to be separated by a non-blank character such as a comma. For such commands, the flag value of the extension line must be followed by that character on all extension lines. When the resulting command line is generated by xmperf, the last such character is removed.

Optional field. The field is used differently, depending on the option type of the line:
c or n
The contents of the default field are used to display an initial value in the user input field.
If the line is not followed by extension lines, a value means that this option is selected by default. If no default value is specified, the option is not selected by default. By convention, if a default value is given, it is specified as the character "y". If the line is followed by extension lines the default value is ignored.
For extension lines belonging to an optional flag definition line, each line with a default value specified is selected by default. For extension lines belonging to a required flag definition line, the first extension line with a default value specified is selected by default; default values on following lines are ignored.
Required field. Specifies the prompt text associated with the defined option.

The following sections show a few examples to clarify how to define some more complex executables. This first example shows how you might define one particular invocation of the svmon analytical tool.

Example svmon Definition

The svmon tool has many command line options. This example defines only a subset of options, namely the flags -P (output report selection based on processes) and -i (time between iterations and number of iterations). The syntax of the selected options is:

[-P{n|s|a}{u|p|g} [count]]


[-i interval [count]]

This means that both flags are optional, as seen from the point of view of svmon, but we elect to define them as required because we are defining one particular invocation of the tool. When the -P flag is specified, one argument of each of the groups nsa and upg must be selected, which is a good opportunity to show you a definition of a single choice options list. A count may or may not be given.

The -i flag must be followed by an interval between executions and, optionally, by a number of executions. Since the default number of executions is "forever," we elect to define this number as required.

The lines to define this executable could look like this:

analy.svmon sample.program: (svmon $1$2 $count $int $rep 
>$ofile; \
                            sleep 10; aixterm -e view $ofile )
analy.svmon sample.$1:      -P%r%f%%Output selection
analy.svmon sample.$1:      n%r%e%y%Non-system segments only
analy.svmon sample.$1:      s%r%e%%System segments only
analy.svmon sample.$1:      a%r%e%%All segment types
analy.svmon sample.$2:      %r%f%%Process sort criteria
analy.svmon sample.$2:      u%r%e%y%Decreasing by pages in real 
analy.svmon sample.$2:      p%r%e%%Decreasing by pages pinned
analy.svmon sample.$2:      g%r%e%%Decreasing by page space used
analy.svmon sample.$count:  %o%n%10%Number of process reports
analy.svmon sample.$int:    -i %r%n%5%Interval, number of seconds
analy.svmon sample.$rep:    %r%n%3%Number of iterations
analy.svmon sample.$ofile:  %r%c%./svmon.out%Filename for svmon 

Defining an Execution of svmon

The program: line is a skeleton for the execution of a series of commands:

The commands are separated by semicolons and the entire skeleton line is enclosed in parentheses, ready for execution under ksh. Notice that when the definition is split over two lines, you terminate the first line with a \ (backslash); this can be continued up to a maximum of 1024 characters. The skeleton command line specifies tokens to be substituted for values chosen by the user. Each token is positioned at the appropriate place for correct execution of the command.

One token is not part of the svmon command line. That's the token called $ofile, which is used to specify a file name where the output from svmon is to be written. Since svmon writes its output to stdout, the token is used to redirect the output to the file name given. Notice how this token appears twice in the skeleton command line: once to do the redirection; once to specify the input file to view.

The option lines are defined so that the skeleton command line would be converted to the following line if the user changes nothing:

(svmon -Pnu 10 -i 5 3 >./svmon.out; sleep 10; aixterm -e 
view ./svmon.out)

Example vmstat Definition

The command vmstat has several command line options. The following example defines them all except the flag -s, which has no meaning in AIX Version 3 and 4. The syntax of the vmstat command line is:

vmstat [-f] [Phys_volume ...] [interval [count]]

When vmstat executes, it sends its output to stdout. Since we want to be able to browse through the output, we send it to a file and then use view to browse that file.

A challenge is the definition of interval and count, since the omission of the first would cause vmstat to use the second as interval. To overcome this, we define both options as being required and give decent default values.

