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X11R6 Technical Reference (AIX Version 4.3 Specific)

_XFlushGCCache Extension Function


Forces the cache to be flushed.


AIXwindows Library (libXm.a)

C Syntax

_XFlushGCCache(DisplayPtr, GraphicsContext)
Display *DisplayPtr;
GC GraphicsContext;


Graphics context (GC) caching is performed by the library to allow merging of independent change requests to the same GC into single protocol requests. This is typically called a write-back cache. Any extension routine whose behavior depends on the contents of a GC must flush the GC cache to make sure the server has up-to-date contents in its GC.

The FlushGC macro checks the dirty bits in the library's GC structure and calls the _XFlushGCCache extension subroutine if any elements have changed. The FlushGC macro is defined as follows:

FlushGC(DisplayPtr, GraphicsContext)
Display *DisplayPtr;
GC GraphicsContext;
Note: If you extend the GC to add additional resource ID components, ensure that the library stub sends the change request immediately. This is because a client can free a resource immediately after using it, so if you only store the value in the cache without forcing a protocol request, the resource might be destroyed before being set into the GC. You can use the _XFlushGCCache extension function to force the cache to be flushed.


DisplayPtr Specifies the connection to the X server.
GraphicsContext Specifies the GC.

Related Information

Using Extensions in AIXwindows in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

AIXwindows Overview for Programmers in AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide.

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