Dr. Yongsheng Ma Professor, PhD, P.Eng research team member.
Md Moin Uddin
M.Sc Student, from Sept.2008 onwards (withdrawn)
1-8, Mechanical Engineering Building,
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, T6G 2G8, Canada
Phone : (+1) 780.492.0114 (Office)
(+1) 780.680.5781 (Personal)
Academic Background :
Research & Industrial experience :
Current research areas :
- Feature Based Engineering, Integration of Product Modelling & Analysis, Product Cost Estimation, Lean Manufacturing.
Hobbies and Interests :
- Travelling, Reading, Sports.
About Moin :
- Moin have been continuing his studies and research in the area of industrial engineering and management. Moin's keen interest is to work towards minimizing product development time, improving productivity and making the product development process lean.