The definition looks as shown in the figure below.

analy.vmstat sample.program: (/usr/ucb/vmstat $forks $vols 
$int $iter\
                             > $ofile; aixterm -n vmstat_out\
                             -name vmstat_out -e view $ofile )
analy.vmstat sample.$forks:  -f%o%f%%Report number of forks since 
analy.vmstat sample.$vols:   %o%c%%List of physical volumes to 
analy.vmstat sample.$int:    %r%n%5%Interval between samples
analy.vmstat sample.$iter:   %r%n%20%Number of samples
analy.vmstat sample.$ofile:  %r%c%$HOME/vmstat.tmp%Output file 

Defining an Execution of vmstat

With this definition, we can accept that the user keys in a list of physical volumes to analyze in response to the prompt for the token $vols. This requires you to remember or look up the names of physical volumes. To make things easier, you could code this into the definition. Assuming the physical volumes hdisk0 through hdisk2, the definition would look like that shown in Defining an Enhanced Execution of vmstat below.

analy.vmstat sample.program: (/usr/ucb/vmstat $forks $vols 
$int $iter\
                             > $ofile; aixterm -n vmstat_out\
                             -name vmstat_out -e view $ofile )
analy.vmstat sample.$forks:  -f%o%f%%Report number of forks since 
analy.vmstat sample.$vols:   %o%f%%Select physical volumes to 
analy.vmstat sample.$vols:   hdisk0 %o%e%y%Physical volume: hdisk0
analy.vmstat sample.$vols:   hdisk1 %o%e%y%Physical volume: hdisk1
analy.vmstat sample.$vols:   hdisk2 %o%e%y%Physical volume: hdisk2
analy.vmstat  sample.$int:   %r%n%5%Interval between samples
analy.vmstat sample.$iter:   %r%n%20%Number of samples
analy.vmstat sample.$ofile:  %r%c%$HOME/vmstat.tmp%Output file 

Defining an Enhanced Execution of vmstat

This is an example of how you specify a group of flag extensions to be presented in a multiple choice selection prompt. The advantage of using this technique rather than defining each disk as a separate flag is that you can use the flag definition line to specify a heading for this group of choices. Notice how each of the flag values represent data values rather than traditional flags and that each of the values has a trailing blank. Without the trailing blanks, all choices would be sent to vmstat as one concatenated character string.

An Alternative vmstat Definition

When you use the technique described in Example vmstat Definition to redirect output from a command running in background to a file and then use the view command to show it in an aixterm window, you don't have any way of knowing that a popup window should appear. Likewise, you might miss the fact that the commands run in the background and try to run a command multiple times not realizing that it's already executing.

This, of course, is inherent in UNIX systems, but it becomes less apparent when the command is executed from a menu so that the normal operating system response to submitting a background job is not seen by the user. The following example of a definition of vmstat is taken from the distributed configuration file and shows how a clever use of parentheses and double quotes can direct the output from the vmstat command to an aixterm window and allow you to use that window's scroll bar to examine the output.

analy.vmstat Monitor.program: aixterm -geometry 85x20 -n 
vmstat \
                              -name vmstat -sl 1000 -sb -fn Rom10\
                              -e ksh -c "(/usr/ucb/vmstat \
                              $(cd /dev ; /bin/ls cd* hdisk*) \
                              $int $iter; read)" &
analy.vmstat Monitor.$int:    %r%n%5%Interval between samples
analy.vmstat Monitor.$iter:   %o%n%20%Number of samples

An Even More Enhanced Definition of vmstat

In the preceding figure, we show how the execution of vmstat starts by opening an aixterm window as described by the first two lines; the window is specified as 85x20 characters in size, has a title bar and icon name set to "vmstat," saves up to 1000 lines of history, has a scroll bar, and uses the font Rom10.

The third line specifies to execute the program ksh (-e ksh) and that the shell must run a command which follows the -c flag. The command to run is actually a series of commands, enclosed in double quotes as well as parentheses. The sequence of commands is:

(/usr/ucb/vmstat $(cd /dev ; /bin/ls cd* hdisk*) $int $iter; 

Which means that the command /usr/ucb/vmstat is to be executed. The arguments passed to the command are the disk names produced by the command sequence:

cd /dev; /bin/ls cd* hdisk*

This command sequence is followed by the command line arguments represented by the tokens $int $iter. After this command is executed, issue a read, which terminates the aixterm session when the user presses the Enter key from the window. The dialog window created from the definition in An Even More Enhanced Definition of vmstat is shown in the following figure.

The vmstat Command Box of xmperf

Process Controls

Two of the three main menu items that are used to define command menus have a fixed menu item. The main menu items are Controls and Utilities. This section describes the fixed menu item in the Controls pulldown. This fixed menu item is called Process Controls. The purpose of the Process Controls menu item is twofold:

The default sort criterion for the process list is defined to place the largest consumers of CPU resources (hot processes) at the top of the list.

Process Overview

When you select Process Controls you immediately see a list of all running processes in your system at the time you made the selection. The list shows the most interesting details about the processes, and initially is sorted in descending order after CPU percentage used by the process. An example of a local process list is shown below.

