Student mobility and professional training is a focus for University of Alberta partnerships in the Andean Region. On this particular mission, nine agreements were signed in three countries. We also opened doors to explore new opportunities with five additional institutions in Venezuela and Colombia.
Venezuela: Venezuela is a major recipient of Canadian investment in the oil and gas industry. University of Alberta programs of interest include:Energy and Natural Resources, Technology Transfer, International Business, Engineering, Latin American Studies, Canadian Studies.
2 agreements were signed in Venezuela.
Colombia: Colombia is a major recipient of Canadian investment in the oil and gas and mining industries. University of Alberta programs of interest include: Energy and Natural Resources, Technology Transfer, International Business, Agriculture, Canadian Studies, MBA Semester Abroad, Graduate Studies Abroad, Education
4 agreements were signed in Colombia.
Peru: University of Alberta programs of interest include: Nursing, Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics, Science, Engineering, Business, Study Abroad Programs.
3 agreements were signed in Peru.
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