Martyn Unsworth : Recent publications
Review papers
- Unsworth MJ, Magnetotelluric studies of active continent-continent collisions, Surveys in Geophysics, 31, 137-161, 2010. (PDF)
- Unsworth MJ and S Rondenay, Mapping the distribution of fluids in the crust and lithospheric mantle utilizing geophysical methods, in Metasomatism and Metamorphism: The Role of Fluids in Crustal and Upper Mantle Processes,
Springer-Verlag, 2012. (PDF)
Geothermal energy
- Majorowicz JA, MJ Unsworth et al, Geothermal Energy as a Source of Heat for Oil Sands Processing in Northern Alberta, Canada, AAPG studies in Geology, 64, Chapter 27, 2012. (PDF)
- Gray DA, Majorowicz JA, MJ Unsworth, Investigation of the geothermal state sedimentary basins using oil industry thermal data: case study from Northern Alberta exhibiting the need to systematically remove biased data, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 9, 534-548, 2012. (PDF)
- Singer et al, Dynamics of a large, restless, rhyolitic magma
system at Laguna del Maule, southern Andes, Chile GSA Today,4-10 24(12), 2014. (PDF)
- Comeau et al, Magnetotelluric images of magma distribution beneath Volcán Uturuncu, Bolivia: Implications for magma dynamics
Geology,243-246 43, 2015. (PDF)
Tibet and the Himalaya
- Zhao G, Unsworth, MJ et al.,Crustal structure and rheology of the Longmenshan and Wenchuan
Mw = 7.9 earthquake epicentral area from magnetotelluric data, Geology,
3 1139 - 1142, 2012. (PDF)
- Jamieson R, Unsworth MJ et al., Crustal melting and the flow of mountains, Elements, 7 253-260, 2011 (PDF)
- Bai D, Unsworth MJ et al., Crustal deformation of the eastern Tibetan plateau revealed by magnetotelluric imaging, Nature Geoscience,
3 358 - 362, 2010. (PDF)
- Unsworth MJ et al., Crustal rheology of the Himalaya and Southern Tibet inferred from magnetotelluric data, Nature, 438, 78-81, 2005. (PDF)
- Unsworth MJ, W Wei, AG Jones, S Li, PA Bedrosian, JR Booker, S Jin, and M Deng, Crustal and upper mantle structure of
Northern Tibet imaged with magnetotelluric data, J. Geophys. Res., 109, doi:10.1029/2002JB002305, 2004 (PDF)
- Solon K, AG Jones, KD Nelson, MJ Unsworth, W Wei, H Tan, S Jin, M Deng, JR Booker, S Li, PA Bedrosian, 2005.
Structure of the crust in the vicinity of the Banggong-Nujiang suture central Tibet from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B10102, doi: 10.1029/2003JB002405, 2005 (PDF)
- Arora B, MJ Unsworth, G Rawat, Deep resistivity structure of the Northwest Indian Himalaya and its tectonic implications,
Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L04307, doi:10.1029/2006GL029165, 2007 (PDF)
Tectonics of China
- Dong Z, Tang J, MJ Unsworth, Chen X , Electrical resistivity structure of the upper mantle beneath Northeastern China: Implications for rheology and the mechanism of craton
destruction, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,
100 115 - 131, 2015. (PDF)
- Turkoglu E, MJ Unsworth, D Pana, Deep electrical structure of northern Alberta (Canada): implications for diamond exploration, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46, 139-154, 2009 (PDF)
- Nieuwenhuis G, MJ Unsworth, D Pana, J Craven, E Bertrand, Three-dimensional resistivity structure of Southern Alberta, Canada: implications for Precambrian tectonics,
Geophysical Journal International, published online March 2014 (PDF)
- Yin Y G, MJ Unsworth, MV Liddell, D Pana, J Craven, Electrical resistivity structure of the Great Slave Lake shear zone,northwest Canada: implications for tectonic history,
Geophysical Journal International, 199 178-199, 2014 (PDF)
Canadian Cordillera and Cascadia Subduction zone
- Soyer W, and MJ Unsworth, Deep electrical structure of the northern Cascadia subduction zone (British Columbia, Canada): implications for the role of fluids, Geology, 34, 53-56, 2006 (PDF)
