Cognitive Psychology



Cognitive Psychology Websites


Introduction to Cognitive Psychology

What is Cognitive Psychology? — overview of the field, including history, current research, and careers in cognitive psychology

Mind Hacks — tips and tools for using your brain; has a daily blog (RSS feed)

Psychology: The Cognitive Movement — looks at important figures in the Cognitive Revolution

Cognitive Science Society — interdisciplinary professional society for cognitive scientists

Thinking Machine 6 — play chess against a transparent “intelligence”

GoCognitive — interactive demos of cognitive phenomena and video interviews with cognitive psychologists

IBM Research: WatsonPaths Demo — video of this cognitive computing project that enables more natural interaction between physicians, data and electronic medical records


Cognitive Neuroscience

The Phineas Gage Information Page — has lots of details and pictures of this strange, sad case

Phineas Gage -- unravelling the myth — article on Gage from The Psychologist

What Really Happened to Phineas Gage? — video from SciShow Psych

Neuroscience For Kids — great basic information on neuroscience--not just for kids!

Brain: The World Inside Your Head — touring interactive museum exhibit

The Secret Life of the Brain — website for the PBS series explains the brain from birth to late adulthood

Franz Josef Gall — describes the life and work of the man responsible for phrenology

MEG Scanners Are Mega Powerful — article about magneto-encephalography technology from Wired magazine

What is Aphasia? — describes more about this communication disorder

The split brain: A tale of two halves — on the fascinating cases of split-brain syndrome, and the work of Roger Sperry


Neurogenesis/Neuroplasticity/Brain Training

Cognitive Training Data — highlights the scientific perspectives and studies on cognitive training

How The Brain Rewires ItselfTime article on experience-dependent neural plasticity

SharpBrains — info on brain fitness and cognitive health; doesn’t sell anything

Brain Games: Do They Really Work? — online article from Scientific American

6 Ways to Boost BrainpowerScientific American Mind magazine offers ways to fine-tune your brain

Neuroplasticity: Why You Should Care About Your BDNF — explains how you can cognitively benefit from exercise, sleep, good nutrition, and less stress

Brain Games Aim to Make Kids SmarterScientific American Mind article on mental fitness regimens for children (requires UAlberta credentials)

BrainPort Balance Plus — brain-training tool used to treat balance disorders

NovaVision — this vision restoration therapy applies brain plasticity

Cogmed Working Memory Training — computer-based training for attention problems caused by poor working memory

EndeavorRx — doctor-prescribed video game treatment for children with ADHD

Arrowsmith Program and Fast ForWord — apply brain plasticity to help those with learning difficulties

Creyos — sells interactive online tests to exercise your cognitive functioning

BrainHQ — PositScience’s brain fitness program online

Brain Game Center — this research group offers free cognitive and perceptual training apps



What is Gestalt Psychology? — provides a definition, describes principles, shows examples, and more

What is MICR? — Magnetic Ink Character Recognition codes are printed at the bottom of cheques

Perception in Visualization — discusses theories related to visual search

PSYCH 367: Perception websites — many links to perception topics



Dual Task Experiment — online experiment testing your ability to divide your attention between two tasks

The Multitasking GenerationTime magazine article on “Generation M” and multitasking

Multitasking: Switching costs — a Research in Action briefing from the APA

Multitasking Doesn’t Work. So Why Do We Keep Trying? — podcast from Freakonomics on the myth of multitasking

Anne Treisman — online encyclopedia article

YouTube video demos: Dichotic Listening, ok science (requires headphones)

Airport Scanner — play this baggage screening app to test your attention for rare targets (for iOS and Android)

Stroop task — try this interactive experiment

Simons Lab — online videos of inattention phenomena

Pearls Before Breakfast — Can one of the nation’s great musicians cut through the fog of a D.C. rush hour? Let’s find out.

Inattentional Blindness and Change Blindness demos — from the UBC Visual Cognition Lab

Fleeting Memories — more online demos of inattention phenomena (archived)

Short term picture comprehension and memory — has RSVP examples of attentional blink with different stimuli

Change Blindness — from the Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science (with demos)

Movie mistakes — you have to overcome change blindness to notice these



The Human Memory — comprehensive resource, covering types and processes of memory, memory and the brain, and disorders

World Memory Championships — check out memory world records

There Are Better Ways to Study That Will Last You a Lifetime — Daniel Willingham describes the research on studying

Gone But Not Forgotten? — explores the mystery behind infant memories and “infantile amnesia”

The Day His World Stood Still — article on the strange story of H.M.

