Setting Compiler Options - Fortran Flags


Use this pane area to select one or more of the following compiler flag options:

Debugging Generates debugging information used by the xldb and dbx debugger programs. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -g option on the command line.
Compile Debug Lines Specifies that the fixed-form lines with a D in column 1 are compiled. The default action is to treat these lines as comment lines. They are typically used for sections of debugging code that need to be turned on and off. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -D option on the command line.
Generate Listings Produces a compiler listing. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qsource option on the command line.
Check Bounds Checks each reference to an array element, array section, or character substring for correctness. At compile time, if the compiler can determine that a reference goes out of bounds, the severity of the error reported is increased to S (Severe) when this option is specified. At run time, if a reference goes out of bounds, the program generates a SIGTRAP signal. By default, the signal ends the program and produces a core dump.

Choosing this option is the same as entering the -C option on the command line.

This option prevents the optimizations performed by selecting the Perform high order transformation option.

External checking Sets up type-checking information for common blocks, procedure definitions, procedure references, and module data. Later, the linker can detect mismatches across compilation units by using this information. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qextchk option on the command line.
No array overlap Indicates performance of array assignments may improve, since the compilation units do not contain any array assignments between storage-associated arrays. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qalias=noaryovrlp option on the command line.
Static default storage class Specifies that the default storage class for local variables is static. This is the default for the xlf, xlhpf, and f77 commands; -qnosave is the default for the xlf90, xlf95, xlhpf90, xlhpf95, f90, and f95 commands. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qsave option on the command line.
Perform high order transformations Determines whether or not to perform high-order transformations that may improve the performance of loops and memory management. The Optimization field must be set to at least level 2. Selecting Check Bounds turns off the transformations. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qhot option on the command line.
Enable HPF Selecting this option enables XL High Performance compiler features. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qhpf option on the command line.
Enable SMP Selecting this option instructs the compiler to generate object code and executable programs that can take advantage of parallel processing capabilities in multi-processor systems. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qsmp option on the command line.
Enable 64-bit Selecting this option instructs the compiler to generate object code and executable programs for use with 64-bit system architectures. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -q64 option on the command line.


  1. The /etc/xlf.cfg configuration file defines values used by the XL Fortran compiler to compile and link Fortran programs.
  2. The /etc/xlhpf.cfg configuration file defines values used by the XL High Performance Fortran compiler to compile and link Fortran programs.

Setting Compiler Options - Fortran
Setting Compiler Options - Fortran Compilers
Setting Compiler Options - Fortran Levels
Setting Compiler Options - Fortran Include Directories