- Rippe D, MJ Unsworth and CA Currie, Magnetotelluric constraints on the fluid content of the upper mantle beneath the southern Canadian Cordillera: implications for rheology, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50255, 2013 (PDF)
- Wannamaker PW, RL Evans, PA Bedrosian, MJ Unsworth, V Maris, RS McGary, Segmentation of plate coupling, fate of subduction fluids,
and modes of arc magmatism in Cascadia, inferred from magnetotelluric resistivity,G-cubed, 15, 4230-4253, doi:10.1002/2014GC005509, 2014 (PDF)
- Bertrand EA, MJ Unsworth, CW Chiang, CS Chen, CC Chen, FT Wu, E Turkoglu, HL Hsu, G Hill, Magnetotelluric evidence for thick skinned tectonics in Central Taiwan Geology, 37, 711-714, 2009 (PDF)
- Chiang, CW, MJ Unsworth, CS Chen, CC Chen, A Lin, HL Hsu,Fault zone resistivity structure and monitoring at the Taiwan Chelungpu Drilling Project (TCDP) Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci.,, 19, 473-479, 2009 (PDF)
- Bertrand EA, MJ Unsworth, CW Chiang, CS Chen, CC Chen, FT Wu, E Turkoglu, HL Hsu , G Hill, Magnetotelluric imaging beneath the Taiwan orogen: An arc-continent collision, Journal of Geophysical Research , 117, B01402, doi:10.1029/2011JB008688, 2012 (PDF)
Eastern Anatolia
- Turkoglu E, MJ Unsworth, I Caglar, V Tuncer, U Avsar, Lithospheric structure of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone in Eastern Anatolia :
MT evidence for widespread weakening by fluids? Geology, 36, 619-622, 2008 (PDF)
- Avsar U, Turkoglu E, MJ Unsworth, I Caglar, B Kaypak, Geophysical Images of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Erzincan Basin,
Eastern Turkey, and their Tectonic Implications, Pure and Applied Geophysics , 170, 409-431, 2013 (PDF)
- Turkoglu E, MJ Unsworth, F Bulut, I Caglar, Crustal structure of the North Anatolian and East Anatolian Fault
Systems from magnetotelluric data, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 241, 1-14, 2015 (PDF)
Great Basin
- Wannamaker PE, DP Hasterok, JM Johnston, JA Stodt, DB Hall, TL Sodergren, L Pellerin, V Maris, WM Doerner, and MJ Unsworth,
Lithospheric dismemberment and magmatic processes of the Great Basin–Colorado Plateau transition, Utah, implied from magnetotellurics,
G-cubed,, 9(5),Q05019, 2008 (PDF)
Environmental Geophysics
- Unsworth MJ, X Lu and MD Watts, CSAMT exploration at Sellafield: characterizaton of a potential radioactive waste disposal site,
Geophysics, 65, 1070-1079, 2000 (PDF)
- Unsworth MJ, W Soyer, V Tuncer, A Wagner, D Barnes, Hydrogeological assessment of the Amchitka Island Nuclear test site (Alaska)
with magnetotellurics, Geophysics, 72, B47-B57, 2007 (PDF)
San Andreas Fault
- Bedrosian et al., Geophysical images of the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault, Tectonophysics , 2004 (PDF)
- Unsworth MJ and PA Bedrosian, Electrical resistivity structure at the SAFOD site, Geophysical Research Letters , 31,
L12S05 doi:10.1029/2003GL019405, 2004 (PDF)
Uranium exploration in the Athabasca Basin
- Tuncer V, MJ Unsworth, W Siripunvaraporn, JA Craven, Exploration for unconformity-type uranium deposits with audio-magnetotelluric data:
A case study from the McArthur River Mine, Saskatchewan (Canada), Geophysics, 71, B201-B209, 2006, (PDF)
Hydrocarbon exploration in the Rocky Mountain Foothills
- Unsworth MJ, New Developments in conventional hydrocarbon exploration with EM methods, CSEG recorder, 2005 (PDF)
- Xiao W, and MJ Unsworth, Structural imaging in the Rocky Mountain Foothills (Alberta) using magnetotelluric exploration,
AAPG Bulletin , 90, 321-333, 2006 (PDF)
Chicxulub Impact Crater, Mexico
- Unsworth et al., Crustal structure of the Chicxulub Impact Crater imaged with magnetotelluric exploration, GRL, 2002 (PDF)
- Campos et al., Shallow crustal structure of Chicxulub impact crater imaged with seismic, gravity and MT data : inferences about the central uplift, GJI, 2004 (PDF) .
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