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Geophysics 612
January – April 2013
Paleomagnetism and Petromagnetism: Theory and Applications

Instructor: Dr. Vadim A. Kravchinsky

Contacting Me
Office: Room CCIS 3-16 in the Physics Department (CCIS building)
Personal web site:


The sign along the Edmonton – Calgary highway clearly indicates that paleomagnetism plays an important role in the Albertan country life routine.

Suggested Text on Line:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Sites\MySite\Paleomagnetism-web\Bullet7.gif Paleomagnetism: Magnetic Domains to Geologic Terrains by Robert F. Butler. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1998.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D:\Sites\MySite\Paleomagnetism-web\Bullet7.gif Paleomagnetic Principles and Practice by Lisa Tauxe. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2008.

I may add to a file of additional resources as we go through the course. I will put as much as possible at the website.

Course Weights

Assignments (approx. every two-three weeks)


Labs (sampling and measuring samples, processing data; approx. every two weeks)


Midterm paper and talk


Term research paper and talk


The assignments will consist of both essay and mathematical derivations. You may have to go to the scientific literature or websites to do some of this work.
The research project consists of
- Applying (or developing) the data proceeding algorithm
- A paper describing the problem, algorithm, applied technique, conclusions, references. Recommended size of the mid-term and term paper is 15 – 20 pages. Additionally you may attach an appendix if necessary to illustrate any raw or pre-treated data sets, working tables, matlab codes etc. 
- A 15 minute presentation for mid-term and term papers.
- Marking of the midterm and term paper is 70% for the report and 30% for the talk.
- Midterm paper submission is due TBA. Talks are on TBA.
- Term research paper submission is due TBA. Talks are on TBA. Click here to see the Final Term Paper presentation schedule.


1. The Physics of Magnetism

History and Physics of Magnetism

How we describe the earth's magnetic field

2. The Magnetic Field of the Earth

Reference Earth Magnetic Field

Magnetic Field Models

Dipole approximations of the geomagnetic field

Spherical functions and their normalizations

Paleomagnetic pole calculation

3. Magnetic minerals, ferromagnetism, Néel thermoremanent magnetization theory and magnetic remanence.

Classes of Magnetic Materials

Domain Theory

Neel theory (Thermally Activated Magnetization)


4. Geomagnetic field, secular change, polarity reversals, paleointensity.

Geomagnetic field excursions


5. Field and laboratory techniques, Fisherian statistics.

Paleomagnetic sampling in the field and measurement in the lab

Representing of the measurement results

Field Tests for Stability

Rotations and Euler poles

6. Paleomagnetic poles, magnetostratigraphy, paleogeography. Applications to stratigraphy, tectonics, and dating of geological events. Application in the magnetic survey.

Paleomagnetic poles and Apparent Polar Wander Path

Magnetostratigraphy and its applications

Core correlation and re-orientation

Tectonic reconstructions

Paleomagnetic dating of geological events (sediment formation, metamorphism, volcanism)

Application in the magnetic survey

7. Magnetic anisotropy

Magnetic Anisotropy

Applications (paleocurrent direction reconstruction in sedimentary basins, volcanic lava flowing direction, plutonic rock flow fabrics, metamorphic rock fabrics, ore deposits)

8. Environmental magnetism, biomagnetism, magnetoclimatology, and some other applications.