EAS105 : The Dynamic Earth through time
Instructor : Martyn Unsworth (CCIS 3-102)
Class announcements
Final exam. Please check the 2015 exam schedule
Office Hours : Tuesday and Wednesday, 1-3 pm, CCIS 3-102 - or e-mail me for an appointment
Highly recommended textbook : The Changing Earth, Monroe and Wickander, Seventh Edition, 2014.
Recommended reading
- The origin of continents and oceans, Alfred Wegener, Dover, 1966.
- Wonderful Life : The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History, S.J. Gould, Norton, 1989
- T-rex and the crater of doom, Walter Alvarez, Penguin, 1997.
- The Deep Hot Biosphere : The myth of Fossil Fuels Thomas Gold, Copernicus Books, 1999.
- The Greenpeace to Amchitka : An Environmental Odyssey, Robert Hunter, 2004.
- On Methuselah's Trail : Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions, Peter Ward, W.H. Freeman, 1992.
All the above books can be borrowed from the instructor.
Last updated January 2015