Project H.M. — The Brain Observatory’s site about H.M., and the atlas of his brain

H.M.’s Brain and the History of Memory — listen to this NPR program on H.M. online

How Memory Works — summary from Harvard University

K.C. (part 1) — YouTube interview with Kent Cochrane, known as K.C. (see also parts 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)

Don’t Forget! — archive of the Scientific American Frontiers episode on memory (has complete episode video online)

Spaced Repetition for Efficient Learning — has a review of the literature, and gives tips on how to use spaced repetition

The Memory Doctor — multi-part series on the work of renowed memory researcher Elizabth Loftus

Memories of Childhood Abuse — the APA answers questions on whether recovered memories are real

Remembering DangerouslySkeptical Inquirer article on “repressed” memories by Elizabeth Loftus

The Misinformation Effect and False Memories — overview of the research on memory, and false memories

False Memory Archive — art project based on people’s false memories

Gary L. Wells — resources on eyewitness testimony from this former UAlberta prof

Eyewitness Memory Is a Lot More Reliable Than You Think — explains important aspects of memory that law enforcement--and the public--needs to know

The Innocence Project/Innocence Canada — these organizations support the exoneration of people who have been convicted of a crime they did not commit

The Innocence Files — Netflix series about The Innocence Project, unravelling missteps and deceit in wrongful convictions, exposing the injustice inflicted on victims and the accused

The Memory Page — includes tips on how to use your memory better

Memento — IMDB entry for the movie about anterograde amnesia

Sleep Boosts Ability To Learn Language — ScienceDaily news item about a paper published in the journal Nature

Copyright Website — many examples of alleged (accidental?) copyright infringement

George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” Copyright Case — listen and compare for yourself

Music Copyright Infringement Resource — list of lawsuits over plagiarism in music, with audio clips; see also Songs Alike

Misinformation resources:

How Susceptible Are You to Misinformation? — take this quick test and find out

Inoculation Science

First Draft News

The Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative

Mental Immunology Project

Vaccine Misinfo Guide

Info Interventions: YouTube playlist about different prebunks

Hit Pause: YouTube’s own effort to combat misinformation

The Missing Human in Misinformation Fixes

Misinformation games:

Bad News

Go Viral!

Harmony Square

Cranky Uncle

Troll Factory

Fake it to Make it


Visual Imagery & Propositions

Kosslyn Laboratory — at Harvard University

Zenon Pylyshyn — at Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science

The most common navigational mistakes we all makeSlate article on errors in mental maps

Eidetic Memory: Is It Real? — describes this amazing ability, and lists some famous people thought to have it

Do you have a photographic memory? — try this interactive test of eidetic memory — has lots of mnemonics, sorted by category

Memory Improvement Techniques — techniques to help your memory, including mnemonics

How to Build a Memory Palace — using the method of loci mnemonic technique


Conceptual Knowledge

Understanding Different Fruit Types — learn surprising facts about the classification of fruits (pay attention to the defining features)

Seeds and Fruits — an online chapter on fruits, seeds, and nuts--it’s mind boggling!

Do Chairs Exist? — exploration of a simple question with a complex set of answers

Puppies Or Food? 12 Pics That Will Make You Question Reality — Puppy or bagel? Sheepdog or mop? Chihuahua or muffin? I don't know anymore!

Interactive Activation Application — downloadable app that demonstrates the interactive activation model (Mac and Windows)

Tensorflow Neural Network Playground — tinker with a neural network right in your browser


Problem Solving

15 Google Interview Questions That Will Make You Feel Stupid — can you solve these? Or these?

Miller Analogies Test — free MAT practice questions

The Microsoft IQ Test — article about “puzzle interviews” from Wired magazine

Internet Anagram Server — use it to create your own anagrams

Tower of Hanoi — try solving this puzzle in the fewest moves (alternate version)

Missionaries and Cannibals — another version of the Hobbits & Orcs problem

Water Jars — interactive version of Luchin’s problem

Realistic Lateral Thinking Puzzles — try some of these insight questions! (And some tricky ones, too.)

50 Lateral Thinking Puzzles — more lateral thinking puzzles

META Lab — Memory, Emotion, Thought, Awareness lab website for Dr Jonathan Schooler; has info on verbal overshadowing

2001: A Space Odysseyofficial and unofficial sites

Planet of the Apes: The Sacred Scrolls — PotA wiki site


Expertise and Creativity

Project Zero — to enhance learning, thinking, and creativity, headed by Howard Gardner

Remote Associates Test — interactive items from the RAT

TriBond® — this board game (and TV show pilot) is like the Remote Associates Test

Wuzzles — word puzzles made of words, letters, figures or symbols positioned to create disguised words, phrases, names, places, sayings etc.

Games World of Puzzles — for creative minds at play

Puzzle Prime — try some brain teasers, including insight, math, lateral thinking, and more

Matchstick Puzzles — many puzzles based on moving matchsticks (matchsticks not included)

Creativity Web — neat stuff on creativity, intelligence, problem solving,...

