Now that we have found the general solution to the Klein-Gordon
equation, we look for a physical interpretation of the wave function.
Following the approach used in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, we
define the position probability density, , and current probability
, which are required to satisfying the continuity
Using the four-vector notation,
, we can write the continuity equation in the more
compact form:
Integrating the position probability density over a volume, , large
enough to contain all the probability, and using the divergence theorem,
we write
where is the surface which bounds the volume
We see that any probability which flows out of the volume
must pass
through the surface
The continuity equation (4.31) implies that probability cannot be
created or destroyed at any point; it can only flow from one point to
Thus probability that satisfies the continuity equation will be locally
We must now show that we can construct a position probability density
and current probability density which satisfies a continuity equation.
Multiplying the Klein-Gordon equation for on the left by
, we write
Similarly, multiplying the Klein-Gordon equation for on the
left by
, we write
Subtracting equation 4.34 from 4.35 gives
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(4.36) |
The resulting conserved four-current,
, can be seen to be
purely imaginary by taking it complex conjugate.
We want to interpret the zero component of the conserved four-current as
the probability density, so we multiply it by .
This normalization makes the current real and have dimensions
The normalization also causes the three-current probability density to
have the same form as in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics.
Applying this normalization, we write
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(4.37) |
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(4.38) |
We define
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(4.39) |
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(4.40) |
such that and
satisfy the continuity equation
The expression for
is identical with the nonrelativistic
form and the expression for
can be shown to reduce to the
nonrelativistic form in the nonrelativistic limit.
We wanted to interpret as a position probability density, but it
is not positive definite.
The ``probability density'' now contains time derivatives since the
Klein-Gordon equation is second order in
This means that
is not constrained to be positive definite
since at a given time both
have arbitrary values.
may be either positive or negative.
To circumvent the problem of a non-positive definite current density, we need a wave equation first-order in the time derivative. The Dirac equation, developed in chapter 5, is first-order in the time derivative but we will find that it still proves impossible to retain a positive definite probability density for a single particle, while at the same time providing a physical interpretation of the negative-energy solution. This means that the Klein-Gordon equation is no worse than the Dirac equation with respect to physically interpreting the probability density for a single particle.
As an example, let us calculate the current four-vector using plane
waves and setting .
We obtain
where can be either positive or negative, depending
on the sign of the energy.
In obtaining equation 4.41, we have used un-normalized plane
Often the exponential of the plane-wave solutions is multiplied by
so that the time component of the current is normalized to
The form of the current density in equation 4.41 is as expected.
To see this, we consider a volume of space in the rest frame
containing charge
![]() |
(4.42) |
Then in the primed frame moving with a velocity
, the
corresponding volume is
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(4.43) |
since the dimension of the volume in the direction of the boast is reduced by Lorentz contraction. The same amount of charge must be contained in this Lorentz contracted volume, so
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(4.44) |
We then find
Also, we expect the spatial current density to be given by
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(4.46) |
Equations 4.45 and 4.47 lead us to interpret
as the current density four-vector, where
is the fundamental
electric charge, i.e.
is the electronic
charge density.
The continuity equation thus becomes a statement of the conservation
of charge, assuming that
has been normalized to be real.
As we will see, for a theory representing reality, the number of
particles many not be conserved and thus the interpretation of
as a current density only applies to a single-particle (single-charge)
Let us return to the continuity equation and the divergence theorem. Integration of the current over the configuration space gives
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(4.48) |
If we now take our volume of integration arbitrarily large, and if
rapidly, then
on the surface.
This is required of a physical current.
is constant in time.
We interpret this constant as the electric charge,
, of the solution
to the Klein-Gordon equation and define it using
where the makes
purely real.