Sample Local Process List of xmperf

The fields in the list are, from left to right:

Process ID (PID)
The process ID of the process.
Command Name
The command executing.
The priority of the process.
Login User-ID
The user ID used to login to the session from where the process is started.
Effect User-ID
The effective user ID for the process, as changed by setuid or su if applicable.
Data Res (4 KB Pages)
The number of 4KB (kilobytes) pages of real memory currently used for data segment by the process.
Text Res (4 KB Pages)
The number of 4KB (kilobytes) pages of real memory currently used for text segment by the process.
Page Space (4 KB Pages)
The number of 4KB (kilobytes) currently allocated for paging space on an external disk for this process.
Latest CPU Perct
When you create the process list from the Controls menu, this field shows the CPU usage of the process over its life time. The same is true whenever a new process shows up on the process list after a refresh. In all other cases, this field shows the average CPU usage since the last refresh of the process list.

By default, this field is used to sort the list so you can easily pinpoint processes that are large consumers of CPU resources.

Process Total (CPU Seconds)
The sum of kernel-CPU and user-CPU time (in seconds) used by the process.
Accum Total (CPU Seconds)
The sum of kernel-CPU and user-CPU time (in seconds) used by the process and all its children processes.
Page-Faults, I/O
The number of page faults taken by the process to handle file I/O since the process was started.
Page-Faults, other
The number of page faults taken by the process for other than file I/O since the process was started.
Parent Relationship
A number of # characters to illustrate the nesting of processes. The more number signs (#), the deeper the process is in the process hierarchy.

Process Overview Menu

When the process overview list is displayed, a menu bar is available to control the list. The following menu items are available:

This menu item allows you to close the list (which simply removes the list from the display) or to refresh the list by reading the current process information from the system. What really happens when you select Refresh is that the displayed list is removed and a brand new one is created. However, the new list is sorted the same way the old one was. Note that he process list is not updated by xmperf automatically. It is your responsibility to use the Refresh menu item to have the list updated as needed.
The process list can be sorted on any of the fields shown. Sorting is in ascending order if one of the leftmost five fields is used for sorting, otherwise in descending order. Each time a list is sorted, xmperf remembers the sort criteria you chose. Whenever the list is refreshed, and when it is removed and later created again, the latest sort criteria is used to sort the list.

One special sort criteria is called "Parent Relationship" which sorts the processes so that a process is listed before its child(ren). This generates a hierarchical display of parent-child process relationships at the far right of the list.

This menu selection is another custom-built menu. Items are created as described in Command Menus and Executables . This means that you can build a menu hierarchy and that individual commands can be located anywhere in that hierarchy.

Two things distinguish the Process Execute menu from other tools menus: the identifier for lines to define the line is proc, and a new token type is introduced. This is explained in Process Token .

The Execute menu selection is only active if the process overview window is generated by a selection of the Process Controls item in the Controls pulldown menu of the main window. If the process overview window is generated while instantiating a skeleton console, the Done menu item is active instead of Execute.

This menu selection is associated with the use of the process overview to instantiate skeleton instruments that have the process ID as a wildcard. The pulldown menu you get when you select Done has three menu items. If you click on the Cancel menu item, the box goes away and no instrument is created. If you click on the Reselect menu item, the process overview list is refreshed. If you click on the Accept Selection menu item, the skeleton instrument is instantiated with the processes you selected.
Displays any help text supplied in the simple help file and identified by the name Process Controls.

Process Token

Executables that are defined as belonging to the process execution menu must be defined so a process token is present in the skeleton command line. The process token is simply the character # (number sign). During token substitution before the command is executed, the process token is replaced by a list of process IDs as selected from the process list by you.

If you try to execute a command from the Process Execution menu and no process ID is selected, the execution is not allowed. Selection can be done as a single-selection of one process by clicking on a line, or as a multiple-selection by dragging the mouse pointer with mouse button 1 pressed down. Extensions or deletions from selections can be done by holding the CTRL key down on the keyboard while selecting.

Before the command is executed, you are presented with a the list of processes you selected. This way you can verify that the selection is correct.

Example Definition for renice Command

To illustrate how you use the process token, the following example of using the process token shows how you could define the renice command in the Process Execution menu for AIX Version 4.

proc.Increase priority.program:  renice -n -$pri -p #
proc.Increase priority.$pri:     %r%n%1%Priority increase
proc.Decrease priority.program:  renice -n $pri -p #
proc.Decrease priority.$pri:     %r%n%1%Priority decrease

Example of Using the Process Token

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