WagiLabs — What A Great Idea can help kids exercise their creativity

The 6 Myths of Creativity — article on Teresa Amabile’s research, from Fast Company magazine


Reasoning and Decision Making

Choiceology — podcast about improving your reasoning, judgment, and decision making

Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies — helps you identify and call out dodgy logic

Illogic Primer — explains conjunction, disjunction, conditional, and biconditional

Logical Reasoning Sample Questions — the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is based on logical reasoning

Logically Fallacious — the ultimate collection of over 300 logical fallacies

The Web’s Most Illogical Arguments — explains 10 of the most common logical fallacies found on the internet

Decision Research — company helps society understand and cope with complex and risky decisions

Shortcuts — this handy guide explains dozens of cognitive biases and heuristics

You Are Not So Smart — blog about different kinds of cognitive biases

The Wason Selection Task — interactive demos of the Wason task

Cognitive Bias Cheat Sheet — categorization of over 180 cognitive illustions, biases, and heuristics (also see The Cognitive Bias Codex infographic)

Book of Odds — book on the odds of just about everything (also on X, Facebook, and YouTube)

The Paradox of Choice - Why More is Less — GoogleTalkArchive video by Professor Barry Schwartz

Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice — TED video about choice and decision making

Who wants to be a millionaire? — free online version (no actual money or prizes are awarded)

The Latte Factor® — shows how much you can save by cutting out lattes (includes interactive calculator)


Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence — traces the history of influences and development

IQ/Intelligence tests: try these intelligence tests:

Psychology Today



Official IQ Test (not really “official”)

IQ Tests Go to War — try questions from actual army intelligence tests

Mensa Canada Society — think you’re smart? Join Mensa!

Chitling Test — try this interactive version of the Dove Counterbalance General Intelligence Test about Black culture


Artificial Intelligence

How to Think about AI — podcast miniseries from Freakonomics discussing the current state of AI

What is AI? — chapter 1 of the free online course Elements of AI

The AI Wars: lessons from the conflict that paralyzed the field — very readable story of the history of AI

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence — HAI is a comprehensive resource on trends in AI

Turing test — explore this test of AI; annual competition is the The Loebner Prize (or chat online with Kuki)

The Trouble with the Turing Test — in-depth article on the test, plus the Chinese Room argument

Cyc® — the common sense knowledge base

Wikidata — free open-source knowledge base

ConceptNet — this multilingual semantic network can help computers understand what text really means

Read the Web — the Never-Ending Language Learning (NELL) project is teaching computers to read (also on X)

ELIZA — interactive Rogerian “therapist” chatbot

MGonz — transcript of a rude conversation with MGonz (NSFW)

CLAUDE — a shareware clone of RACTER for PCs

Cleverbot — chat with the Cleverbot AI

The Simon Laven Page — great site about chatterbots

Bad Translator — translate a phrase back and forth between languages and see what happens

The First Look at How Google’s Self-Driving Car Handles City Streets — article with videos

The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI — no one really knows how the most advanced algorithms do what they do--that could be a problem

Google Research — describes some machine intelligence projects at Google

Google’s Artificial Brain Learns to Find Cat Videos — Wired report on the abilities of Google Brain

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence — discusses AI calibre, and the coming superintelligent AI

Microsoft Research shows off advances in artificial intelligence with Project Adam — includes videos on this AI’s abilities

Microsoft Challenges Google’s Artificial Brain With ‘Project Adam’ — Wired report on the abilities of Project Adam

Waymo — Google spinoff self-driving technology company

Siri Rising: The Inside Story Of Siri’s Origins — HuffPo article on the history of Apple’s Siri “personal assistant”

The Age of Intelligent Machines — book by Raymond Kurzweil, who foresaw many of the technical developments of 1990s. Then check out...

The Age of Spiritual Machines — how will our ideas of self and spirituality evolve as we merge with technology and extend our lifespans?

The AI Report — discusses the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence

Will IBM’s Watson Usher in a New Era of Cognitive Computing? — Scientific American article


Human Factors Psychology

Your Body Is a PlanetDiscover magazine describes how 90% of the cells within us are not ours, but microbes

How Bacteria in Our Bodies Protect Our HealthScientific American article on the importance of the microbiome (requires UAlberta credentials)

Hunting the Nightmare BacteriaFrontline episode on resistant bacteria

Be Antibiotics Aware and Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance — from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Challenge of Antibiotic Resistance — feature article from Scientific American magazine

Evolution of antibiotic resistance — describes the “evolutionary arms race” between bacteria and antibiotics

Antibiotic Awareness — Antibiotic Awareness Week is intended to help prevent and control the spread of bacteria that develop resistance to medications

Using Antibiotics Wisely — national campaign that helps clinicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary antibiotic use

Do Bugs Need Drugs? — a community project for wise use of antibiotics (see also Bugs&Drugs)

Antimicrobial Stewardship Program — dedicated to slowing the spread of antimicrobial resistance by measuring and promoting the proper use of antimicrobials

National Information Program on Antibiotics — NIPA is a Canadian program to reduce the problem of antibiotic resistance

Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance — CIPARS monitors antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in human, animal and food sources across Canada

Antimicrobial Resistance--A Shared Responsibility — report from the Public Health Agency of Canada

APUA — Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics

Henry the Hand Foundation — don't touch the T-zone!

Why Don’t We Do It In Our Sleeves? — cough safe!

PSYCH 494: Human Factors and Ergonomics websites — many links to human factors and ergonomics topics