There are many parallels between the stories about Joseph and Megillat Esther. The similarity emerges when one compares both stories from the viewpoints of stylistics and contenet. Many of the expressions and structures can be found in both stories. Even the life stories of Joseph , Esther and Mordecai bear an amazing resemblance. the following table presents a comparison between the story of Joseph and Esther.



Story takes place for most part outside of Eretz Yisrael in Egypt

Story takes place outside of Eretz Yisrael – in Persia

Joseph ascends to a high position in Egyptian government

Esther and Mordecai ascend to high position in Persian government

Joseph, upon reaching this high position, save the Jews from famine  

Esther and Mordecai, upon reaching this High position, save the Jews from being killed

The ruler of Egypt is saved from death, from famine, by Joseph

The ruler of Persia is saved from being murdered by Mordecai

Joseph rises to a high position through a combination of beauty and wisdom

Esther rises to a high position through a combination of beauty and wisdom

In Joseph's life, a good deed he does is forgotten for a long time (interpreting the butler's dream)

Mordecai's good deed of saving the king's life is forgotten for a long time

Through sleep, the dreams of Pharoah, Joseph was remembered and brought to solve them

Thru lack of sleep, Ahashueros learned of the fact that Mordecai saved his life

One of the chief servants of Pharoah, the baker', met death by hanging

The chief servant of the king, Haman, met death by hanging

Joseph revealed himself to his brothers after a feast

Esther revealed herself as a Jew to the king after a feast

TThe language of the collection of the grain in Egypt is similar to the language of the gathering of the women in Persia) (Genesis 41:34-37 40:3)

The language of the gathering of the women is similar to the language of the gathering of the grain in Egypt (Esther 2:3,4 2:12)

The language of the description of the tempting of Joseph is similar to the language of the attempt to influence Mordecai to bow to Haman. ( Genesis 39:10)

The language of the attempt to make Mordecai bow to Haman is similar to the language of the attempt to tempt Joseph (Esther 3:4)

Similar language in the way the Jews stood the test in Persia and in Egypt. (43:14 44:34)

Similar language in the way that Joseph and the Jews stood the test(Esther 4:16 8:6)

Seven verbs similar in how Joseph was elevated to high position in Egypt and Mordecai in Persia.(41:42-43)

Seven verbs similar in the way Mordecai is elevated to high position and the way

Joseph is (Esther 6:9 8:2)