UofA Latin America Schedule

Latin America 2000 Mission Schedule

Thursday April 6 | Friday April 7 | Saturday April 8 | Sunday April 9 | Monday April 10
Tuesday April 11 | Wednesday April 12 | Thursday April 13 | Friday April 14

Thursday April 6

8.30-10.00 Canadian Embassy
Courtesy Visit to Ambassador
Meeting with General Relations Section:

  • Political Counsellor
  • Commercial Counsellor
  • 2nd Secretary
  • Academic Relations Officer
Courtesy call
10.30-11.30 Meeting with Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Clentificas y Tecnologicas - CONICIT

recruitment of graduate students
12.30-14.00 Lunch with CIED-PDVSA (National Petroleum Training Centre of Venezuela)

National Petroleum Industry

recruitment of graduate students through building on existing linkages between Alberta and Venezuela. -there are over 150 Alberta companies actively exporting to Venezuela according to
Alberta Economic Development
15.00-16.30 Signing of MOU with
Universidad Catolica Andres Bello
agreement is to explore possibilities in History, Latin American Studies, and Canadian Studies
18.30-19.45 Signing of MOU with Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion - IESA agreement is to establish close working relationship between IESA and our Faculty of Business

in these areas:
Energy and Natural Resources

Technology Transfer

International Business

20.30-22.00 Dinner meeting with:

  • Asociacion Venezuelana de Estudios Canadienses or the Venezuelan Association of Canadian Studies (AVEC)
to discuss the promotion of Canadian Studies in Venezuela

Friday April 7        [Top]

8.15-9.30 Meeting at Escuela Campo Alegre
[Private High School]
undergraduate and
ESL student recruitment
10.30-12.30 Meeting at High School Colegio Internacional de Caracas (top International Baccalaureate high school) undergraduate and
ESL student recruitment
13.00-15.00 Lunch with Fundayacuchuo

(official funding agency offering student loans for post-graduate studies outside Venezuela)

Meeting to discuss agreement for graduate student recruitment and distance education
15.30-17.00 Meeting with Universidad Metropolitana

meeting to discuss potential collaboration, student and faculty exchange and graduate student recruitment
19.00-21.00 Reception at Ambassador's Residence reception will allow Dr. Fraser and Dr. Stevenson to meet with U of A Alumni, Venezuelan academics, representatives from universities and institutions involved with the University of Alberta, government officials, AVEC members, Canadian entrepreneurs, embassy officials, and journalists.
announcing agreements with UCAB and IESA

Saturday April 8        [Top]

10.00-20.00 Cultural day in Caracas coordinated by Asociacion Venezuelana de Estudios Canadienses (AVEC) or the Venezuelan Association of Canadian Studies learning about the political, economic and cultural aspects of Venezuela through informal meetings

Sunday April 9        [Top]

17.35-18.15 Fly from Caracas to Bogota  
19.00-22.00 Informal dinner at Ambassador's residence in Canadian Embassy in Bogota discuss mission objectives

Monday April 10        [Top]

10.00-11.00 Visit and signing of MoU at Universidad Externado de Colombia Signing of general MoU with particular interest in Business
and Canadian Studies
12.15-14.30 Lunch with COLFUTURO - Foundation for the Future of Colombia Signing an MoU for a "Study Abroad Program" Discuss agreement to offer scholarships to graduate students
15.00-16.30 Meeting and signing of MoU with Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administracion - Institute for Higher Education in Business Administration - CESA agreement is to establish close working relationship between CESA and our Faculty of Business Faculty of Business

in these areas:
Energy and Natural Resources

Technology Transfer

International Business

17.30-18.30 Presentation for COLFUTURO to potential graduate students Foundation for the Future of Colombia graduate student recruitment
18.30-22.00 Reception at Canadian Ambassador's Residence reception will allow Dr. Fraser and Dr. Stevenson to meet with U of A Alumni, representatives from universities and institutions involved with the University of Alberta, government officials, Canadian entrepreneurs, and embassy officials.

Tuesday April 11        [Top]

8.00-9.30 Breakfast with ICETEX (Public national funding agency for research and student grants) to discuss a possible agreement
10.00-11.30 Visit Colegio Nueva Granada
Meeting with Principal and Counsellor
undergraduate and ESL student recruitment
12.00-14.30 Meeting and signing with Fundación CORONA signing MoU with the University of Alberta's Faculty of Education towards developing a program in Educational Policy and High School Administration talk to media about the potential this agreement offers
News Release
15.30-16.30 Meeting with Universidad del Rosario discuss potential collaboration regarding student exchange, and cooperation with Rehabilitation Medicine and Canadian Studies
17.00-18.00 Meeting with Universidad Javeriana discuss areas of cooperation and potential for an agreement
19.30-22.00 Dinner with representatives of Alberta based companies in Colombia

  • Invited:

  • Canadian Petroleum Company
  • Comcel
  • Enbridge
  • Gaseoducto Centro-Oriente
  • Kappa Energy
  • Kruger Inc.
  • Lupien, Rosenberg and Associates Inc.
  • Manisol S.A.
  • McCain Food Limited
  • Nortel Networks de Colombia
  • Orbit Oil and Gas Ltd.
  • Royal Plastics
  • SEDAV Colombia Ltd.
  • Strategic Vision International
  • Trans Gas de Occidente
  • Trans Canada Pipelines
  • discuss training and scholarship opportunities

    Wednesday April 12        [Top]

    8.00-11.00 Flight from Bogota to Lima  
    13.00-17.00 Meeting with Director of International Relations at Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú informal meeting
    19.30-22.00 Dinner at Ambassador's Residence Hosted by University of Alberta discussing mission objectives

    Thursday April 13        [Top]

    10.00-11.30 Meetings at Canadian Embassy

    discussions surrounding University of Alberta collaborations in Peru, and potential collaborations with CIDA
    12.00-15.00 Meeting Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and host lunch Signing of MoU with Faculty of Nursing
    16.00-17.30 Joint presentation "Study in Canada" with Embassy staff At Universidad Apoyo a Proyecios Brian Stevenson to speak (in Spanish) for 30 minutes to 70 people
    19.00-22.00 Dinner with Consejo de Negocios Peru-Canada

    Friday April 14        [Top]

    8.00-9.00 Breakfast Meeting with CONCYTEC  
    9.30-11.00 Informal presentation to students at Roosevelt School Possible recruitment of undergraduate students or ESL students to University of Alberta
    11.30-12.30 Meeting with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú General MOU Student exchange and study abroad opportunities for Faculty of Business
    13.00-14.30 Lunch at Official Residence

    to discuss scholarships for Peruvian students to University of Alberta, and internships for University of Alberta students in Engineering and Business
    16.00-17.30 Signing Ceremony at Universidad La Molina  
    19.30-22.00 Dinner at Ambassador's Residence  

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