There are four Shabbatot during the year when we read special additional portions in the Torah, two before Purim and two between Purim and Pesach.

Before Purim: Shekalim and Zachor
After Purim: Para and Hachodesh.

Shabbat Shekalim

During the time of the Beit Hamikdash, every Jew was obligated to give a half shekel coin once a year in order to participate in the communal sacrifices. From the first of Nissan, the sacrifices bought from the new monies. Thirty days before, the people were publicly reminded to bring their coin to the treasurers appointed in each settlement and district. The half Shekel coin gave everyone an equal share in the sacrifices. Today, we no longer have the Beit Hamikdash or its sacrifices, but we read the portion of the Shekalim in the Torah (Shmot 30:11-16). This is only a remembrance.

Parashat Shekalim is read on the Shabbat of the week when Rosh Hodesh Adar falls or on Shabbat Rosh Hodesh Adar. In a leap year of two Adar months, it is read before the second one. If Rosh Hodesh Adar falls on Shabbat, three sifrei Torah are taken out; one for the weekly portion, one for reading of Rosh Hodesh and the third for the reading of Parashat Shekalim.

The Haftara is read from Melachim II, Chapter11, which tells about King Yehoash of Judea commanding the Kohanim to consecrate all of the money brought to Beit Hamikdash for repairs and renovations of the Beit Hamikdash. This, indeed, is what was done.


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